Saturday, June 09, 2007



"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

I am amazed (not really) at how hungry people are for the truth of God's Word. I really don't get it - but it seems that more and more people are buying into the lie that God's Word is not relevant today to reach our culture. Preaching has been replaced by story-telling because God's Word somehow stopped doing its job. The Holy Spirit has become ineffective in
doing His role of "teaching" and illuminating Scripture.

Our churches have become filled with people who are biblically illiterate and I believe this is one of the reasons why we see addiction so rampant in the church. David said, "Your WORD is a lamp unto my feet that I might not sin against You."

Now hear me out - I am not saying that illustrations are not useful in helping communicate the truth. But I believe we are on thin ice when our messages are filled with more stories that the truth of God's WORD!

We recently met a dear lady whose husband pastor a very liberal church. She grew up in a very sound church where God's Word has faithful proclaimed and taught. For 30 years, she sat under her husband's ministry.

She has been a widow for a number of years and started coming to Keswick where she trusted Christ over 65 years ago. I wish you could hear her story first hand. She cries through every message. She recently said, "My husband was a good 'speaker' and told great stories, but Bill, he never taught the truth of God's Word.' She is soaking up truth like a
sponge and growing leaps and bounds at age 80.

In his new book, TAKING BACK THE GOOD BOOK, Dr. Woodrow Kroll gives ten reasons to read your Bible.

Reason 10: Reading the Bible gives you confidence.

Reason 9: Reading the Bible insulates you against Satan's attacks.

Reason 8: Reading your Bible helps you to think Christianly.

Reason 7: Reading your Bible helps you define morality.

Reason 6: Reading your Bible enables you to discover hope.

Reason 5: Reading your Bible identifies the "Center" in your life.

Reason 4: Reading your Bible helps you discover who you are.

Reason 3: Reading your Bible guide you to intimacy with God.

Reason 2: Reading your Bible helps make you special.

Reason 1: Reading your Bible helps you change your world.

When was the last time you cracked open THE BOOK? Reading Freedom Fighters is an encouragement to me, brothers, but don't let IT replace THE GOOD BOOK. That's what will TRANSFORM your life.

Great Quote: "It's not a matter of memorizing information, it's a matter of knowing God. As we know Him and are intimate with Him, then the information we have ABOUT Him is going to be an indicator of what are level is with Him." Barry Schafer

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