Saturday, June 30, 2007

Think Victory! Pressed Out or Pressed Into?


"And we know that in ALL things GOD works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes." Romans 8:28

This has been a week of intense "stuff," not just for me but for my staff. Several of our staff families have been going through some very difficult times. I know of several men in ministry right now that have been going through "stuff" where they serve and it is difficult. And my guess is that some of you may be there ... Well may these words comfort and encourage you this morning:

"Let me ask you a question: Are you pressed beyond measure? Are you pressed above strength? Have you come to the place in your life where you say, 'It's all right for other people, but somehow it won't work in my case ... What's the use of me talking about a holy life? ... What's the use of me talking about full surrender? ... What's the use of me talking about the dedicated life of a the ministry of Jesus Christ? I am in a particular situation for which there is no way out; there's no way back; there's no way through. I can't find the answer!"

The answer is to trust God JUST WHERE YOU ARE:
Pressed out of measure and pressed to all length;
Pressed so intensely it seems beyond strength;
Pressed in body, pressed in the soul,
Pressed in the mind till the dark surges roll;
Pressed by foe and pressure from friend,
Pressure on pressure till life nearly ends.

Is that it?
Then listen. If you are pressed out ... you are PRESSED IN!

Pressed into knowing no helper but God,
Pressed into loving the staff and the rod,
Pressed into faith for IMPOSSIBLE things,
Pressed into living a life in the Lord,
Pressed into living a Christ-life outpoured.

So where are you this morning? Pressed out or Pressed in? More on this tomorrow.

Great quote: "The promises of God are the powerhouse of blessing, the eternal tools of God whereby victories are won and character is carved out of the bedrock of human experience. And remember, every promise is available. Nothing is withheld, because the Lord Jesus Christ is God's "YES" to every question arising from the promise of His Word." John Hunter

Friday, June 29, 2007


" 'Yet even now,' declares the Lord, 'Return to Me with ALL your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning'" (Joel 2:12)

Years ago I read a powerful little book MY HEART, CHRIST'S HOME that had significant impact on my life. The message of the book is this - we need to invite the Lord Jesus into every nook and cranny of our lives. Our heart is like a house - filled with rooms. We will invite him into the living room, dining room, and the kitchen - but He wants access to the closets, the hidden spots in the house.

I read this devotional this morning and I thought it was worth your consideration this morning:
"God's desire for His children is that they be wholly set apart for Him. God must not be confined to Sundays, quiet times, or deeper life conferences. He is the God of the every day, the kitchen as well as the sanctuary, the golf course as well as the altar. Similarly in my life there can be NO PRIVATE CLOSETS to which the Lord has no access. If I make a separation between my God and my business, I am making a sorry mistake.

I must not repeat Saul's mistake of keeping a part of God's property for myself (See 1 Samuel 15:9). The sanctification must be whole, complete, even down to the 'pots and pans' of the kitchen. I cannot say, 'Lord, save my soul, but leave my mind and heart alone.' I cannot offer Him my spirit but retain the full right to use my body as I wish. I cannot seat Jesus in the parlor of my life but shut Him out of my study, my family room, or my bedroom.

Paul prayed for the Thessalonian believers: 'May your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete' (1 Thessalonians 5:23). That is all of us, complete and entire! F. B. Meyer kept the key to one closet of His life that was off limits to God. Not until he surrendered the key did he have peace, and not until the closet was cleansed did he have power.

God wants to become very personal with you and me. He wants to socialize with me, 'eating and drinking' with me, as Jesus did with the people. He wants to make every area of my life 'awesome,' as He made Bethel for Jacob (Genesis 28:17). He wants to be the Master of my thoughts as well as my emotions, instincts, and even my subconscious. When HE becomes all that, my life will become radiant with His abounding presence." From DAILY WITH THE KING (Moody Press)

So what about you today? Have you given HIM every part of your heart-home? Or are you holding on to a closet? Drawer? Corner of the garage? Why not give Him COMPLETE access. It is worth it! Think about it!

Great quote: If you...come to Christ, he will appear as a Lion, in his glorious power and dominion, to defend you. All those excellencies of his, in which he appears as a lion, shall be yours, and shall be employed for you in your defense, for your safety, and to promote your glory; he will be as a lion to fight against your enemies. He that touches you, or offends you, will provoke his wrath, as he that stirs up a lion. Unless your enemies can conquer this Lion, they shall not be able to destroy or hurt you. Unless they are stronger than he, they shall not be able to hinder your happiness. Jonathan Edwards

Thursday, June 28, 2007


"Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, FIX YOUR THOUGHTS ON JESUS, the apostle and high priest whom we confess." Hebrews 3:1

I want to first of all tell you how grateful I am that you are on this journey with me in desiring to be a FREEDOM FIGHTER. I realize everyday how important it is for us to walk in the victory that has been made possible for us through Jesus Christ. Every day I also am aware that there is one who desires to take us out. That is why it is important for us to be encouraging each other to THINK VICTORY!

Here is a powerful word on INTEGRITY. A message that we need to hear often ...

"Integrity is an inner quality that affects our OUTER deeds. It brings together all that a man is, from the INSIDE out. In the compartmentalized, fragmented, and superficial culture, where men have learned to hide their feelings, carry incredible burdens, and stand alone in the face of a hostile world, integrity has taken a back seat.

In nearly every business in this land, including the institutionalized church, power is often more highly prized that integrity. On the outside we are building our walls, boundaries, and kingdoms, but on the inside we are running as fast as we can just to keep up.

Our sons, however, deserve better than to be handed a legacy of deceit, fear, compromise, and isolation. They must be taught that weakness is not failure and that even failure is a gift in the journey of life. To need relationships, to cry out for help, to weep at pain and sorrow, to share honestly with others the condition of a wounded heart is not to be any less of a man. These are the marks of a man of integrity, a man who recognizes that failure and loneliness and need and fear are the building blocks of faith.

A man of integrity is man enough to admit that he doesn't have all the answers. A man of integrity makes a promise intending to keep his word, even if it costs him dearly. A man of integrity admits failure and asks forgiveness when even his best intentions cannot or are not fulfilled; he picks himself right up in the light of grace and forges ahead, learning from his defeats.

A man of integrity is committed to the law of loving his neighbor as himself, WHOEVER that neighbor happens to be. Most of all, a man of integrity loves Jesus Christ with passion, trusts Jesus Christ with fervor, and follows Jesus Christ with focused dedication.

Call your son to integrity. Invite him into the turbulent waters of faith as he grows up. Allow him to see you struggle with compromise and failure and arrogance and fear. Grant him permission to care for you when you are in need, without burdening him beyond what he can bear. Give him the gift of a father who is authentic, a dad more concerned with truth that personal acclaim. Pass on to your son the torch of faith in Jesus Christ, the 'high priest whom we confess.'" (Hebrews 3:1) - Steve Lee and Chap Clark - Boys to Men

That was a powerful word for me today and I hope it will be another building block in your life and mine as we THINK VICTORY! Thanks for being my friend.

Great quote: O how near are we to each other when we are all united in God! How well do we converse when we have but a single will and a single thought in Him who is all things in us! Would you find your true friends, then? Seek them only in Him who is the single source of true and eternal friendship. Would you speak with or hear from them? Sink in silence into the bosom of Him who is the word, the life, and the soul of all those who speak and live the truth. You will find in Him not only every want supplied, but everything perfect, which you find so imperfect in the creatures in whom you confide. Francois Fenelon

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


"Summon your power, O God; show us YOUR strength." Psalm 68:28

Did you ever find yourself so overwhelmed with life that you want to just crawl back into bed and pull up the covers? I am still trying to learn the lesson that I can't do ANYTHING in my own strength - but with His strength - wow! This is what I read about HIS strength this morning from STREAMS IN THE DESERT (Zondervan):

"The Lord imparts to me the underlying strength of character that gives me the necessary energy and decision-making ability to live my life. He strengthens me 'with power through his Spirit in my inner being.' (Ephesians 3:16) And the strength He gives is continuous, for HE is a source of power I cannot exhaust.

1. "Your strength will equal your days" (Deut. 33:25) - my strength of will, affection, judgment, ideals, and achievements will last a lifetime.

2. " The LORD is MY strength" (Exodus 15:2) to GO ON. He gives me the power to walk the long, straight, and level path, even when the monotonous way has no turns or curves offering pleasant surprises and when my spirit is depressed with the terrible drudgery.

3. "The Lord is my strength" to GO UP. He is my power to climb the straight and narrow path up the Hill of Difficulty, as Christian did in Pilgrim's Progress, and not be afraid.

4. "The Lord is my strength" to GO DOWN. It is often once I leave the invigorating heights, where the wind and the sunlight have surrounded me, and begin to descend to the more confining, humid, and stifling heat of the valley below that my heart grows faint. In fact, I recently heard someone say, referring to his own increasing physical frailty, 'It is coming down that tires me most!'

