Tuesday, June 26, 2007


"And let us consider one another to provoke to love and good works."
Hebrews 10:24

I believe in the local church. God has ordained it and there is no getting around it friend - we need to be a part of a local church. One radio preacher has said that the church is dead and no longer at work there. I can't figure out how an intelligent man can say that, but know this - no church is perfect. And if you found one, you just ruined it!

The church isn't about a building, pews, chairs, pianos, organs or drums. It's about people. It's a place for people to grow in their relationship with God and each other. As members of the body of Christ we are to be a part of each other's lives. In fact, the writer of Hebrews says that we are to "PROVOKE" each other, not in a bad way, but in a positive way.

Two words in this verse for your consideration this morning. 1) "Consider" - I learned this morning that this word means "to thoroughly think something through or to ponder something from the top all the way to the bottom. It is mulling over something over; carefully contemplating a matter; pondering and carefully looking at a particular issue; examining and fully studying a subject.

One commentator says that "this word pictures someone who is so concerned about someone else that he has taken the time to really consider that other person. He has observed that person's ups and downs and his highs and lows. He has studied to find out what helps that person feel encouraged and what events tend to pull him down. Because he has determined to really know and understand that other person, he invests a great deal of time and concentration into studying and getting to know that other person. This kind of knowledge doesn't come by accident, but by determined pursuit! The writer of Hebrews uses this word to convey a picture of a loving community where people are concerned about each other's welfare. In fact, they are constantly observing and contemplating each other to know how to encourage and provoke each other to love and to good works."

The second word is "provoke" - not in a bad way, but in a positive way for the purpose of prodding and impelling a person to do something. How do we accomplish that? One writer says "you sharpen a brother, prod him, impel him, and inspire him to keep on fighting the good fight of faith ... We are to get involved in the local church, not just for our own benefit, but to be benefit to others as well. We need people who will love us, observe us, and support us when we are struggling or standing on a word from God. But at the same time, others need that assistance too ... The local church should be a place of victory where faith is built up, the soul is encouraged, and wisdom and strength are imparted. It's a community where faith lives and triumphs through a family of believers' love and concern for each other." -Rick Renner - Sparkling Gems from the Greek

My question to you is this ... have you considered how you can make that kind of a difference in someone's life today? Don't get wrapped up in the culture of "it's all about me!" Find another brother in your community of believers and do what Hebrews suggests: "And constantly be observing one another; seriously contemplating, studying, and examining each other, until you know exactly how to incite and stimulate each other to love and to good works!"

Great quote: "If only one believer with total faith rises up, the history of the world will be changed. Will YOU be that one to rise up, submitting yourself to the sovereignty and guidance of God our Father?" A. E. Mc Adam

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