Tuesday, January 31, 2006



"And He shall be called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR . . . " Isaiah 9:6

"The Amplified Bible gives six names that could equally be translated
from the word 'counselor'. Each name, as defined by Webster's
dictionary, describes a different aspect of the Person of the Holy
Spirit. He is our:

Counselor: One Whose profession is to give advice and manage causes.

Comforter: One Who relieves another of mental distress.

Helper: One Who furnishes with relief or support. One Who is of use and
Who waits upon another.

Intercessor: One Who acts between parties to reconcile differences.

Advocate: One Who pleads the cause of another.

Strengthener: One Who causes another to grow, become stronger, endure,
and resist attacks.

Standby: One Who can be relied upon either for regular use or in

Can you image how wonderful it would be to have Someone with these
attributes in your life? Are you distressed today? Then you need the
Are you facing a major decision? Then you need the Counselor.
Do you need relief from, or support in, your responsibilities? Then you
need the Helper.
Do you have a broken relationship? Then you need the Intercessor.
Are you being criticized, falsely accused, misunderstood? Then you need
the Advocate.
Are you constantly defeated by habits of sin? Then you need the
Are you unprepared for an emergency? Then you need the Standby.
The Holy Spirit is EVERYTHING that Jesus is!"

"You will never know that Jesus is ALL you need until Jesus is ALL you
have. When Jesus is all you have, you'll know that Jesus is ALL you
need." -- Dr. Mark Corts

Powerful reminder today from the pen of Anne Graham Lotz in her new book
JESUS IS MY EVERYTHING (Countryman) -- available at the Keswick Online
Bookstore (www.americaskeswick.org).

The Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies begins on February 7th. Please
check out our website for details.

Monday, January 30, 2006



Are you content this morning where God has placed you? Content with your
car? Content with your job? Your living situation? I share with you this
morning a letter written by the wife of a Vietnamese pastor's wife who
was forced to live with her children on a balcony after her husband was
placed in prison. God used even her surroundings to become a sanctuary:

My dear friends,

You know around here we are experiencing hardships, but we thank the
Lord He is comforting us and caring for us in every way. When we
experience misfortune, adversity, distress, and hardship only then do we
see the real blessing of the Lord poured down on us in such a way that
we cannot contain it.

We have be obliged recently to leave our modest apartment and for over
two months have been living on a balcony. The rain has been beating down
and soaking us. Sometimes in the middle of the night we are forced to
gather our blankets and run to seek refuge in a stairwell.

Do you know what I do then? I laugh and praise the Lord, because we can
still take shelter in the stairwell. I think of how many people are
experiencing much worse hardships than I am. Then I remember the words
of the Lord, "To the poor, O Lord, You are a refuge from the storm, a
shadow from the heat" and I am gratefully comforted.

Our Father . . . is the One who according to the Scriptures does not
break the bruised reed nor put out the flickering lamp. He is the One
who brings blessings and peace to numberless people. I do not know what
words to use in order to describe the love that the Lord has shown our
family. I only can bow my knee and my heart and offer to the Lord words
of deepest thanks and praise. Although we have lost our house and
possessions, we have not lost the Lord, and HE IS ENOUGH. With the Lord
I have everything. The only thing I fear losing is His blessing!

Could I ask you and our friends in the churches abroad to continue to
pray for me that I will faithfully follow the Lord and serve Him
REGARDLESS of what the circumstances may be? As far as my husband is
concerned, I was able to visit his this past summer. We had a
twenty-minute conversation that brought us great joy.

I greet you with my love.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi An (quoted from A MINUTE OF MARGIN -- Restoring Balance
to Busy Lives by Dr. Richard A. Swenson, NavPress)

Wow. What powerful words. Are you content this morning? Paul said,
"Godliness with contentment is great gain" (1 Timothy 6:6) and "in
WHATEVER circumstance I am in, therewith to be content." (Philippians
4:11) Can you pass the contentment test this morning? Good words to
consider as we begin this new week.

Check out today's broadcast of KESWICK TODAY on the website --

Sunday, January 29, 2006



I really don't know how she did it. She was facing the piano which was
at the front of the room. Yet somehow, Dot Keenest, our Junior High
Youth leader could see what was going on in the room and would often
call us out by name if we were fooling around. We really did think she
had eyes in the back of her head. She seemed to be able to see
everything we were doing.