5. "The Lord is my strength" to SIT STILL. And what a difficult accomplishment this is! I often say to others during those times when I am compelled to be still, "If only I could do something!" I feel like the parent by his sick child but is powerless to heal. What a severe test! Yet to do NOTHING except to sit still and wait requires tremendous strength. The LORD is my strength! Our competence comes from God. - 2 Corinthians 3:5

So what about you, today? Whatever it is you are facing, my friend - HE IS YOUR STRENGTH - whether it is to GO ON, GO UP, GO DOWN or to SIT STILL - Be encouraged - HE IS YOUR STRENGTH. You will be like Nehemiah that can say even in the midst of the struggles of life - "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH!"

Great Quote: A man broken by God, is an obedient man. Further, he is a vulnerable man, vulnerable to feeling the hurts, pains and grief's of the people he must serve. God breaks a person, not to let goodness OUT, but to let goodness IN. Something enters him that flavors his whole being, tenderizes his heart, and makes him able to empathize with others." - Glynn Evans

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


"And let us consider one another to provoke to love and good works."
Hebrews 10:24

I believe in the local church. God has ordained it and there is no getting around it friend - we need to be a part of a local church. One radio preacher has said that the church is dead and no longer at work there. I can't figure out how an intelligent man can say that, but know this - no church is perfect. And if you found one, you just ruined it!

The church isn't about a building, pews, chairs, pianos, organs or drums. It's about people. It's a place for people to grow in their relationship with God and each other. As members of the body of Christ we are to be a part of each other's lives. In fact, the writer of Hebrews says that we are to "PROVOKE" each other, not in a bad way, but in a positive way.

Two words in this verse for your consideration this morning. 1) "Consider" - I learned this morning that this word means "to thoroughly think something through or to ponder something from the top all the way to the bottom. It is mulling over something over; carefully contemplating a matter; pondering and carefully looking at a particular issue; examining and fully studying a subject.

One commentator says that "this word pictures someone who is so concerned about someone else that he has taken the time to really consider that other person. He has observed that person's ups and downs and his highs and lows. He has studied to find out what helps that person feel encouraged and what events tend to pull him down. Because he has determined to really know and understand that other person, he invests a great deal of time and concentration into studying and getting to know that other person. This kind of knowledge doesn't come by accident, but by determined pursuit! The writer of Hebrews uses this word to convey a picture of a loving community where people are concerned about each other's welfare. In fact, they are constantly observing and contemplating each other to know how to encourage and provoke each other to love and to good works."

The second word is "provoke" - not in a bad way, but in a positive way for the purpose of prodding and impelling a person to do something. How do we accomplish that? One writer says "you sharpen a brother, prod him, impel him, and inspire him to keep on fighting the good fight of faith ... We are to get involved in the local church, not just for our own benefit, but to be benefit to others as well. We need people who will love us, observe us, and support us when we are struggling or standing on a word from God. But at the same time, others need that assistance too ... The local church should be a place of victory where faith is built up, the soul is encouraged, and wisdom and strength are imparted. It's a community where faith lives and triumphs through a family of believers' love and concern for each other." -Rick Renner - Sparkling Gems from the Greek

My question to you is this ... have you considered how you can make that kind of a difference in someone's life today? Don't get wrapped up in the culture of "it's all about me!" Find another brother in your community of believers and do what Hebrews suggests: "And constantly be observing one another; seriously contemplating, studying, and examining each other, until you know exactly how to incite and stimulate each other to love and to good works!"

Great quote: "If only one believer with total faith rises up, the history of the world will be changed. Will YOU be that one to rise up, submitting yourself to the sovereignty and guidance of God our Father?" A. E. Mc Adam

Monday, June 25, 2007

THINK VICTORY! Bringing Correction Into Someone's Life


"And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient. That means you must put up with those who don't act thrilled when you sit down to correct or instruct them. You have to be patient and tolerantly bear with them and their reactions until they finally hear what you are trying to express to them." 2 Timothy 2:24

Yesterday I shared the phrase: "Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness ..." in the context that the enemy will also go after us at our greatest strength point, not just in our areas of weakness. If you missed yesterday's Freedom Fighter, you can visit either or go directly to the Freedom Fighter corner of our website:

Today I have to do some that I am not very comfortable with - CONFRONTATION. One of my greatest strengths is that I am a people person! But one of my weaknesses is that when it comes to having to do the tough stuff - man, I am a chicken with a capital "C!" I know this is a part of my role, but it sure ain't easy!

Today's reading from SPARKLING GEMS FROM THE GREEK was a timely word from God to my heart ...

"Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are trying to help someone who isn't listening or paying attention to what you are trying to tell him? Should that happen to you in the future, don't allow yourself to get so angry that you lose your temper and say something you will regret later!

It's frustrating to help someone who stubbornly sits across the table, peers at you in total defiance, and reacts to your counsel as I you don't have an idea what you are talking about. But from time to time, everyone faces situations like this. Perhaps it happens when a parent tries to speak to his rebellious child; when an employer tries to bring correction to an employee; when a pastor speaks the truth that a church member doesn't want to hear; or when someone tries to lovingly communicate his concern to a friend who he believes is making a mistake in his life.

As you begin the process of bringing correction into a person's life, PUT YOURSELF IN HIS SHOES. If you were the one sitting there, would it be easy or difficult for you to hear what is about to be said? Would you feel wonderful about receiving correction, or would you feel a little embarrassed?

If the person you are correcting acts closed or puts up a wall of defense first, it may be that he's just embarrassed or reacting out of insecurity. Therefore, don't stop the conversation unless you can see that he's definitely just being combative and is completely closed to your input. In order to discern the true situation, you need to be patient and slow in judging his reaction to your correction.

When Paul wrote and instructed Timothy how to bring correction into someone's life, he stressed the need to be 'PATIENT' when giving correction. In 2 Timothy 2:24, he wrote, 'And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be GENTLE to all men, apt to teach, patient!' The Greek word for "patient" is aneksiskaso. This is a compound of the words anechomai and kakos. The word anechomai means to endure patiently, to bear with, or to have a tolerant attitude toward someone or something.

When these two words are compounded as they are in this verse, it portrays an attitude that is tolerant and that bears with a bad, depraved, or an evil response. Paul was telling us that when we attempt to bring correction into a person's life, and his response is wrong or even terrible, we are not to get all flared up about it! Getting upset won't make the situation any better. Instead we are to grab hold of the power of God, look that person in the eyes, and bear with him until he calms down and hears what we are saying. In other words, sometimes we just have to put up with a person's reaction, whether it is good or bad.

Paul tells us in Galatians 6:1: "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of MEEKNESS; considering yourself, lest you also be tempted!" When I am about to give correction, it has always been helpful for me to remember how difficult it might be to sit on the other side of the table and hear a superior correcting ME. So before I correct someone, I first consider how I would want to be told if I had done something wrong, just as Paul suggested ... 'considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.'

Before you charge into a room to correct someone, first take time to pray and really THINK about the best, the most PEACEFUL, and the most POSITIVE way to speak those words of correction of even words of rebuke. Do it in the right spirit, and don't permit yourself to get upset if you see a response that isn't exactly what you had hoped for. Just hold tight, be calm, and BEAR WITH the person you're talking to a little while as he adjusts to the idea of being corrected. If he ultimately refuses your correction and remains defiant, you may have to take a different route. But at least in the beginning, be patient with that person if he doesn't respond the way you hoped.

Why not ask the Holy Spirit today to help you become more temperate when people under your authority don't respond exactly as you had wished? Be patient and believe that they will eventually come around."

I hope that word is helpful to someone this morning. I know I needed it today for several situations that I need to deal with. I am thankful for the timing of God's messages to my ears!

Great quote: "It is a mystery how a saint, with the precious ointment of Christ poured upon His heart, could still have such a strong scent from the world. It would seem that the sweet perfume that comes from those beds of spices - God's promises - would spoil the Christian's desire for hunting earthly game. The breath from Christ in them should so fill the saint's senses that gross earthly enjoyments would no longer be pleasing to him." -- William Gurnall

Sunday, June 24, 2007



One of the principles of equipping people that I that I have learned during my twenty plus years of ministry is this: our greatest strengths can be our greatest weaknesses. I have found that principle to be true and one that is helpful to people that I work with.

The same is true in our spiritual lives. Today's reading from DAILY WITH THE KING (Moody Press) sheds light on this principle:

"It is true that Satan attacks at our weakest point. But it is even MORE true that he attacks us at our strongest point. How did he cause Peter to fall? By striking him where the disciple thought he was strong - his ability to command leadership, to do the heroic, to be a 'star.' 'I will lay down my life for You' (John 13:37). But as with Samson, his strength was his weakness, and Satan knew it. Peter not only had DEPTHS of which he was unaware, there were also HEIGHTS; and it was on the heights that Satan caught him.

Have you not felt the same thing? In the place where you felt strong and bulwarked, Satan tripped you up? Where you felt secure, he stripped you naked. I think of Job. Satan trapped him in his INTEGRITY, his strongest spiritual asset. Perhaps Job thought too highly of his integrity, perhaps it became his pride; and where pride entered, we develop a blind spot.

