Monday, June 25, 2007

THINK VICTORY! Bringing Correction Into Someone's Life


"And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle to all men, apt to teach, patient. That means you must put up with those who don't act thrilled when you sit down to correct or instruct them. You have to be patient and tolerantly bear with them and their reactions until they finally hear what you are trying to express to them." 2 Timothy 2:24

Yesterday I shared the phrase: "Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness ..." in the context that the enemy will also go after us at our greatest strength point, not just in our areas of weakness. If you missed yesterday's Freedom Fighter, you can visit either or go directly to the Freedom Fighter corner of our website:

Today I have to do some that I am not very comfortable with - CONFRONTATION. One of my greatest strengths is that I am a people person! But one of my weaknesses is that when it comes to having to do the tough stuff - man, I am a chicken with a capital "C!" I know this is a part of my role, but it sure ain't easy!

Today's reading from SPARKLING GEMS FROM THE GREEK was a timely word from God to my heart ...

"Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are trying to help someone who isn't listening or paying attention to what you are trying to tell him? Should that happen to you in the future, don't allow yourself to get so angry that you lose your temper and say something you will regret later!

It's frustrating to help someone who stubbornly sits across the table, peers at you in total defiance, and reacts to your counsel as I you don't have an idea what you are talking about. But from time to time, everyone faces situations like this. Perhaps it happens when a parent tries to speak to his rebellious child; when an employer tries to bring correction to an employee; when a pastor speaks the truth that a church member doesn't want to hear; or when someone tries to lovingly communicate his concern to a friend who he believes is making a mistake in his life.

As you begin the process of bringing correction into a person's life, PUT YOURSELF IN HIS SHOES. If you were the one sitting there, would it be easy or difficult for you to hear what is about to be said? Would you feel wonderful about receiving correction, or would you feel a little embarrassed?

If the person you are correcting acts closed or puts up a wall of defense first, it may be that he's just embarrassed or reacting out of insecurity. Therefore, don't stop the conversation unless you can see that he's definitely just being combative and is completely closed to your input. In order to discern the true situation, you need to be patient and slow in judging his reaction to your correction.

When Paul wrote and instructed Timothy how to bring correction into someone's life, he stressed the need to be 'PATIENT' when giving correction. In 2 Timothy 2:24, he wrote, 'And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be GENTLE to all men, apt to teach, patient!' The Greek word for "patient" is aneksiskaso. This is a compound of the words anechomai and kakos. The word anechomai means to endure patiently, to bear with, or to have a tolerant attitude toward someone or something.

When these two words are compounded as they are in this verse, it portrays an attitude that is tolerant and that bears with a bad, depraved, or an evil response. Paul was telling us that when we attempt to bring correction into a person's life, and his response is wrong or even terrible, we are not to get all flared up about it! Getting upset won't make the situation any better. Instead we are to grab hold of the power of God, look that person in the eyes, and bear with him until he calms down and hears what we are saying. In other words, sometimes we just have to put up with a person's reaction, whether it is good or bad.

Paul tells us in Galatians 6:1: "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of MEEKNESS; considering yourself, lest you also be tempted!" When I am about to give correction, it has always been helpful for me to remember how difficult it might be to sit on the other side of the table and hear a superior correcting ME. So before I correct someone, I first consider how I would want to be told if I had done something wrong, just as Paul suggested ... 'considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.'

Before you charge into a room to correct someone, first take time to pray and really THINK about the best, the most PEACEFUL, and the most POSITIVE way to speak those words of correction of even words of rebuke. Do it in the right spirit, and don't permit yourself to get upset if you see a response that isn't exactly what you had hoped for. Just hold tight, be calm, and BEAR WITH the person you're talking to a little while as he adjusts to the idea of being corrected. If he ultimately refuses your correction and remains defiant, you may have to take a different route. But at least in the beginning, be patient with that person if he doesn't respond the way you hoped.

Why not ask the Holy Spirit today to help you become more temperate when people under your authority don't respond exactly as you had wished? Be patient and believe that they will eventually come around."

I hope that word is helpful to someone this morning. I know I needed it today for several situations that I need to deal with. I am thankful for the timing of God's messages to my ears!

Great quote: "It is a mystery how a saint, with the precious ointment of Christ poured upon His heart, could still have such a strong scent from the world. It would seem that the sweet perfume that comes from those beds of spices - God's promises - would spoil the Christian's desire for hunting earthly game. The breath from Christ in them should so fill the saint's senses that gross earthly enjoyments would no longer be pleasing to him." -- William Gurnall

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