Friday, June 29, 2007


" 'Yet even now,' declares the Lord, 'Return to Me with ALL your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning'" (Joel 2:12)

Years ago I read a powerful little book MY HEART, CHRIST'S HOME that had significant impact on my life. The message of the book is this - we need to invite the Lord Jesus into every nook and cranny of our lives. Our heart is like a house - filled with rooms. We will invite him into the living room, dining room, and the kitchen - but He wants access to the closets, the hidden spots in the house.

I read this devotional this morning and I thought it was worth your consideration this morning:
"God's desire for His children is that they be wholly set apart for Him. God must not be confined to Sundays, quiet times, or deeper life conferences. He is the God of the every day, the kitchen as well as the sanctuary, the golf course as well as the altar. Similarly in my life there can be NO PRIVATE CLOSETS to which the Lord has no access. If I make a separation between my God and my business, I am making a sorry mistake.

I must not repeat Saul's mistake of keeping a part of God's property for myself (See 1 Samuel 15:9). The sanctification must be whole, complete, even down to the 'pots and pans' of the kitchen. I cannot say, 'Lord, save my soul, but leave my mind and heart alone.' I cannot offer Him my spirit but retain the full right to use my body as I wish. I cannot seat Jesus in the parlor of my life but shut Him out of my study, my family room, or my bedroom.

Paul prayed for the Thessalonian believers: 'May your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete' (1 Thessalonians 5:23). That is all of us, complete and entire! F. B. Meyer kept the key to one closet of His life that was off limits to God. Not until he surrendered the key did he have peace, and not until the closet was cleansed did he have power.

God wants to become very personal with you and me. He wants to socialize with me, 'eating and drinking' with me, as Jesus did with the people. He wants to make every area of my life 'awesome,' as He made Bethel for Jacob (Genesis 28:17). He wants to be the Master of my thoughts as well as my emotions, instincts, and even my subconscious. When HE becomes all that, my life will become radiant with His abounding presence." From DAILY WITH THE KING (Moody Press)

So what about you today? Have you given HIM every part of your heart-home? Or are you holding on to a closet? Drawer? Corner of the garage? Why not give Him COMPLETE access. It is worth it! Think about it!

Great quote: If you...come to Christ, he will appear as a Lion, in his glorious power and dominion, to defend you. All those excellencies of his, in which he appears as a lion, shall be yours, and shall be employed for you in your defense, for your safety, and to promote your glory; he will be as a lion to fight against your enemies. He that touches you, or offends you, will provoke his wrath, as he that stirs up a lion. Unless your enemies can conquer this Lion, they shall not be able to destroy or hurt you. Unless they are stronger than he, they shall not be able to hinder your happiness. Jonathan Edwards

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