Saturday, June 30, 2007

Think Victory! Pressed Out or Pressed Into?


"And we know that in ALL things GOD works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes." Romans 8:28

This has been a week of intense "stuff," not just for me but for my staff. Several of our staff families have been going through some very difficult times. I know of several men in ministry right now that have been going through "stuff" where they serve and it is difficult. And my guess is that some of you may be there ... Well may these words comfort and encourage you this morning:

"Let me ask you a question: Are you pressed beyond measure? Are you pressed above strength? Have you come to the place in your life where you say, 'It's all right for other people, but somehow it won't work in my case ... What's the use of me talking about a holy life? ... What's the use of me talking about full surrender? ... What's the use of me talking about the dedicated life of a the ministry of Jesus Christ? I am in a particular situation for which there is no way out; there's no way back; there's no way through. I can't find the answer!"

The answer is to trust God JUST WHERE YOU ARE:
Pressed out of measure and pressed to all length;
Pressed so intensely it seems beyond strength;
Pressed in body, pressed in the soul,
Pressed in the mind till the dark surges roll;
Pressed by foe and pressure from friend,
Pressure on pressure till life nearly ends.

Is that it?
Then listen. If you are pressed out ... you are PRESSED IN!

Pressed into knowing no helper but God,
Pressed into loving the staff and the rod,
Pressed into faith for IMPOSSIBLE things,
Pressed into living a life in the Lord,
Pressed into living a Christ-life outpoured.

So where are you this morning? Pressed out or Pressed in? More on this tomorrow.

Great quote: "The promises of God are the powerhouse of blessing, the eternal tools of God whereby victories are won and character is carved out of the bedrock of human experience. And remember, every promise is available. Nothing is withheld, because the Lord Jesus Christ is God's "YES" to every question arising from the promise of His Word." John Hunter

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