I think of Jesus. It was in His very SONSHIP that Satan tried to dislodge Him. 'If [since] You are the Son of God, command that these stones ...' (Matthew 4:3) Satan knew Jesus was God's Son; acting on that knowledge, he tried to shrewdly twist Jesus' strongest element into something devious. He attacked the strongest part of the citadel.

I must not think of Satan as only a wily serpent who sneaks around nibbling at my exposed parts. I must see him as a frontal foe who hammers hard at my very strengths. That means I must be careful to let my strengths simply be my strengths, but never my BOASTS! I am assured that because CHRIST is in me, I can be just as frontal with Satan as he is with me: 'Resist the devil and he will flee from you' (James 4:7). Then my strengths can remain my strengths through the Victorious One!"

Good food for thought as we begin another week that starts with this Lord's Day!

Great quote: God shows us His love for mankind not only when we do good, but also when we offend and displease Him. How patiently he endures our transgressions; and when He chastises, how mercifully He chastises!
Seraphim of Sarov



It's not a popular topic in church any more. We dance (oops!) around it -- try to sugar coat it, and even try to re-package it. But the Bible is pretty clear that God's position on sin has been consistent - He hates it! It is the reason that He sent His Son Jesus to die to take it away once and for all so that we could have a right relationship with Him.

We need to remind ourselves of its pull and tug in our lives. You've heard me say it before but it does bear repeating:

1. Sin will always take your further than you want to go.

2. Sin will cost you more than you are willing to pay.

3. Sin will keep you longer than you want to stay.

Chambers nails it - "At the beginning of our lives we do not bring ourselves to the point of dealing with the reality of sin. We look at life through the eyes of reason and say that if a person will control his instincts, and educate himself, he can produce a life that will slowly evolve into the life of God. But as we continue on through life, we find the presence of something which we have not yet taken into account, namely, sin - and it upsets all of our thinking and our plans.
Sin has made the foundation of our thinking unpredictable, uncontrollable, and irrational.

We have to recognize that sin is a fact of life, not just a shortcoming. Sin is blatant mutiny against God, and either sin or God must die in my life. The New Testament brings us right down to this one issue - if sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed; if God rules in me, sin in me will be killed. The culmination of sin was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and what was true in the history of God on earth will be also true in your history and in mine - that it, sin will kill the life of God in us."

Get God's perspective on the power and grip of sin. Why not read Romans 6-8 sometime this weekend. He died for it. He gives you the power to defeat it! Check it out.

Great quote: In the final analysis our greatest problem with holiness is not that our concepts of holiness are feeble, but that our hearts are rebellious. We are selfish, that's our problem. And the fact that we often won't admit our selfishness shows how deep the pride goes. Floyd McClung

Friday, June 22, 2007



"With what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." (Matthew 7:2)

Earlier in the week I shared some insight on the topic of judging others from Oswald Chambers. In today's reading from MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST he shares some additional thoughts that are worth our consideration this morning:

"Whatever judgment you give will be the very way you are judged. There is a difference between RETALIATION and RETRIBUTION. Jesus said that the basis of life is retribution - "with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." If you have been shrewd in finding out the short-comings of others, remember that will be exactly how you will be measured. The way you pay is the way life will pay you back. This eternal law works from God's throne down to us (see Psalm 18:25-26).

Romans 2:1 applies it in even a more definite way by saying that the one who criticizes another is guilty of the very same thing. God looks not only at the act itself, but also at the possibility of committing it, which He sees by looking at our hearts. To begin with, we do not believe the statement that says we criticize in others the very same things we are guilty of ourselves?

The reason we see hypocrisy, deceit, and a lack of genuineness in others is that they are all in our own hearts. The greatest characteristic of a saint is HUMILITY, as evidenced by being able to say honestly and humbly, "Yes, all those, as well as other evils, would have been exhibited in me if it were not for the grace of God. Therefore I have no right to judge."

Jesus said, "Judge not, that you be not judged" (Matthew 7:1) He went on to say, in effect, "If you do judge, you will be judged in exactly the same way." Who of us would dare to stand before God and say, "My God, judge me as I have judged others"? We have judged others as sinners - if God should judge us in the same way, we would be condemned to hell. Yet God judges us on the basis of the miraculous atonement by the Cross of Christ."

Something to think about this morning. I know that I have struggled in this area. Maybe you have too. Hope it provides some additional insight. Thanks for being on the journey with me.

Great Quote: When you face the perils of weariness, carelessness, and confusion, don't pray for an easier life. Pray instead to be a stronger man or woman of God. Luis Palua

Thursday, June 21, 2007



"The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." 2 Chronicles 16:9

We recently spent several days at Ocean City and did the usual - B & B - beach and boardwalk. I love the shore and all that goes with it - the sound of the ocean, the smells of the boardwalk, watching the parade of people.

For years we enjoyed just sitting on the boardwalk and watching the people walk by. But the parade has changed. Maybe I am more sensitive to what I see in the parade because of the type of ministry I am in. Maybe it is the conviction of the Holy Spirit that is creating in me more of a sensitivity to the parade. And maybe it is the recognition that God is watching the parade with me.

Remember when you were young and you went to the circus? Remember the parade of all the cast members? You saw the clowns, the acrobats and the other cast members. Maybe you've been to a Disney parade or a parade in your town. The participants spent a lot of time finding just the right costumes and it was a wholesome for the entire family.

Maybe that is the reason the parade has changed so today at the shore. There seems to be less and less costumes on the participants. Ocean City has been known for many years as a "Christian" town - unlike some of the other shore locations. Families of all ages were able to enjoy the "wholesome" atmosphere. The boardwalk is still "gambling" free - none of this crazy games. But on this trip, it was obvious that the impact of culture on how men and women dress is a danger zone for most men, and if they are honest, even women.

What was difficult on this trip was the number of men and women walking the boards with very little clothing, particularly during the day. For those of us that struggle with our eyes and thought lives, it is a very dangerous place to be. The concept of bouncing your eyes is much needed - but this was ridiculous. Where do you bounce your eyes to because it was in every direction? One could easily get a migraine headache from your eyes darting to and fro trying to find a safe marker to fix your eyes upon. Basically there are two choices - look down at the ground or look up at the sky!

And maybe it is more complicated because you know that God is watching what you are looking at and so is your spouse. We went to the beach just one afternoon and it was very difficult. Three young ladies walked down in front of us clad in barely anything on and proceeded to undress right in front of Jan, Zach and me. They were bending over snapping their tops and bottoms. How easy it would be very easy to stumble with your eyes, which as King David discovered, was deadly.

Guys - the enemy is going to try every way to capture and arrest your attention. We need to guard our eyes with a vengeance. We need to be sure that we are teaching our wives and kids how to dress properly so that they are not causing others to stumble. I thought about the fact that some guy could be watching one of my girls or wife walking down the boardwalk or laying on the beach. Suppose she is wearing a revealing swimsuit. How would I feel knowing that guys are lusting after her body? Undressing her with their eyes? How does that make you feel? Most of us wouldn't be very happy.

Some of us want to protect our kids, especially our teens from making bad choices morally. But think about the culture they live in. Less is better. More attractive, more revealing. More skin showing is better. It's everywhere - from billboards to TV. I have noticed more and more in getting around to churches that even our Christian teens are dressing more and more provocatively. Here's a thought that you can ponder. When Jesus talked about adultery he broadened the definition by adding the caveat that even if a man LOOKS on a woman with lustful thoughts, he has committed adultery.

Fox News did a brief commentary this week posing the question if a person dreams about having sex outside of his or her partner, can that be considered rape? Jesus knew that the EYE GATE is a powerful vehicle for the mind! A remember - He was addressing a culture where women were dressed up to the eyeball! Imagine what He would say to us if He literally, physically stepped into our culture.

Bottom line - we need to be extremely careful with our eyes. Maybe it begins with bouncing the eyes. Maybe it begins with sharing with your wife how difficult it is for you to be in a spot where there is so much skin available to the eye-gate.

Something to think about.

Great Quote: How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? Anonymous

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

THINK VICTORY! Beware of Criticizing Others


"Judge not, that you be not judged." Matthew 7:11

It's a principle that I learned a long time ago - "Whenever you point your accusatory finger at someone else, there are at least three pointing back at you!" It has proven itself true over and over again in my own life. When I judge someone else, it most always shows that I am struggling with the same issues in my own life.

Chambers devotional from June 17th hits the nail right on the head and is worth your consideration today:

"Jesus' instructions with regard to judging others is very simply put; He says, "DON'T." The average Christian is the most piercingly critical individual known. Criticism is one of the ordinary activities of people, but in the spiritual realm nothing is accomplished by it. The EFFECT of criticism is the dividing up of the strengths of the one being criticized. The Holy Spirit is the only one in the proper position to criticize, and He alone is able to show what is wrong without hurting and wounding.

