Thursday, June 14, 2007

THINK VICTORY! The Razor Edge of Failure


"Now then let the fear of the Lord be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the Lord our God will have no part in unrighteousness." 2 Chronicles 19:7

Some fifteen years ago when I was serving as Vice President of Ministries at Sandy Cove, we had several staff members who were going through some difficult times because of bad choices they had made. I was sitting in my bosses' office and remember looking him in the eye and saying, "Don't you mess up! You better never do that to me!" In other words - I was telling him - FINISH WELL!

We last we he was our speaker for our Senior's Week. He sent me an email at the end of the week with these poignant words: "Now I have a word for you: You'd better not do that to your wife, your family, your ministry, your Lord and to me. But I want to extend it. You have every reason to be proud. You've done a great job. You have reason to let it go to your head. Don't. "Pride cometh before the fall." Be thankful for the personality, gifts and opportunities God has given you. Don't screw up because you think you can handle it with that alone. Continue to look to Him. I hope to be living 10 years from now when it becomes retirement age for you (or however long). I want to point my finger at you and say, "You finished well." And don't you forget it."

That was a powerful reminder for me. Each of us must be intentional in remembering that we are one step away from blowing it. Our spiritual pride can be dangerous. We can pride ourselves into thinking that because we can "do all things through Christ" we will never blow it. Or because we have "security" in Christ - there is no way I could ever .... Well, you fill in the blanks.

I read this today: "The best way for me to live is on the razor edge of failure. I must be insecure enough to cling to the everlasting arms. If God blesses me as He did the Israelites, I must immediately assume that these blessings are a preparation against future problems, not guarantees of perpetual bliss. I must appreciate my blessings and use them correctly, but never grow maudlin over them.

I must get rid of my security complex. Success has a way of dimming my spiritual eye and slackening my spiritual hand. Being IN CHRIST is no assurance whatever that I will be immune from the lashings of Satan, the tantalizing of the world, or the rigors of God's disciplinary grace. I will be safe only as I run scared, scared enough to be baby-like in my total dependence on God, for the man who makes His trust is blessed and will not go astray. (Psalm 40:4) from Daily with the King - published by Moody Press

Powerful reminder for me. My total dependence for finishing well MUST be on Him! How about you? Is there something in your life that is going to hinder you from finishing well? Is the Holy Spirit tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you of something in your life that you must look at this morning? Listen to His voice and purpose to run scared this morning. Scared to be "baby-like" in total dependence on God.

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