Thursday, June 28, 2007


"Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, FIX YOUR THOUGHTS ON JESUS, the apostle and high priest whom we confess." Hebrews 3:1

I want to first of all tell you how grateful I am that you are on this journey with me in desiring to be a FREEDOM FIGHTER. I realize everyday how important it is for us to walk in the victory that has been made possible for us through Jesus Christ. Every day I also am aware that there is one who desires to take us out. That is why it is important for us to be encouraging each other to THINK VICTORY!

Here is a powerful word on INTEGRITY. A message that we need to hear often ...

"Integrity is an inner quality that affects our OUTER deeds. It brings together all that a man is, from the INSIDE out. In the compartmentalized, fragmented, and superficial culture, where men have learned to hide their feelings, carry incredible burdens, and stand alone in the face of a hostile world, integrity has taken a back seat.

In nearly every business in this land, including the institutionalized church, power is often more highly prized that integrity. On the outside we are building our walls, boundaries, and kingdoms, but on the inside we are running as fast as we can just to keep up.

Our sons, however, deserve better than to be handed a legacy of deceit, fear, compromise, and isolation. They must be taught that weakness is not failure and that even failure is a gift in the journey of life. To need relationships, to cry out for help, to weep at pain and sorrow, to share honestly with others the condition of a wounded heart is not to be any less of a man. These are the marks of a man of integrity, a man who recognizes that failure and loneliness and need and fear are the building blocks of faith.

A man of integrity is man enough to admit that he doesn't have all the answers. A man of integrity makes a promise intending to keep his word, even if it costs him dearly. A man of integrity admits failure and asks forgiveness when even his best intentions cannot or are not fulfilled; he picks himself right up in the light of grace and forges ahead, learning from his defeats.

A man of integrity is committed to the law of loving his neighbor as himself, WHOEVER that neighbor happens to be. Most of all, a man of integrity loves Jesus Christ with passion, trusts Jesus Christ with fervor, and follows Jesus Christ with focused dedication.

Call your son to integrity. Invite him into the turbulent waters of faith as he grows up. Allow him to see you struggle with compromise and failure and arrogance and fear. Grant him permission to care for you when you are in need, without burdening him beyond what he can bear. Give him the gift of a father who is authentic, a dad more concerned with truth that personal acclaim. Pass on to your son the torch of faith in Jesus Christ, the 'high priest whom we confess.'" (Hebrews 3:1) - Steve Lee and Chap Clark - Boys to Men

That was a powerful word for me today and I hope it will be another building block in your life and mine as we THINK VICTORY! Thanks for being my friend.

Great quote: O how near are we to each other when we are all united in God! How well do we converse when we have but a single will and a single thought in Him who is all things in us! Would you find your true friends, then? Seek them only in Him who is the single source of true and eternal friendship. Would you speak with or hear from them? Sink in silence into the bosom of Him who is the word, the life, and the soul of all those who speak and live the truth. You will find in Him not only every want supplied, but everything perfect, which you find so imperfect in the creatures in whom you confide. Francois Fenelon

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