It is impossible to enter into fellowship with God when you are in a critical mood. Criticism serves to make your harsh, vindictive, and cruel, and leaves you with the soothing and flattering idea that you are somehow superior to others. Jesus says that HIS disciples should cultivate a temperament that is never critical. This will not happen quickly but must be developed over a span of time. You must constantly be aware of anything that causes you to think of yourself as a superior person.

There is no escaping the penetrating search of my life by Jesus. If I see the little speck in your eye, it means that I have a plank of timber in my own (see Matthew 7:3-5). Every wrong that I see in YOU, God finds in me. Every time I judge, I condemn myself (see Romans 2:17-24).

Stop having a measuring stick for other people. There is always at least one more fact, which we see nothing about, in every person's situation. The first thing God does is to give us a thorough spiritual cleaning. After that, there is no possibility of pride remaining in us. I have never met a person I could despair of, or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies in me apart from the grace of God." From MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST

Ouch! But a great reminder about judging and condemning others. Think about it!

Great quote: "As a saved soul, the real business of your life is intercessory prayer. Whatever circumstances God may place you in, always pray immediately that His atonement may be recognized and as fully understood in the lives of others as it has been in yours. Pray for your friends NOW, and pray for those with whom you come in contact with NOW."
- Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, June 19, 2007



Jan, Zach and me have had three wonderful days at Ocean City with some very dear friends. It has been a very refreshing time and I have even finished two books!

I came across this very helpful little outline on spending time with God and thought it would be helpful to you.


Give five minutes to each of the following twelve activities:

1. Praise the Lord for who HE is (Hebrews 13:15)

2. Read the Word (Psalm 119:105).

3. Meditate on what you have just read (Joshua 1:8).

4. Confess your sins and shortcomings (1 John 1:9).

5. Intercede for others (1 Samuel 12:18).

6. Listen for God's voice (Psalm 46:10).

7. Pray using the language of the Word (Psalm 22:1)

8. Petition God for your own needs (James 4:2).

9. Pray for your Pastor (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13).

10. Pray for your church (Ephesians 5:25).

11. Pray for your public and corporate leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-8).

12. Give thanks. (Psalm 136)

from Bible-Based Prayer Ministries - Forth Worth, Texas

When was the last time you spent some significant time alone with HIM?
Today is a good day to start.

Great quote: "The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work and from prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray!" - Samuel Chadwick

Monday, June 18, 2007



"Lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed." (Hebrews 12:12-13)

This week is a significant week for us as a ministry as we will be meeting Thursday with an individual to talk about the residential women's ministry and a property that he owns that could thrust us forward in an amazing way. There have been a number of us praying quite earnestly that God will swing open the door to move us forward.

The need is great. Just in the last three weeks we have been notified of three women who have committed suicide because of their addictions.

I love that GOD knows what we are going through and again this morning these words from Streams in the Desert, oh so timely:

"This verse (see above) is God's Word of encouragement to us to lift the hands of faith and to fortify the knees of prayer. All too often our faith becomes tired, weak, and listless, and our prayers lose their power and effectiveness.

The Lord's illustration here is quite compelling. He is pointing out to us that when we become so discouraged and fearful that even one little obstacle depresses and frightens us, we are tempted to walk around it. We would rather take the easy way than face it. Perhaps there is some physical ailment that God is ready to heal, but it requires exertion on our part. The temptation is to find help from someone else or to walk around the obstacle some other way.

We tend to find many ways of walking around emergencies instead of walking STRAIGHT THROUGH them. So often we are faced with something that frightens or overwhelms us and seek to evade the problem with the excuse: "I am not quite ready for that now." It may require some sacrifice, or demand our obedience in some area. Perhaps there is some Jericho we are facing, or we are lacking the courage to help someone else and to pray through this concern with him. Perhaps we have a prayer that awaits completion, or a physical problem that is partially healed and we continue to walk around it.

God says, "LIFT UP THE HANDS THAT HANG DOWN." March straight through the flood, and behold! The waters will divide, the Red Sea will open, the Jordan will part, and the Lord will lead you through to victory!

Do not allow your feet to "be turned out of the way," but let your body "be healed," and your faith strengthened. God straight ahead, leaving no Jericho unconquered behind you, and no place where Satan can boast of having overwhelmed you. This is a valuable lesson and is extremely practical! How often we find ourselves in this very situation!

Perhaps this is where YOU are today. Pay as little attention to the discouragement as possible. Plow ahead like a steamship, which moves forward whether facing rough or smooth seas, and in rain or shine. Remember, the goal is simply to carry the cargo and to make it to port."

I don't know about you, but that reminder was a good one from His lips to my ears. Keep pressin' on, my friend.

Great Quote: It is not that God is stingy and must be coaxed, for He "giveth liberally and upbraideth not." It is that we ourselves are so shallow and sinful that we need to tarry before Him until our restless natures can be stilled and the clamor of outside voices be deadened so that we can hear His voice. Such a state is not easily reached, and the men God uses have paid a price in wrestlings and prevailing prayer. But it is such men who rise from their knees confident of His power and go forth to speak with authority. Vance Havner

Sunday, June 17, 2007


"The father of a righteous son will rejoice greatly, and one who father's a wise son will delight in him. Let your father and mother have joy, and let her who gave birth to you rejoice. I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (Proverbs 23:24-25; 3 John 4)

I used to dread Father's Day ... well at least for the past two decades.
My Dad has been with the Lord for twenty years and I still miss him today as much as I did the evening he went home to be with Jesus. This weekend we are at the shore visiting friends and the memories of his love for the shore have been very vivid in my mind.

I guess what has made this Father's Day easier for me is the perspective of watching my three married kids in their roles as Dads. My son Josh has turned into a really cool Dad. He was never a "baby" person. In fact when our daughter Laura's kids were born, he wasn't real keen on even holding them as infants. That all changed the day Samuel was born. I find myself welling up with pride as I watch him holding and caring for his son.

Our two son-in-laws, Garrett and Jon, are great Dads too. Even though they are really just starting out on their journey of fathering, it has been fun to see them in this new role.

Solomon couldn't have said it better when he said that the father of a "righteous son will rejoice greatly." I have been blessed as a Dad with four sons (forget the son-in-law stuff). And I rejoice today that all four young men have accepted Jesus as their Savior and are growing in their walk with Him. In fact, Zach just celebrated a spiritual birthday last week!

I get to hear lots of sad stories from other Dad's about their kids and the problems they are dealing with. Makes me even more thankful for my "men" this morning. And there is a funny thing that has happened ... Jan and I have discovered that our married kids have taken on a different role - we see them not just as kids - we count them as our best friends.

Josh, Zach, Garrett and Jon - this Dad is very proud of you on this Father's Day! And someday, Zach, Garrett and Jon will get to meet my Dad. Somehow I think he is very proud of you too!

If you have a Dad today, pick up the phone and give him a call! You'll make his day.

Great quote: One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert

Saturday, June 16, 2007

THINK VICTORY! Unadorned Worship


"And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

This morning during my quiet time this one really spoke to my heart and one not to gloss over:

"I must make my spiritual life as simple as possible. God is the most complex being in the universe; yet when it comes to His relationship to people, He wants utter simplicity. The altar the Israelites were to build for God was to be on unhewn stones, with no tool or cutting instrument used upon it. (Exodus 20:25)

The message is clear. God knows man's tendency to adorn, to artify, to decorate a thing until MAN'S talent overshadows the instrument itself. Medieval art is an example of that. God wants to make Himself so available, so disposable to man that He wants no hindrance to a hungry, seeking heart. That means no rules or conditions to keep people from God.

The Laodicean church was the model of organization and regulation - but it was DEAD! I can become so structured, so habitualized, so regular that my devotional life becomes a self-centered worship of RULES rather than GOD. My life with God must be spontaneous. God reserves the right to break in, change habits, start new directions, and otherwise keep me on tiptoe expectation. God is not finicky, but He understands human nature and He does not want us majoring on things that do not count.

I must not become upset if someone interferes with my schedule, interrupts my 'quiet time,' or tampers with my routine. God may be in that very interruption, calling me to HIMSELF instead of to the scaffolding I have built around Him. I must be a Nathanael in worship as well as in life, a person without twists or deviousness, but openhearted and direct in my communion with God. The 'blessed' ones of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-11) are those with qualities of utter simplicity and transparency; they carry away enormous bundles of the blessings of God." Adapted from DAILY WITH THE KING - Moody Press

Good devotional to ponder as we prepare our hearts for the Lord's Day. Do you have a hungry, seeking heart?

Great quote: We must quit bending the Word to suit our situation. It is we who must be bent to that Word, our necks that must bow under the yoke. Elisabeth Elliot

Friday, June 15, 2007



"Abide in Me ..." John 15:4

I am always amazed, and shouldn't be, how often God gives me JUST WHAT I NEED when I meet with Him in the morning. Your time alone with God each morning, men, must become a non-negotiable time on your daily agenda. We guard so many things in our schedules, but so often this time alone with HIM becomes something we put off until a later time. Sadly, most of us know, that unless we guard it militantly, putting it off means not doing it at all.

