Sunday, June 24, 2007



One of the principles of equipping people that I that I have learned during my twenty plus years of ministry is this: our greatest strengths can be our greatest weaknesses. I have found that principle to be true and one that is helpful to people that I work with.

The same is true in our spiritual lives. Today's reading from DAILY WITH THE KING (Moody Press) sheds light on this principle:

"It is true that Satan attacks at our weakest point. But it is even MORE true that he attacks us at our strongest point. How did he cause Peter to fall? By striking him where the disciple thought he was strong - his ability to command leadership, to do the heroic, to be a 'star.' 'I will lay down my life for You' (John 13:37). But as with Samson, his strength was his weakness, and Satan knew it. Peter not only had DEPTHS of which he was unaware, there were also HEIGHTS; and it was on the heights that Satan caught him.

Have you not felt the same thing? In the place where you felt strong and bulwarked, Satan tripped you up? Where you felt secure, he stripped you naked. I think of Job. Satan trapped him in his INTEGRITY, his strongest spiritual asset. Perhaps Job thought too highly of his integrity, perhaps it became his pride; and where pride entered, we develop a blind spot.

I think of Jesus. It was in His very SONSHIP that Satan tried to dislodge Him. 'If [since] You are the Son of God, command that these stones ...' (Matthew 4:3) Satan knew Jesus was God's Son; acting on that knowledge, he tried to shrewdly twist Jesus' strongest element into something devious. He attacked the strongest part of the citadel.

I must not think of Satan as only a wily serpent who sneaks around nibbling at my exposed parts. I must see him as a frontal foe who hammers hard at my very strengths. That means I must be careful to let my strengths simply be my strengths, but never my BOASTS! I am assured that because CHRIST is in me, I can be just as frontal with Satan as he is with me: 'Resist the devil and he will flee from you' (James 4:7). Then my strengths can remain my strengths through the Victorious One!"

Good food for thought as we begin another week that starts with this Lord's Day!

Great quote: God shows us His love for mankind not only when we do good, but also when we offend and displease Him. How patiently he endures our transgressions; and when He chastises, how mercifully He chastises!
Seraphim of Sarov

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