Thursday, May 31, 2007



"For with God nothing will be impossible." (Luke 1:37)

What is your impossibility? Job, family, a personal relationship? Did you ever think God designs impossibilities with you in mind?

Read John chapter 6 and you will discover the disciple's perception of circumstances. This perception can either be horizontal (human) or vertical (divine). As you read the chapter, be reminded that nothing is too heavy when God holds the lever! God's power is unlimited. God's promises are unconditional - nothing stands in His way. These ordinary men, following Jesus, were facing an impossible situation. They were tired; exhausted, in fact - "peopled" to death!
And here were 5,000 (as stated in Matthew 14:21), plus the women and children. The disciples and Jesus were in a barren place, without food, and this huge gathering of people was hungry!

Look at the various reactions to this seeming impossibility. Philip looked around and saw the enormity of the problem. Now, Jesus had explained to these disciples that He was the Son of God. But when He asked, "Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?" Philip's response was statistical, calculating only the bare minimum (200 denari or a day's wages). Philip should have said, "You can do this, Master. With You it's no problem." Philip dwells on the situation, not the solution.

Then there is Andrew in this story. In verses 8 and 9, he points out the young lad with the 5 loaves and 2 fish, which appears to be resourceful. But he doesn't think to look to the Lord, either - the same Lord that had just turned water into wine to feed the wedding guests (John 2). Philip looked at the budget. Andrew checked the pantry. Neither anticipated the miracle!

In verse 10, Jesus, in simple fashion, had the disciples seat the crowd and then He multiplied that small lunch to feed thousands. It was even enough to have a basket left over for each disciple! These faithless disciples who figured on the minimum got a smorgasbord! Jesus provided more than what was needed and only quietly rebukes their lack of faith.

Did you learn anything from this special part of God's Word? When you face impossibilities, leave it in the hands of the Specialist! Read the Manual. Get your directions and strength from God. Refuse to worry or calculate. Just give Jesus all you have - even as small as the little boy's lunch - and He will give you back more than you can contain! -- Rev. John Hibbard

Pastor John is a member of the Board of Trustees of America's KESWICK and a contributor of our daily devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE. You can purchase a copy today by calling 732-350-1187 ext. 31.

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