Oswald Chambers, one of my favorite devotional authors, has a way of cutting right to the quick with his insights. I read this yesterday and it was just too good to pass up sharing with you:

"Abide in Me in the matter of determination. The Spirit of Jesus is put into me by way of the atonement by the Cross of Christ. I then have to build my thinking patiently to bring it into perfect harmony with my Lord. God will not MAKE me think like Jesus - I have to do it myself. I have to bring "every thought into captivity to do it myself." (2 Corinthians 10:5) "Abide in Me" - in intellectual matters, in money matters, in every one of the matters that make human life what it is. Our lives are not made up of only one neat confined area.

Am I preventing God from doing things in my circumstances by saying that it will only serve to hinder my fellowship with Him? How irrelevant and disrespectful that is! It does not matter what my circumstances are. I can be as much assured of abiding in Jesus in any one of them as I am in any prayer meeting. It is unnecessary to change and arrange my circumstances myself. Our Lord's inner abiding was pure and unblemished. He was at home with God wherever His body was. He never chose His own circumstances, but was meek, submitting to His Father's plans and directions for Him. Just think how amazingly relaxed our Lord's life was! But we tend to keep God at a fever pitch in our lives. We have none of the serenity of life which is 'hidden with Christ in God.' (Colossians 3:3)

Think of the things that take you out of the position of abiding in Christ. You say, 'Yes, Lord, just a minute - I still have to do this or that to do. Yes, I will abide as soon as this is finished, or as soon as this week is over. It will be all right, Lord. I will abide then!' GET MOVING - ABIDE NOW! In the initial stages it will be a CONTINUAL effort to abide, but as you continue, it will become a part of your life that you abide in Him without any conscious effort. Make the determination to abide in Jesus WHEREVER you are now or wherever you may be placed in the future." - MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST

How about you, brother? Are you abiding today in Christ? Don't put it off. Do it today!

Great quote: "I must realize that my obedience in the SMALLEST details of life has all of the omnipotent power of the grace of God behind it.
If I will do my duty, not for duty's sake but because I believe God is engineering my circumstances, then at the very point of my obedience all of the magnificent grace of God is mine through the glorious atonement by the Cross of Christ." - Oswald Chambers

Thursday, June 14, 2007

THINK VICTORY! The Razor Edge of Failure


"Now then let the fear of the Lord be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the Lord our God will have no part in unrighteousness." 2 Chronicles 19:7

Some fifteen years ago when I was serving as Vice President of Ministries at Sandy Cove, we had several staff members who were going through some difficult times because of bad choices they had made. I was sitting in my bosses' office and remember looking him in the eye and saying, "Don't you mess up! You better never do that to me!" In other words - I was telling him - FINISH WELL!

We last we he was our speaker for our Senior's Week. He sent me an email at the end of the week with these poignant words: "Now I have a word for you: You'd better not do that to your wife, your family, your ministry, your Lord and to me. But I want to extend it. You have every reason to be proud. You've done a great job. You have reason to let it go to your head. Don't. "Pride cometh before the fall." Be thankful for the personality, gifts and opportunities God has given you. Don't screw up because you think you can handle it with that alone. Continue to look to Him. I hope to be living 10 years from now when it becomes retirement age for you (or however long). I want to point my finger at you and say, "You finished well." And don't you forget it."

That was a powerful reminder for me. Each of us must be intentional in remembering that we are one step away from blowing it. Our spiritual pride can be dangerous. We can pride ourselves into thinking that because we can "do all things through Christ" we will never blow it. Or because we have "security" in Christ - there is no way I could ever .... Well, you fill in the blanks.

I read this today: "The best way for me to live is on the razor edge of failure. I must be insecure enough to cling to the everlasting arms. If God blesses me as He did the Israelites, I must immediately assume that these blessings are a preparation against future problems, not guarantees of perpetual bliss. I must appreciate my blessings and use them correctly, but never grow maudlin over them.

I must get rid of my security complex. Success has a way of dimming my spiritual eye and slackening my spiritual hand. Being IN CHRIST is no assurance whatever that I will be immune from the lashings of Satan, the tantalizing of the world, or the rigors of God's disciplinary grace. I will be safe only as I run scared, scared enough to be baby-like in my total dependence on God, for the man who makes His trust is blessed and will not go astray. (Psalm 40:4) from Daily with the King - published by Moody Press

Powerful reminder for me. My total dependence for finishing well MUST be on Him! How about you? Is there something in your life that is going to hinder you from finishing well? Is the Holy Spirit tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you of something in your life that you must look at this morning? Listen to His voice and purpose to run scared this morning. Scared to be "baby-like" in total dependence on God.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007



“My peace I give you.” John 14:27

I am in process. Haven’t arrived yet. Put my pants on just like you – one leg at a time. And like many of you, sometimes the stuff gets overwhelming. In fact, right now, it is one of those overwhelming times – so little time and so much to do.

So many of my friends are going through stuff right now too. One brother’s wife is facing surgery today. She was hit in the face with a softball and has major issues. His wife is diabetic which raises the complication level. Another friend in ministry is facing challenges because of a staff member who is making life difficult. And another friend is facing a crisis with his kids.

I am thankful this morning that God knows what we need to hear from Him.
He spoke to my heart again this morning through His Word and through Streams in the Desert:

“Two painters were once asked to paint a picture illustrating his own idea of rest. The first chose for his scene a quiet, lonely lake, nestled among mountains far away. The second, using swift, broad strokes on canvas, painted a thundering waterfall. Beneath the falls grew a fragile birch tree, bending over the foam. On its branches, nearly wet with the spray form the falls, sat a robin on its nest.

The first painting was simply a picture of stagnation and inactivity. The second, however, depicted REST.

Outwardly, Christ endured one of the most troubled lives ever lived.
Storms and turmoil, turmoil and storms – wave after wave broke over Him until His worn body was laid in the tomb. Yet His INNER LIFE was a smooth as a sea of glass, and a great calm was always there.

Anyone could have gone to Him at any time and found rest. Even as the human bloodhounds were dogging Him in the streets of Jerusalem, He turned to His disciples, offering them a final legacy: ‘MY PEACE!”

Rest is not some holy feeling that comes upon us in church. It is a state of calm rising from a heart deeply and firmly established in God.

My peace I give in times of deepest grief, Imparting calm and trust and My relief.

My peace I give when prayer seems lost, unheard; Know that My promises are ever in My Word.

My peace I give when you are left alone – The nightingale at night has sweetest tone.

My peace I give in times of utter loss,
The way of glory leads right to the cross.

My peace I give when enemies will blame, Your fellowship is sweet through cruel shame.

My peace I give in agony and sweat,
For My own brow with bloody drops was wet.

My peace I give when nearest friend betrays – Peace that is merged in love, and for them prays.

My peace I give when there’s but death for thee – The gateway is the cross to get to Me.

From STREAMS IN THE DESERT by Mrs. Cowman – Zondervan

Are you in need of HIS PEACE today? I pray that today we would experience HIS perfect peace!

Great quote: The great people of the earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer, nor those who say they believe in prayer, nor yet those who can explain about prayer; but I mean these people who take time and pray. They have not time. It must be taken from something else. This something else is important, very important, and pressing, but still less important and less pressing than prayer. There are people that put prayer first, and group the other items in life's schedule around and after prayer. S. D. Gordon

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Spiritual Heart Trouble

"My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises! Awake, my glory; awake my harp and lyre, I will awaken the dawn." Psalm 57:7-8

I spent some time yesterday with a staff member who is much younger than me and he shared that for several weeks he has been struggling with constant chest pain. When you are 53 and your Dad had his first heart attack at age 50 - heart trouble is a huge concern.

Many people are concerned about their "physical" heart - but what about our "spiritual" heart? I read these powerful thoughts this morning in the daily devotional "Daily with the King" published by Moody Press:

"The stress of modern living is increasing the risk of heart trouble, but heart trouble has always been a risk for a disciple of Jesus Christ.
My heart is my citadel and I must keep it strong if I hope to triumph.

I must not 'err in my heart' (Psalm 95:10). It is bad enough to err in my ways or in my mind, but if I err in my heart I will begin to sow seeds of ultimate defeat. To err in the heart is to be unpersuaded, unconvinced from God's Word (Hebrews 3:8-10). It means that God speaks in vain and His words carry no weight; He might as well have remained silent. If I ignore God's message, before long I will become a firm unbeliever, which in turn will lead to hardness of heart (Hebrews 4:7).

Peter erred in his WAYS; once repentant, he found restoration with his Lord. But Judas erred in his heart; he ignored the teachings of Jesus and developed a resistance to the forgiveness Jesus offered.

