Monday, June 11, 2007

THNK VICTORY! Bless Others -- It's Worth It


"The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are blessed." Proverbs 11:24-25

I am a sucker for good kid's movies. I guess having a ten-year-old helps. Most of you have probably seen FINDING NEMO. There is a scene where Nemo runs into a group of seagulls that are looking for a meal and you will remember that the flock of seagulls break out into crying out, "MINE! MINE! MINE!"

These two verses jumped out at me today from Proverbs and reminded me of something that has happened in our lives over the years. My mother-in-law used to tell us, "You can't out give God." And you know what, over the years that truth has been proven over and over again in our lives.

Several years ago a friend of the ministry gave each of our staff a $50 bonus. One of my staff members was away the day the bonuses were given out and came into see me on Friday to find out how they could get their envelope. Our CFO was off for the day so I told them that they would have to wait until the Monday. He left my office and I sensed in my heart that he was really in need. It was like the Lord said, "Bill, give him your $50."

I called him back into my office and gave him the $50 from my envelope. As he was leaving my office, he told me that he would pay me back on Monday when he got his envelope from our CFO. I thanked him and sent him on his way. While sitting in my office the Holy Spirit spoke clearly to my heart and said, "He needs the $50 more than you do - don't make him pay it back." I called him on the phone and said, "Don't worry about the $50. I know you have some needs. Merry Christmas." And indeed the extra $100 was a big help to them at this time in their lives.

Within the next 48 hours, God blessed me in a very unusual way. A Christmas card came from a friend who wanted to encourage me and tucked in the card was a piece of paper wrapped around a check for $50. Within 24 hours the Holy Spirit prompted me to once again give away the $50 to another person in need, and within a few days, the Lord replaced the $50.

It has become a fun thing for Jan and me. I wish I could tell you how God has multiplied that $50 over the past several years. I keep saying I should write it all down as it would make an interesting story. When we are willing to bless others, not to get a pat on the back from others, but out of the sincerity of our hearts, God blesses us in ways that are far and above what we can think.

Remember the name Corrie ten Boom? Corrie and her sister were together in a concentration camp. They had a bottle of liquid vitamins that help sustain them through their horrible experience. After several days of using the liquid vitamins, several other women in that camp started asking for help. Corrie and her sister could have been stingy and just kept it for themselves. They weren't stingy - they blessed others by sharing. And as Corrie shared her story - that bottle of vitamins miraculously lasted until they were released.

How about you today? Is your life characterized by blessing others or are you stingy? Do you give just to give or do you give because you want to impress others by your giving? Something to think about today! Look around you - is there a way you can bless someone who comes across your path today. Don 't be stingy.

PS - I'd love to hear your stories too!

Great quote: Too many of us have a Christian vocabulary rather than a Christian experience. We think we are doing our duty when we're only talking about it. Charles F. Banning

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