But there really is ONE who sees EVERYTHING we do. He not only sees the
EXTERNAL things we are doing, He is the searcher of the INTERNAL as
well. There is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING that escapes His eyes. He
sees where we are -- what we are reading -- what we are looking at on
the computer --He sees EVERYTHING. And He sees into our hearts and knows
what we are really thinking and feeling when no one else can.

Listen to what it says from the WORD: "You are the God who sees . . . O
Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my
rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path
and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not
a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it altogether . . .
such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it.

The eyes of the Lord are in EVERY PLACE, keeping watch on the evil and
the good. The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He
ponders all his paths. GOD KNOWS YOUR HEARTS! For what is highly
esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God. The eyes of
the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself
strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." (Genesis 16:13;
Psalm 139:1-4); Proverbs 15:3; Proverbs 5:21; Luke 16:15; 2 Chronicles

This is a good reminder for all of us today. Is there something you are
doing in your life that you forgot He sees? A relationship you are
hiding? Looking at things on the computer that you don't think anyone
sees? Looking at or reading material that you think you are hiding and
covering up without someone seeing? What is going on in your heart?
Bitterness? Jealousy? Lust? HE KNOWS! HE SEES! On this Lord's day, take
some time today to talk to HIM about those things. Get right with Him.
And if you need help today, we are here for you. Respond to this email
and we will get back to you. We are here for you!

Protection on your computer is essential in this ever-changing, crazy
world. Now you can protect yourself and your family from internet
garbage that can take you out. Visit our website today and get
information at SAFE EYES. It's an investment that you can't afford NOT
to make -- www.americaskeswick.org.

Saturday, January 28, 2006



I love the writings of Fenelon, written over 400 years ago, but still as
fresh as if just written . . . In his writings, THE SEEKING HEART, he
says: "Avoid anything that drains or excites you. Your prayer life will
dry up if you don't. Don't expect to feed your inward life if you live
only for what is outward. You really must learn to renounce all that
makes you too outspoken in your conversations. How are you going to
cultivate an inner silence if you are always talking? You cannot want
God and the things of the world at the same time. Don't you realize that
your prayer will be affected by what you cultivate in your daily life?

Fear your excessive enthusiasm, your taste for things of the world, and
your hidden ambitions. Don't get so excited over politics and parties.
If you get too worked up, it will be harder to calm yourself before God.
Speak little and work steadily. Let actions take the place of your
flowery words.

After you learn to deal with your wandering thoughts, you must learn to
come to God to renew your strength. Learn to do this even amidst the
mundane tasks of the day. Keep looking to the Lord for His gentle
leading. But don't be so noisy that you can't hear Him.

You will lose your way the minute you decide to go your own way. When
you seek God's will alone, you find it everywhere, and you cannot go
astray. Wanting what GOD wants always put you on a straight path. The
future is not yet yours; it may never be. Live in the present moment.
Tomorrow's grace is not given to you today. The present moment is the
only place where you can touch the eternal realm."

Chambers said: "Jesus Christ knows YOUR circumstances better than we do,
and He says we must not think about these things to the point where they
become the primary concern of life. Whenever there are competing
concerns in your life, be sure you always put your relationship to God

How do we apply this truth -- do what David said: "Be still . . . " Stop
talking for once and allow Him to speak to your heart -- You know what?
He may transform your life in way you have never dreamed possible.

Good words for you today! THE SEEKING HEART is available from the
KESWICK ONLINE BOOKSTORE -- www.americaskeswick.org.

Friday, January 27, 2006



We have looked this week at the amazing truth from God's Word that
reminds us WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST.

29. You have been saved and set apart according to God's doing! (2
Timothy 1:9; Titus 3:5)
30. You are sanctified and you are one with the Sanctifier. He is not
ashamed to call you brother! (Hebrews 2:11)
31. You can come boldly before the throne of God to find mercy and grace
in time of need! (Hebrews 4:16)
32. You are a partaker of God's diving nature! (2 Peter 1:4)

As I thought about these wonderful truths, I was reminded of the lyrics
to this amazing praise song by Casting Crowns. May these words encourage
your hearts
this morning.

Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt,
Who am I?
That the Bright and Morning Star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart,

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done,
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are,

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean (ocean),
A vapor in the wind,
Still You hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling,
And You've told me who I am..
I am Yours.

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin,
Would look on me with love,
and watch me rise again,
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me,

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done,
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are,

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean (ocean),
A vapor in the wind,
Still You hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling,
And You've told me who I am...
I am Yours, I am Yours.

I am Yours,
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am Yours,
I am Yours.

Thursday, January 26, 2006



I read a quote this morning that went like this -- "The optimist sees
the glass half full! The pessimist sees the glass half empty. The child
of God sees the cup full and running over!" This morning as we review
seven more foundational truths of who we are IN CHRIST, may your heart
be full and running over.

22. You have Christ within you! (Colossians 1:27)

23. You are firmly rooted IN CHRIST and now are being built up in Him!
(Colossians 2:11)

24. You have been spiritually circumcised! (Colossians 2:11)

25. You have been made complete in Christ! (Colossians 2:10)

26. You have been buried, raised, and made alive with Christ.
(Colossians 2:12-13)

27. You died with Christ and you have been raised up with Christ. Christ
is now your life! (Colossians 3:1-4)

28. You have been given a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. (2
Timothy 1:7)

Praise God today, my friend for who you are IN CHRIST.

Struggling with internet pornography or know someone who is? Listen
today today's edition of KESWICK TODAY on our website as Mark Fisher,
President of Sandy Cove Ministries, shares his story --

Our Spring semester of the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies begins
in a few weeks. Consider joining us to study God's Word. We have
partnered with Lancaster Bible College to provide CEU's towards a degree
in Bible. For information, please visit our website --

Wednesday, January 25, 2006



Paul wrote these words . . . "Finally brothers, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy -- think on these things." (Philippians 4:8)

Understanding WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST is a great application to that verse
. . . this morning as you read these truths, allow the Holy Spirit to
speak to your heart and transform your life . . .

15. You have been redeemed and forgiven and you are a recipient of His
lavish grace. (Ephesians 1:7)

16. You have been made alive together with Christ. (Ephesians 2:5)

17. You have been raised up and seated with Christ in heaven. (Ephesians

18. You have direct access to God through the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:18)

19. You may approach God with boldness, freedom and confidence.
(Ephesians 3:12)

20. You have been rescued from the domain of Satan's rule and
transferred to the kingdom of Christ. (Colossians 1:13)

21. You have been redeemed and forgiven of all your sins. The debt
against you has been cancelled. (Colossians 1:14)

Well my friend -- if that doesn't cause you to rejoice this morning --
something ain't right!!! Or as one of our speakers says -- "if that
doesn't light your firewood -- you've got wet wood." Look up the the
Scriptures today and THINK ON THESE THINGS.

Give a listen to today's edition of KESWICK TODAY radio on our website
-- www.americaskeswick.org. Mark Fisher, the new President of Sandy Cove
Ministries, and our speaker for FREEDOM FIGHTER DAY will be sharing his
testimony. If Freedom Fighter is a blessing to you -- share it with a
friend and encourage them to join today!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

WHO I AM (Part 2)

WHO I AM (Part 2)

"Those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and
desires." (Galatians 5:24)

Yesterday we started a journey to review our position in Christ! It is
good to review this often and I encourage you to look up the Scriptures
and make them a part of the fabric of your life.

8. You have been established, anointed and sealed by God in Christ! (2
Corinthians 1:21)

9. You have been given the Holy Spirit as a pledge guaranteeing your
inheritance in Christ! (Ephesians 1:13-14)

10. You have died with Christ and you no longer live for yourself, but
for Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)

11. You have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer YOU who
live, but CHRIST lives in you! (Galatians 2:20)

12. You have been blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing! (Ephesians 1:3)

13. You were chosen in Christ BEFORE the foundation of the work to be
holy and blameless before Him! (Ephesians 1:4)

14. You were predestined -- determined by God -- to be adopted as God's
sons (and daughters)! (Ephesians 1:5)

Remember that today the enemy of your souls wants you to FEEL worthless,
condemned, and without hope! Many of us have lived out that cycle which
leads us further into our sin! Well my friend, repent of your FEELINGS!
Focus today on the TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST!