I cannot presume that because I am saved I am in no danger of developing heart trouble. The many New Testament warnings were not uttered for the empty air but to make me a disciple with a CLEAN HEART, to keep me from regarding God's words as trivia, and to make me realize every message from God is of the highest worth.

The most restless, discontented people are not the poor or overworked; they are the hard of heart. To be strong in heart I must let God convince me, and keep convincing me as long as life flows on ...
Whenever we ascribe goodness to God's Word, it is a sign that God has convinced us and therefore our hearts are tender and pliant in His hands."

How about you? How is your heart today, brother? If you had an EKG of your spiritual heart, what would the Great Physician discover? Something good to think about today.

Great Quote: Who a man is is not important; What he knows does not matter but what he is to the inscrutable God is what matters. If we displease God, does it matter whom we please? If please Him, does it matter whom we displease? Leonard Ravenhill

Have you registered your son or Dad for our Father Son Night this Thursday? Call today for information: 732-250-1187.

Monday, June 11, 2007

THNK VICTORY! Bless Others -- It's Worth It


"The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are blessed." Proverbs 11:24-25

I am a sucker for good kid's movies. I guess having a ten-year-old helps. Most of you have probably seen FINDING NEMO. There is a scene where Nemo runs into a group of seagulls that are looking for a meal and you will remember that the flock of seagulls break out into crying out, "MINE! MINE! MINE!"

These two verses jumped out at me today from Proverbs and reminded me of something that has happened in our lives over the years. My mother-in-law used to tell us, "You can't out give God." And you know what, over the years that truth has been proven over and over again in our lives.

Several years ago a friend of the ministry gave each of our staff a $50 bonus. One of my staff members was away the day the bonuses were given out and came into see me on Friday to find out how they could get their envelope. Our CFO was off for the day so I told them that they would have to wait until the Monday. He left my office and I sensed in my heart that he was really in need. It was like the Lord said, "Bill, give him your $50."

I called him back into my office and gave him the $50 from my envelope. As he was leaving my office, he told me that he would pay me back on Monday when he got his envelope from our CFO. I thanked him and sent him on his way. While sitting in my office the Holy Spirit spoke clearly to my heart and said, "He needs the $50 more than you do - don't make him pay it back." I called him on the phone and said, "Don't worry about the $50. I know you have some needs. Merry Christmas." And indeed the extra $100 was a big help to them at this time in their lives.

Within the next 48 hours, God blessed me in a very unusual way. A Christmas card came from a friend who wanted to encourage me and tucked in the card was a piece of paper wrapped around a check for $50. Within 24 hours the Holy Spirit prompted me to once again give away the $50 to another person in need, and within a few days, the Lord replaced the $50.

It has become a fun thing for Jan and me. I wish I could tell you how God has multiplied that $50 over the past several years. I keep saying I should write it all down as it would make an interesting story. When we are willing to bless others, not to get a pat on the back from others, but out of the sincerity of our hearts, God blesses us in ways that are far and above what we can think.

Remember the name Corrie ten Boom? Corrie and her sister were together in a concentration camp. They had a bottle of liquid vitamins that help sustain them through their horrible experience. After several days of using the liquid vitamins, several other women in that camp started asking for help. Corrie and her sister could have been stingy and just kept it for themselves. They weren't stingy - they blessed others by sharing. And as Corrie shared her story - that bottle of vitamins miraculously lasted until they were released.

How about you today? Is your life characterized by blessing others or are you stingy? Do you give just to give or do you give because you want to impress others by your giving? Something to think about today! Look around you - is there a way you can bless someone who comes across your path today. Don 't be stingy.

PS - I'd love to hear your stories too!

Great quote: Too many of us have a Christian vocabulary rather than a Christian experience. We think we are doing our duty when we're only talking about it. Charles F. Banning

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Think Vicotry! Seek and You Will Find


", and you will find." Luke 11:9

God loves it when we seek Him and come to Him in prayer expecting Him to answer our prayers in HIS way. So often we pray once then give up.
Chambers says: "Seek if you have not found. 'You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss...' (James 4:3) If you ask for things from life instead of from God, 'you ask amiss'; that is, you ask our of YOUR desire for self-fulfillment. THE MORE YOU FULFILL YOURSELF THE LESS YOU WILL SEEK GOD.

Get to work. Narrow your focus and interests to this one thing. Have you ever sought God with your WHOLE heart, or have you simply given Him a feeble cry after some emotionally painful experience? "... seek (focus) and you will find ...'

"Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters ..." (Isaiah 55:1) Are you thirsty, or complacent and indifferent - so satisfied with YOUR OWN experience that you want NOTHING more than God? Experience is a doorway, not a final goal. Beware of building your faith on EXPERIENCE, or your life will not ring true and will only sound the note of a critical spirit. Remember that you can never give another person what YOU have found, but you can cause him to have a DESIRE for it.

" ... knock, and it will be opened to you" (Luke 11:9) "Draw near to God ..." (James 4:8) Knock - the door is closed and your heart races as it knocks. "Cleanse YOUR hands ..." (James 4:8) Knock a bit louder - you begin to find that you are dirty. "...purify YOUR hearts" (James 4:8) It is becoming even more personal - you are desperate and serious now - you will do ANYTHING. "Lament ..." (James 4:9) Have you ever lamented, expressing sorrow before God for the condition of your inner life? There is NO thread of self-pity left, only the heart-rendering difficulty and amazement which comes from seeing what kind of person you really are.

"Humble yourselves ..." (James 4:10). It is a humbling experience to knock at GOD'S door - you have to knock with the crucified thief. " ...
to him who knocks it will be opened." Luke 11:10" (My Utmost from His Highest

Are you willing today to do whatever it takes to seek and lay hold of Him? Are you willing to draw near to God? Go through the cleansing process? Purify your wicked heart? Lament? And deal with your pride so that you can humble yourself before Him? Think about it on this Lord's day.

Great quote: It is not what WE do for God, but what HE does through us.
Judy Sexton

Saturday, June 09, 2007



"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

I am amazed (not really) at how hungry people are for the truth of God's Word. I really don't get it - but it seems that more and more people are buying into the lie that God's Word is not relevant today to reach our culture. Preaching has been replaced by story-telling because God's Word somehow stopped doing its job. The Holy Spirit has become ineffective in
doing His role of "teaching" and illuminating Scripture.

Our churches have become filled with people who are biblically illiterate and I believe this is one of the reasons why we see addiction so rampant in the church. David said, "Your WORD is a lamp unto my feet that I might not sin against You."

Now hear me out - I am not saying that illustrations are not useful in helping communicate the truth. But I believe we are on thin ice when our messages are filled with more stories that the truth of God's WORD!

We recently met a dear lady whose husband pastor a very liberal church. She grew up in a very sound church where God's Word has faithful proclaimed and taught. For 30 years, she sat under her husband's ministry.

She has been a widow for a number of years and started coming to Keswick where she trusted Christ over 65 years ago. I wish you could hear her story first hand. She cries through every message. She recently said, "My husband was a good 'speaker' and told great stories, but Bill, he never taught the truth of God's Word.' She is soaking up truth like a
sponge and growing leaps and bounds at age 80.

In his new book, TAKING BACK THE GOOD BOOK, Dr. Woodrow Kroll gives ten reasons to read your Bible.

Reason 10: Reading the Bible gives you confidence.

Reason 9: Reading the Bible insulates you against Satan's attacks.

Reason 8: Reading your Bible helps you to think Christianly.

Reason 7: Reading your Bible helps you define morality.

Reason 6: Reading your Bible enables you to discover hope.

Reason 5: Reading your Bible identifies the "Center" in your life.

Reason 4: Reading your Bible helps you discover who you are.

Reason 3: Reading your Bible guide you to intimacy with God.

Reason 2: Reading your Bible helps make you special.

Reason 1: Reading your Bible helps you change your world.

When was the last time you cracked open THE BOOK? Reading Freedom Fighters is an encouragement to me, brothers, but don't let IT replace THE GOOD BOOK. That's what will TRANSFORM your life.

Great Quote: "It's not a matter of memorizing information, it's a matter of knowing God. As we know Him and are intimate with Him, then the information we have ABOUT Him is going to be an indicator of what are level is with Him." Barry Schafer

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Think Victory! Discouragement


"In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God for my help; He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry for help before Him came into His ears." Psalm 18:6

Everyone one of us faces it from time to time. Discouragement can be crippling if we don't see it from God's perspective. Here's what I read this morning that helped put discouragement in a proper perspective:

"I must be ever alert to the feeling of discouragement, which is sin. Discouragement says, 'I refuse to accept God's plan for my life.' Discouragement always comes when our expectations are confused. Discouragement is the result of not letting God alone. It is a tragedy that I accept Jesus as my 'Lord' and then grow discouraged because He frustrates my expectations. If Jesus is my Lord, then Romans 8:28 must always be my textbook. It is impossible to have one without the other.

I must reckon with the CAUSES of discouragement and see them in their proper perspective. Am I criticized by others? Let me rejoice! Do I not realize that God uses diamonds to sharpen diamonds?

