Sunday, June 17, 2007


"The father of a righteous son will rejoice greatly, and one who father's a wise son will delight in him. Let your father and mother have joy, and let her who gave birth to you rejoice. I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (Proverbs 23:24-25; 3 John 4)

I used to dread Father's Day ... well at least for the past two decades.
My Dad has been with the Lord for twenty years and I still miss him today as much as I did the evening he went home to be with Jesus. This weekend we are at the shore visiting friends and the memories of his love for the shore have been very vivid in my mind.

I guess what has made this Father's Day easier for me is the perspective of watching my three married kids in their roles as Dads. My son Josh has turned into a really cool Dad. He was never a "baby" person. In fact when our daughter Laura's kids were born, he wasn't real keen on even holding them as infants. That all changed the day Samuel was born. I find myself welling up with pride as I watch him holding and caring for his son.

Our two son-in-laws, Garrett and Jon, are great Dads too. Even though they are really just starting out on their journey of fathering, it has been fun to see them in this new role.

Solomon couldn't have said it better when he said that the father of a "righteous son will rejoice greatly." I have been blessed as a Dad with four sons (forget the son-in-law stuff). And I rejoice today that all four young men have accepted Jesus as their Savior and are growing in their walk with Him. In fact, Zach just celebrated a spiritual birthday last week!

I get to hear lots of sad stories from other Dad's about their kids and the problems they are dealing with. Makes me even more thankful for my "men" this morning. And there is a funny thing that has happened ... Jan and I have discovered that our married kids have taken on a different role - we see them not just as kids - we count them as our best friends.

Josh, Zach, Garrett and Jon - this Dad is very proud of you on this Father's Day! And someday, Zach, Garrett and Jon will get to meet my Dad. Somehow I think he is very proud of you too!

If you have a Dad today, pick up the phone and give him a call! You'll make his day.

Great quote: One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert

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