Friday, June 01, 2007


"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk it in!'" Isaiah 30:21

It was July of 2004 that I was cutting grass and God grabbed my attention to talk with me about the future residential women's ministry. The ride has been exciting and we are now at an interesting crossroads. The original site that we considered appears to be dead in the water apart from a major miracle.

Last week our realtor called to tell me that she had found a potential site. Two weeks prior to that she had showed us a site on a beautiful location, but the building itself was a disaster. In my heart I thought, "Here we go again!" When I pulled onto the property my heart started skipping. This site was everything that I had envisioned after the Lord spoke to my heart. Everything! The piece of property is the same size as the site we were looking at building on, but the building is already there and in mint condition.

I have been on the property twice and each time I have sensed that God is up to something special. On Tuesday, our friend pilot friend, Dan, flew us over the property and my prayer was "Lord, this is Your property!"

Now comes the test of faith. How do we determine the mind and heart of God in this matter? Where does the funding come from? In the timeline of the history of America's KESWICK where does this fit in? William Raws had the vision and courage to begin the Colony of Mercy with $1.87. Addison Raws had the courage and fortitude to begin the conference ministry with limited funds. Pastor Bill Raws had the courage to build the Activity Center. Now I am a part of history in the making with our Board - is this the next "FAITH LEAP" for us?

I love that God KNOWS what we need when we need it. The verse for today was timely. Listen to the words I read this morning:

"When we have doubts or are facing difficulties, when others suggest courses of action that are conflicting, when caution dictates one approach but faith another, we should BE STILL. We should quiet each intruding person, calm ourselves in the sacred stillness of God's presence, study His Word for guidance, and with true devotion focus our attention on Him. We should lift our nature into the pure radiating light from HIS face, having an eagerness to know only what God our Lord will determine for us. Soon He will reveal by His secret counsel a DISTINCT and UNMISTAKABLE sense of HIS direction ... Christians who have had many experiences in their walk with Him know the great value of secret fellowship with the Lord.

Are you uncertain about which direction you should go? Take your question to God and receive guidance from either the light of His smile or the cloud of His refusal. You must get alone with Him, where the lights and darkness of this world cannot interfere and where the opinion of others cannot reach you. You must also have the courage to wait in silent expectation, even when everyone around you is insisting on an immediate decision or action. If you will do these things, the will of God will become clear to you! And you will have a deeper concept of who HE is, having more insight into His nature and His heart of love."
Streams in the Desert - Zondervan

Thank You, Lord, for the way YOU will lead and guide me and the Board in these matters. May we discern YOUR voice and see YOU at work in ways that will stagger our puny, human minds! I will keep you posted! How about you? Are you facing a decision that needs HIS direction? I'd love to hear from you too!

Great quote: "It is much easier to DO something than to trust in God; we see the activity and mistake PANIC for inspiration. That is why we see so few fellow workers WITH God, yet so many people working FOR God. We would much rather work FOR God than believe IN HIM! Do I really believe that God will do in me what I cannot do?" Oswald Chambers

Today is the anniversary of the kick-off of VICTORY CALL - a daily email for women! Happy 2nd Anniversary to Diane Hunt and the team of women helping to help hundreds of women THINK VICTORY! If your wife would like to sign up for Victory Call - visit our website:

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