Am I suffering lack of success? Don't I realize that success is the result of God's careful timing, not mine? And don't I realize that if I am faithful where God puts me, success is inevitable?

Am I discouraged because the way is hard and painful? If so, I must realize that God is preparing plowed ground to yield fruit a hundredfold. God will never give me a hard way without a 'nevertheless afterward" (Hebrews 12:11) When I am in difficulty I must pray, 'Lord, give me patience to wait for Your 'afterward.'"

Am I harassed by Satan, and are his whisperings getting to me? I must remember his history: everyone who ever listened to him suffered horrible defeat.

I will honor God by my trust; I will please Him, affirming: 'All things work together for good' (Romans 8:28). I believe that God will 'go before me [there goes that verse again!] (Deut. 31:8) and will level the mountains ... and give me the treasures of darkness.' (Isaiah 45:2-3) (From Daily With the King-Moody Press)

Are you facing a time of discouragement? I pray that these thoughts today will bring you encouragement and help change your perspective. I want you to know today that Jesus loves you and so do I!

Great quote: Prayer is simple, prayer is supernatural, and to anyone not related to our Lord Jesus Christ, prayer is apt to look stupid.

Oswald Chambers

Wednesday, June 06, 2007



Here is one of those texts that preach for itself from 2 Peter 1:3-10 (The Message)

3 Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! 4 We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you - your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust.5 So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, 6 alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, 7 warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. 8 With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus. 9 Without these qualities you can't see what's right before you, oblivious that your old sinful life has been wiped off the books. 10 So, friends, confirm God's invitation to you, his choice of you. Don't put it off; do it now. Do this, and you'll have your life on a firm footing, 11 the streets paved and the way wide open into the eternal kingdom of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Being a "list" keeper, I loved the building blocks that Peter suggests we build on to our faith:

1. Good character.
2. Spiritual understanding.
3. Alert discipline.
4. Passionate patience.
5. Reverent wonder.
6. Warm friendliness.
7. Generous love.

In fact, note that there are seven building blocks. I've added them to my daily prayer list to ask God to make them a part of the fabric of my life.

Thanks for praying for me yesterday. The meeting went very well and we certainly felt the presence of the Lord in the room. The bottom line is that we believe that God has been faithful to go before us. The difficult part for my personality is to WAIT. But everything God is giving me in my quiet time is exactly that: STAND AND WAIT! I loved the words from the devotional this morning that I believe came from His lips to my ears through the writer of the daily devotional, DAILY WITH THE KING ...

"To stand uncertainly at a crossroads does not mean that God has abandoned me. In those times He watches me with an extremely watchful eye, and He waits until patience and trust are perfected in me. Then He gives the signal to move. Until I receive that signal clearly, I must stand where I am at all costs. If God brings me to a crossroads, it is HIS business to get me BEYOND it. I can rejoice in a God who is never mistaken, never late, and never nonplused. Only He can "declare ... the things that are coming and the events that are going to take place."
(Isaiah 44:7) Therefore, He has told me, "Do not tremble and do not be afraid" (Isaiah 44:8) This God is our God forever!"

Way too cool. But just another step in the process of His leading and guiding in our lives. And He wants to do the same for you.

Great quote: He knows when we go into the storm, He watches over us in the storm, and He can bring us out of the storm when His purposes have been fulfilled.Warren W. Wiersbe

Tuesday, June 05, 2007



"And the Lord ... He it is that doth go before me; He will be with me, neither forsake me; fear not, neither be dismayed." Deut. 31:8

Today I have a pivotal meeting that could very well chart the course for our future residential women's ministry. Last week I journaled with you about this, and shared that while it was exciting, it was a stretching time for me. Well today will be one of those stretching times for me as I will be doing something I have never done before. Really stretching!
Big time stretching.

But praise God, He already KNOWS all the details. My son Zach raises chickens and ducks. At 3:00 AM this morning, Jan woke me up because those chickens were making a racket. We got out of bed and went down to check it out. They were fine! We climbed back into bed and Jan was out like a light but I laid there wide awake and was beginning to get anxious about the events of today.

I decided to just use that time to talk to the Lord about my concerns and ask for His direction. Remember the verse I shared last week, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21.
Well I claimed that verse for today and prayed that God would give me a sign - a clear direction from His lips to my ears so that it would be totally clear which way to walk in this situation. By faith, I thanked Him and asked that He would confirm this in my quiet time this morning.

I almost started laughing when I read today's reading from STREAMS IN THE DESERT:

"Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights." Isaiah 7:11

"Make your petition deep, O heart of mine. Your God can do MUCH MORE than you can ask; Launch out on the Divine, draw from HIS love-filled store. Trust Him in everything; Begin today, and find the joy that comes when JESUS has HIS way. We must continue to PRAY and 'WAIT FOR THE LORD." (Isaiah 8:17) until we hear the sound of His mighty rain. There is no reason why we should not ask for great things. Without a doubt, we will receive them if we ask in faith, having the COURAGE to wait with patient perseverance for Him and meanwhile doing those things that are within our power to do.

It is not within our power to create the wind or to change its direction, but we can raise our sails to catch it when it comes. We do not create electricity, yet we can tap into it with a wire that will conduct it, allowing it to work. We do not control God's Spirit, but we can place ourselves before the Lord out of obedience to what He has called us to do, and we will come under the influence and power of His mighty breath.

Can't the same great wonders be done today that were done many years ago? Where is the God of Elijah? He is waiting for today's Elijah to call on Him. The greatest Old or New Testament saints who ever lived were on a level that is quite within our reach. The same spiritual force that was available to them, and the energy that enabled them to become spiritual heroes, are also available to us.

If we exhibit the same faith, hope, and love they exhibited, we will achieve miracles as great as theirs. A simple prayer from our mouths will be powerful enough to call down from heaven God's gracious dew or the melting fire of His Spirit, just as the words from Elijah's mouth called down literal rain and fire. All that is required is to speak the words with the same complete assurance of faith which he spoke!"

Wow! The Lord spoke to my heart this morning. I can't wait to share with you how this all unfolds. If you think of me today, pray for this meeting at 11:00 AM! Thanks, Lord, for speaking to my heart today.

Great quote: A chaplain was speaking to a soldier on a cot in a hospital. "You have lost an arm in the great cause," he said. "No," said the soldier with a smile. "I didn't lose it - I gave it." In that same way, Jesus did not lose His life. He gave it purposefully. Anonymous

Monday, June 04, 2007



"He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you or forsake you.'" (Hebrews 13:5)

The Colony men have committed to memory a verse that hangs behind the pulpit at the Colony Chapel. It is the verse we use at the end of every service as our benediction: "And the Lord He it is that doth go before you; He will be with you, neither forsake you; fear not, neither be dismayed." (Deut. 31:8)

I remember one of my first summers at camp. My parents didn't drive so they were coming with someone else to pick me up. It was the very last week of camp and everyone including the camp counselors were gone. I was sitting on the road with my suitcase waiting for what seemed like hours.

As a ten-year old, it was a frightening experience being there all alone. In thinking back now, I am sure someone was still there, but at the time I felt all alone. I remember thinking, "Maybe they really did forget me!" or "What do I do if they don't come pick me up?" The panic and fear were starting to become overwhelming, and then peace filled my heart as I remembered this verse that I had to memorize that year in order to get my free week at camp!"

Each of us face those times in our lives when we THINK or FEEL that God has left us. Chambers nailed it again this morning:

"What line of thinking do my thoughts take? Do I turn to what God says or to my own fears? Am I simply repeating what God says, or am I learning to truly hear Him, and then respond after I have heard what He says? "For He HIMSELF said, 'I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.' So we may BOLDLY say: 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?'"
(Hebrews 13:5-6)

"I will NEVER leave you ..." - not for any reason; not my sin, selfishness, stubbornness, nor waywardness. Have I really let God say to me that He will never leave me? If I have not truly heard this assurance of God, then let me listen again.

"I will NEVER forsake you ..." Sometimes it is not the difficulty of life but the DRUDGERY of it that makes me think God will forsake me. When there is no major difficulty to overcome, no vision from God, nothing wonderful or beautiful - just the everyday activities of life - do I hear God's assurance in these?

We have the idea that God is going to do some exceptional thing - that He is preparing and equipping us for some extraordinary work in the future. But as we grow in His grace we find that God is glorifying Himself here and now, at this very moment. If we have God's assurance behind us, the most amazing strength becomes ours, and we learn to sing, glorifying Him even in the ordinary days and ways of life."
(My Utmost for His Highest)

Good reminder as we begin this new week. Is there are area of your life where you feel that God has left you or forgotten you? Then remind yourself of this precious promise, my brother! Memorize it! Meditate on it! Remember Deut. 31:8

Great Quote: Salvation is the work of God for man; it is not the work of man for God. Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer

Sunday, June 03, 2007

THINK VICTORY! Am I Obsessed with Something?


