Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Spiritual Heart Trouble

"My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises! Awake, my glory; awake my harp and lyre, I will awaken the dawn." Psalm 57:7-8

I spent some time yesterday with a staff member who is much younger than me and he shared that for several weeks he has been struggling with constant chest pain. When you are 53 and your Dad had his first heart attack at age 50 - heart trouble is a huge concern.

Many people are concerned about their "physical" heart - but what about our "spiritual" heart? I read these powerful thoughts this morning in the daily devotional "Daily with the King" published by Moody Press:

"The stress of modern living is increasing the risk of heart trouble, but heart trouble has always been a risk for a disciple of Jesus Christ.
My heart is my citadel and I must keep it strong if I hope to triumph.

I must not 'err in my heart' (Psalm 95:10). It is bad enough to err in my ways or in my mind, but if I err in my heart I will begin to sow seeds of ultimate defeat. To err in the heart is to be unpersuaded, unconvinced from God's Word (Hebrews 3:8-10). It means that God speaks in vain and His words carry no weight; He might as well have remained silent. If I ignore God's message, before long I will become a firm unbeliever, which in turn will lead to hardness of heart (Hebrews 4:7).

Peter erred in his WAYS; once repentant, he found restoration with his Lord. But Judas erred in his heart; he ignored the teachings of Jesus and developed a resistance to the forgiveness Jesus offered.

I cannot presume that because I am saved I am in no danger of developing heart trouble. The many New Testament warnings were not uttered for the empty air but to make me a disciple with a CLEAN HEART, to keep me from regarding God's words as trivia, and to make me realize every message from God is of the highest worth.

The most restless, discontented people are not the poor or overworked; they are the hard of heart. To be strong in heart I must let God convince me, and keep convincing me as long as life flows on ...
Whenever we ascribe goodness to God's Word, it is a sign that God has convinced us and therefore our hearts are tender and pliant in His hands."

How about you? How is your heart today, brother? If you had an EKG of your spiritual heart, what would the Great Physician discover? Something good to think about today.

Great Quote: Who a man is is not important; What he knows does not matter but what he is to the inscrutable God is what matters. If we displease God, does it matter whom we please? If please Him, does it matter whom we displease? Leonard Ravenhill

Have you registered your son or Dad for our Father Son Night this Thursday? Call today for information: 732-250-1187.

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