Listen to today's broadcast of KESWICK TODAY by visiting our website. I
will be interviewing Mark P. Fisher, the new President and CEO of Sandy
Cove Ministries, who is our speaker for our upcoming Freedom Fighter
Men's Day. Mark has an incredible testimony. Check it out --

Monday, January 23, 2006



"Those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and
desires." (Galatians 5:24)

Before I share some insights I have learned on the last part of this
verse, I want to remind you WHO you are IN CHRIST. Over the past year of
Freedom Fighter journaling's, we have looked at this important phrase
numerous times -- it's good to review it often. The moment you trusted
Christ as Savior, you received a NEW identity. You were transferred from
the "kingdom of darkness" to the "kingdom of His dear Son." You are no
longer of this world -- you are IN CHRIST!

With that new identity comes some mind-boggling truths that you need to
hold on to as you navigate life in this ever-changing crazy world.
Believe me -- Satan does not want you to grasp or understand this truth
-- He'd rather you live in bondage to the old identity and live a life
of defeat rather than a life of victory.

I remind you of who you are IN CHRIST -- (and it will take a few days to
scratch just the surface . . .) Don't just take MY word for it -- Check
out the Scriptures with each truth!

1. You are justified -- COMPLETE forgiven. (Romans 5:1)
2. You died WITH Christ and died to the POWER of sin's RULE over your
life. (Romans 6:1-11)
3. You are free from CONDEMNATION! (Romans 8:1)
4. You have been placed into Christ by God's doing. (1 Corinthians 1:30)
5. You have received the Spirit of God that you may KNOW the things
freely given to you by God. (1 Corinthians 2:12)
6. You have been given the MIND of Christ. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
7. You have been bought with a price; You are NOT your own; You belong
to God. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

This is just the beginning my friend. Over the next several days we want
to rehearse who we are IN CHRIST. It is when you understand this AMAZING
truth -- that you will live life to the fullest. Rejoice today, my
friend at your NEW identity!
"Grace binds you with far stronger cords than the cords of duty or
obligation can bind you. Grace is free, but when once you take it you
are bound forever to the Giver, and bound to catch the spirit of the
Giver. Like produces like, Grace makes you gracious, the Giver makes you
give."E. Stanley Jones

LATE BREAKING NEWS: -- KESWICK Today daily (Mon - Fri) 5 minute radio
program is now available LIVE on the Internet. Today's broadcast, and
over time the past 30 days will always be available. It is available in
Windows Media format, Real Audio format, or as a FREE download in MP3
format. It will also be available in a few days in a podcast
(subscription form - those of you who have MP3 player can subscribe to
it and have it automatically downloaded when you turn your computer on
each day).

Please visit our webpage to give it a try:

Sunday, January 22, 2006



To the artist the Lord Jesus Christ is the One Altogether Lovely.

To the architect, He is the Chief Cornerstone.

To the baker, He is the Living Bread.

To the banker, He is the Hidden Treasure.

To the biologist, He is the Life.

To the builder, He is the Sure Foundation.

To the carpenter, He is the Door.

To the doctor, He is the Great Physician.

To the educator, He is the Great Teacher.

To the engineer, He is the New and Living Way.

To the farmer, He is the Sower and the Lord of the Harvest.

To the florist, He is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.

To the geologist, He is the Rock of Ages.

The the horticulturist, He is the True Vine.

To the judge, He us the Righteous Judge, the Judge of all men.

To the juror, He is the Faithful and True Witness.

To the jeweler, He is the Pearl of Great Price.

To the lawyer, He is the Wonderful Counselor, the Lawgiver and the

To the newspaper man, He is the Good News of Great Joy.

To the philanthropist (one who loves and seeks to benefit mankind) He is
the Unspeakable Gift.

To the philosopher He is the Wisdom of God.

To the preacher He is the Word of God.

To the sculptor He is the Living Stone.

To the statesman He is the Desire of All Nations.

To the student, He is the Incarnate Truth.

To the theologian, He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.

To the laborer He is the Giver of Rest.

To the sinner, He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the

To the Christian, He is the Son of the Living God, the Savior, Redeemer,
and Lord.