"Who is man that fears the Lord?" Psalm 25:12

My son-in-law, Garrett, likes to get my wheels going with projects around the house. We have been trying to get grass to grow in a portion of our yard and have been unsuccessful for years. Garrett suggested that we just put wood chips there are make a wild garden.

I have found that gardening is a good outlet for me from the pressure and stress. So immediately my wheels started turning and I spent eight hours one Saturday making it happen. I built several raised beds and started mulching the area. The project started out as a "work in progress" but I realize that it has become an obsession. If not careful, it can turn into a monster.

Chambers whacked me between the eyeballs yesterday about areas of obsession:

"Are you obsessed by something? You will probably say, 'No, by nothing,' but all of us are obsessed by something - usually by ourselves, or, if we are Christians, by our own experience of the Christian life. But the psalmist says that we are to be obsessed by God. The abiding awareness of the Christian life is to be God Himself, not just thoughts about Him.

The total being of our life inside and out is to be absolutely obsessed by the presence of God. A child's awareness is so absorbed in his mother that although he is not consciously thinking of her, when a problem arises, the abiding relationship is that with the mother. In that same way, we are to 'live and move and have our being' in God (Acts 17:28), looking at everything in relation to Him, because our abiding awareness of Him continually pushes itself to the forefront of our lives.

If we are obsessed by God, nothing else can get into our lives - not concerns, nor tribulation, nor worries. And now we understand why our Lord so emphasized the sin of worrying. How can we dare to be so absolutely unbelieving when God totally surrounds us? To be obsessed by God is to have an effective barricade against all the assaults of the enemy."
(My Utmost for His Highest - Oswald Chambers)

This morning we will gather together for worship. What will occupy your mind during the singing? The reading of the Word? The preaching of the Word? Rather than be obsessed with the "stuff" on our to-do list or whatever occupies our minds - may be obsessed with HIM - the reason we gather for worship. May that obsession with His presence occupy our thoughts every day of our lives. Enjoy worshipping HIM today.

GREAT QUOTE: Should we say, "perhaps you should try Jesus as your Savior" ...almost with a consumer market oriented mentality"?. "There are lots of religious options and if you try this particular religious option you might like it." ... No... rather, Jesus is Lord and he will soon be invading with His armies. He is offering pardon in advance of His invasion and should you receive the pardon and ally yourself with Him now before He invades, when he comes you will be considered HIs ally and He will raise you to Kingship. The alternative is to be under the wrath of the king. It is not some kind of religious option. It an announcement that a new king is on the throne and he'll be invading. The gospel is not an invitation to an array of a buffet style choices, it is a command. Will you heed the command? Jesus is Lord, repent and believe.
-William Wilder

Saturday, June 02, 2007

"I have made a covenant with my eyes ..." Job 31:1

We all receive those annoying notices from time to time - "you warranty has expired - it's time to renew" - "your subscription is about to expire - it's time to renew" - "don't let your insurance lapse - you could lose your coverage."

Well some of you have done what Job suggested - "I have made a covenant with my yes ..." (Job 31:1) and it is that time of the year for you to renew the contract! As we move into the summer season, the temptations that you will face in this area will increase in ways that you can't imagine.

I am very proud of Diane Hunt, our Director of Addiction Recovery Ministries for Women, who writes a daily email for women, VICTORY CALL. This week she has boldly addressed the issue of purity and modesty which every women needs to hear. (You can check out what she wrote at

Several weeks ago one of my friends was addressing this subject with me. He told me that he had heard a teaching that said that the first "look" is free but after that it is lust and sin. I have been thinking about his comment for several days now. I think every breathing, red-blooded male enjoys looking at a beautiful woman - but when does the "look" cross the line from the look to "lust?"

Scripture teaches that the EYEGATE is the method that the enemy uses to distract us and lead us down the path to destruction. The same eyes that can enjoy beautiful roses in the garden are the eyes that can stare at a women's breasts and even undress her - all with our eyes! Some women KNOW that how they look and WHAT they wear (or don't wear) can get a man's attention.

I observed this first-hand when I served as music director at a church in Philly. Our choir practiced in the choir loft of the church sanctuary. We had one young lady who was late for every rehearsal. She was a very attractive woman and dressed very provocatively. I could tell exactly when she walked into the back of the sanctuary without even looking. Every man in the choir was drawn to her and I could see their eyes following her down the aisle and watching her take her seat.

One look was all it took to bring King David down. Most books on this subject use the first part of Job 31:1. But we need to read the verses that follow to get the full picture (no pun intended!):

1 "I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman? 2 For what is the allotment of God from above, And the inheritance of the Almighty from on high? 3 Is it not destruction for the wicked, And disaster for the workers of iniquity? 4 Does He not see my ways, And count all my steps? 5 "If I have walked with falsehood, Or if my foot has hastened to deceit, 6 Let me be weighed on honest scales, That God may know my integrity. 7 If my step has turned from the way, Or my heart walked after my eyes, Or if any spot adheres to my hands, 8 Then let me sow, and another eat; Yes, let my harvest be rooted out."

The text really preaches it pretty plainly:

1. Since I have made a covenant with my eyes is there a reason for me to "look" upon a woman other than my OWN wife? Our song as husbands and wives should be "I only have eyes for you!"

2. When we are tempted to allow our eyes to wander, we must be intentional and vigilant in remembering that "GOD knows, weighs and sees every one of my thoughts, deeds, words and actions." He sees what YOU see. He knows what you are looking at.

3. That look has the power of moving us to the next step - Job says it is "your heart walking after your eyes." That "free" look has the power to take you out.

You may say, "Bill, you are legalistic - you are overreacting?" I don't think so, my brothers! The Word of God is pretty straightforward! And I am sure if you are honest, you know the truth! Don't let that contract expire. Renew it today!

Great quote: We are half-hearted creatures like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased. (Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis

Friday, June 01, 2007


"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk it in!'" Isaiah 30:21

It was July of 2004 that I was cutting grass and God grabbed my attention to talk with me about the future residential women's ministry. The ride has been exciting and we are now at an interesting crossroads. The original site that we considered appears to be dead in the water apart from a major miracle.

Last week our realtor called to tell me that she had found a potential site. Two weeks prior to that she had showed us a site on a beautiful location, but the building itself was a disaster. In my heart I thought, "Here we go again!" When I pulled onto the property my heart started skipping. This site was everything that I had envisioned after the Lord spoke to my heart. Everything! The piece of property is the same size as the site we were looking at building on, but the building is already there and in mint condition.

I have been on the property twice and each time I have sensed that God is up to something special. On Tuesday, our friend pilot friend, Dan, flew us over the property and my prayer was "Lord, this is Your property!"

Now comes the test of faith. How do we determine the mind and heart of God in this matter? Where does the funding come from? In the timeline of the history of America's KESWICK where does this fit in? William Raws had the vision and courage to begin the Colony of Mercy with $1.87. Addison Raws had the courage and fortitude to begin the conference ministry with limited funds. Pastor Bill Raws had the courage to build the Activity Center. Now I am a part of history in the making with our Board - is this the next "FAITH LEAP" for us?

I love that God KNOWS what we need when we need it. The verse for today was timely. Listen to the words I read this morning:

"When we have doubts or are facing difficulties, when others suggest courses of action that are conflicting, when caution dictates one approach but faith another, we should BE STILL. We should quiet each intruding person, calm ourselves in the sacred stillness of God's presence, study His Word for guidance, and with true devotion focus our attention on Him. We should lift our nature into the pure radiating light from HIS face, having an eagerness to know only what God our Lord will determine for us. Soon He will reveal by His secret counsel a DISTINCT and UNMISTAKABLE sense of HIS direction ... Christians who have had many experiences in their walk with Him know the great value of secret fellowship with the Lord.

Are you uncertain about which direction you should go? Take your question to God and receive guidance from either the light of His smile or the cloud of His refusal. You must get alone with Him, where the lights and darkness of this world cannot interfere and where the opinion of others cannot reach you. You must also have the courage to wait in silent expectation, even when everyone around you is insisting on an immediate decision or action. If you will do these things, the will of God will become clear to you! And you will have a deeper concept of who HE is, having more insight into His nature and His heart of love."
Streams in the Desert - Zondervan

Thank You, Lord, for the way YOU will lead and guide me and the Board in these matters. May we discern YOUR voice and see YOU at work in ways that will stagger our puny, human minds! I will keep you posted! How about you? Are you facing a decision that needs HIS direction? I'd love to hear from you too!

Great quote: "It is much easier to DO something than to trust in God; we see the activity and mistake PANIC for inspiration. That is why we see so few fellow workers WITH God, yet so many people working FOR God. We would much rather work FOR God than believe IN HIM! Do I really believe that God will do in me what I cannot do?" Oswald Chambers

Today is the anniversary of the kick-off of VICTORY CALL - a daily email for women! Happy 2nd Anniversary to Diane Hunt and the team of women helping to help hundreds of women THINK VICTORY! If your wife would like to sign up for Victory Call - visit our website: