Saturday, June 02, 2007

"I have made a covenant with my eyes ..." Job 31:1

We all receive those annoying notices from time to time - "you warranty has expired - it's time to renew" - "your subscription is about to expire - it's time to renew" - "don't let your insurance lapse - you could lose your coverage."

Well some of you have done what Job suggested - "I have made a covenant with my yes ..." (Job 31:1) and it is that time of the year for you to renew the contract! As we move into the summer season, the temptations that you will face in this area will increase in ways that you can't imagine.

I am very proud of Diane Hunt, our Director of Addiction Recovery Ministries for Women, who writes a daily email for women, VICTORY CALL. This week she has boldly addressed the issue of purity and modesty which every women needs to hear. (You can check out what she wrote at

Several weeks ago one of my friends was addressing this subject with me. He told me that he had heard a teaching that said that the first "look" is free but after that it is lust and sin. I have been thinking about his comment for several days now. I think every breathing, red-blooded male enjoys looking at a beautiful woman - but when does the "look" cross the line from the look to "lust?"

Scripture teaches that the EYEGATE is the method that the enemy uses to distract us and lead us down the path to destruction. The same eyes that can enjoy beautiful roses in the garden are the eyes that can stare at a women's breasts and even undress her - all with our eyes! Some women KNOW that how they look and WHAT they wear (or don't wear) can get a man's attention.

I observed this first-hand when I served as music director at a church in Philly. Our choir practiced in the choir loft of the church sanctuary. We had one young lady who was late for every rehearsal. She was a very attractive woman and dressed very provocatively. I could tell exactly when she walked into the back of the sanctuary without even looking. Every man in the choir was drawn to her and I could see their eyes following her down the aisle and watching her take her seat.

One look was all it took to bring King David down. Most books on this subject use the first part of Job 31:1. But we need to read the verses that follow to get the full picture (no pun intended!):

1 "I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman? 2 For what is the allotment of God from above, And the inheritance of the Almighty from on high? 3 Is it not destruction for the wicked, And disaster for the workers of iniquity? 4 Does He not see my ways, And count all my steps? 5 "If I have walked with falsehood, Or if my foot has hastened to deceit, 6 Let me be weighed on honest scales, That God may know my integrity. 7 If my step has turned from the way, Or my heart walked after my eyes, Or if any spot adheres to my hands, 8 Then let me sow, and another eat; Yes, let my harvest be rooted out."

The text really preaches it pretty plainly:

1. Since I have made a covenant with my eyes is there a reason for me to "look" upon a woman other than my OWN wife? Our song as husbands and wives should be "I only have eyes for you!"

2. When we are tempted to allow our eyes to wander, we must be intentional and vigilant in remembering that "GOD knows, weighs and sees every one of my thoughts, deeds, words and actions." He sees what YOU see. He knows what you are looking at.

3. That look has the power of moving us to the next step - Job says it is "your heart walking after your eyes." That "free" look has the power to take you out.

You may say, "Bill, you are legalistic - you are overreacting?" I don't think so, my brothers! The Word of God is pretty straightforward! And I am sure if you are honest, you know the truth! Don't let that contract expire. Renew it today!

Great quote: We are half-hearted creatures like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased. (Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis

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