And He is the ONE we gather to worship on this Lord's day. What is HE to
you, my friend?

Saturday, January 21, 2006



"In 1787, an immigrant to American by the name of Thomas Paine had
leaped from poverty and obscurity to fame through his brilliant writing.
By his gifts of pamphlet writing, he had inspired the American colonists
to rise against England and achieve independence in the American

At this high point in his success story, Paine made a fatal mistake. He
began to write his 'masterpiece,' a book describing his religious
beliefs, which he expected would replace the Bible and other writings
about revealed religion.

He made the prediction that his book, "Age of Reason,' would destroy the
Bible by exposing it as a myth and legend. He believed that within 100
years after the publication of his book, Bibles would be found only in
museums or in the musty corners of secondhand bookstores.

Paine's book was published in London in 1794, but instead of bringing
him fame and glory which he expected, the book turned out to be a
scourge that haunted him until his death. His attack on God and sacred
things we so repugnant that many friends and admirers turned against

He sailed to America to renew old friendships and regain his lost
popularity. But it was too late. Former friends would have nothing to do
with him, and the public scorned him as a crank and blasphemer.

Saddened and discouraged by his failure, he was broken in health and
became a bedridden invalid until his death. He died friendless and alone
in 1809. Instead of his prediction concerning God's Word coming true,
the Bible advanced to the position of the world's best perennial
bestseller and the daily guide in the lives of millions of people."

King David wrote, "Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven. Thy
faithfulness continues throughout all generations. You established the
earth and it stands. They stand this day according to your ordinances .
. . I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have revived me .
. . I shall diligently consider Your testimonies. I have seen a limit
to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad." (Psalm
119:89-91; 93; 95-96)

Make no mistake -- the Bible stands forever. When did you read the Book
last? Make it a part of your daily walk.

Friday, January 20, 2006



As we move into this new year, many of us have made commitments to make
lifestyle changes -- some are health related, like new eating and
exercise habits -- or maybe you wanting to break free of a besetting sin
. . .

Here is a fresh look at "walking in the Spirit" by using the "fruit of
the Spirit"

LOVE. Love yourself enough to take care of the body that God has given
you. Love God enough to treat it properly.

JOY. Have joy for today because of exactly who you are right NOW. Have
joy for whose you are.

PEACE. Embrace the only peace God provides by fully trusting in Him his
plans for you . . . peace that tells you that you WILL have victory.

PATIENCE. Have patience for that victory. Remember God's perfect timing
in the past and cling to that evidence for your future.

KINDNESS. Show kindness to yourself. Say positive things about yourself
and don't criticize your self when you are not doing things perfectly.

GOODNESS. Dwell on the goodness of the Lord and focus on the good
changes you are making in your lifestyle.

FAITHFULNESS. God is faithful, and He will give you faithfulness in your
decision to make these new and healthier changes.

GENTLENESS. Comfort yourself . . . not with tons of 'comfort food' but
with gentleness and comfort that comes only from abiding in Christ.

SELF-CONTROL -- Yes, you can have self-control. Call upon the powers and
grace of Almighty God. He is waiting to give you strength."

Good words to help us walk today in the Spirit in this ever-crazy
changing world.

(from SCALE DOWN -- A Realistic Guide to Balancing Body, Soul and Spirit
-- published by our friends at REVELL and available at the KESWICK
ONLINE BOOKSTORE -- www.americaskeswick.org.

Thursday, January 19, 2006



"It is difficult to live out our inheritance in Christ when we don't
fully believe the truth of our transformation. Imagine that you you'd be
living in poverty for twenty years, not realizing that your
great-grandmother had deposited a million dollars in a trust fund for
you seventy-five years ago. But once you realized this, what would you
do with the truth? You'd probably act on it!

If would be unbelievable if you never withdrew the money. But that's
often how we live as Christians. We live as paupers instead of princes!
We live defeated instead of victorious. Why? We haven't embraced our
inheritance. But how do we do that? Believe the truth! Simply knowing is
not believing. When we truly believe, it transforms our minds and
eventually our behavior.

The Spirit of God took residence in you when you believed, and he will
bear witness and animate the truth of God's Word when you read, study,
and meditate on is as if were all you needed to sustain your life . . .

To live a victorious life in all its dimensions, you must know who you
are and become consumed with a passion to pursue God and His truth. The
process of getting and keeping your 'spiritual balloon' fully inflated
is relatively simple. You need to nourish your spirit daily in five

1. Pray as if it is the air your breath.

2. Nourish your soul and spirit with God's Word daily.

3. Digest its truth through meditation.

4. Practice the presence of God.

5. Worship him in Spirit and in truth.

Good words today from Dana Demetre in her new book SCALE DOWN -- A
Realistic Guide to Balancing Body, Soul, Soul and Spirit -- published by
our good friends at REVELL and available at the KESWICK ONLINE BOOKSTORE
-- www.americaskeswick.org

Wednesday, January 18, 2006



"There is a lie pervasive in our society that says that at some point
unclear, yet ever-present point . . . we've gone too far. We fear there
is a line crossed, a sin committed, a wrong done that cannot be
forgiven. So when is 'enough, enough'? Is it three strikes and you're
out? Is there one or more unforgivable sins? If you've run away from
God, I have great news for you -- you've not gone too far! Whatever your
sin, or series of sins, whatever lifestyle you're entrenched it . . .
you've not gone too far. YOU CAN COME HOME!

That is not to say you should love with reckless abandon. There are
consequences to poor choices . . . they can damage you and others. BUT
IT IS NEVER TOO LATE, you've never gone too far to reconcile with God.
God forgives even though we grieve His Holy Spirit with our defiant and
rebellious behavior. His love PREVAILS even though there is a time of
interrupted fellowship as His loving discipline guides us back home.

Let us learn from Him as we set healthy, yet loving boundaries for
ourselves and others. It's never about you being worthy. No one is
worthy. It's about the fact that you are God's child. If you are out
there on a limb and you feel there is no place to go and your heart is
breaking . . . that you've gone too far . . . you have not. You can
always come home." -- Dr. Tim Scott from COME HOME -- Purpose 5 (Scott
Memorial Community Church)

There was an old Billy Graham movie that had a song with this text:

Return to the One who loves you.

Return to the Savior who cares.

He gives perfect, your burdens He bares,

Return to the Savior who cares.

Are you running from God? Think you are beyond the point of no return?
Come home. We'd love to help you. Respond to this email and we will get
information on how you can come home.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006



"What matters supremely, therefore, is not, in the last analysis, the
fact the I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it -- the fact
that HE KNOWS ME. I am graven on the palms of His hands. I am never out
of His mind. All my knowledge of HIM depends on HIS sustained initiative
in knowing ME. I know Him, because He first knew me, and continues to
know me; and there is no moment when His eye is off me, or His attention
distracted from me, and not moment therefore when His care falters.

There is tremendous relief in knowing that His love to me is utterly
realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about
me, so that no discovery now can disillusion Him about me, in the way I
am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench His determination to
bless me.

There is, certainly, great cause for humility in the thought that He
sees all the twisted things about me that my fellow men do not see (and
I'm glad!), and that He sees more corruption in me than that which I see
in myself (which in all conscience, is enough). There is, however,
equally great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for
some unfathomable reason, He wants me as His friend, and desires to be
my friend, and has given His Son to me for me in order to realize this
purpose." -- J. I. Packer KNOWING GOD

For more insight, see Psalm 139:13-16

Good words to ponder today!

Monday, January 16, 2006



"A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a
temper-fire." Proverbs 15:1 (The Message)

"Anger is like the secondary valve on a pressure cooker, the one that
pops when the main one is clogged, in order to avoid an explosion.
'Popping ones cork' and 'letting off steam' are recognizable expressions
for the healthy process of an edger. The inner buildup can exist only so
long, and then it must be released. To keep it inside over a long period
of time is to invite a more dangerous situation, a possible mental
breakdown, or an irreparable event as drastic as suicide.

When a person is angry, he is apt to see things less objectively. For
that reason other heads should remain cool until the angry party's
spleen has been vented and calm restored, for only then can the cause of
anger be dealt with in any satisfactory way." (The Love Formula)


I am writing this week from historic Williamsburg. Freedom Fighters may
be a little delayed since I am on vacation!

Sunday, January 15, 2006



"The British express train raced through the night, its powerful
headlamp spearing the black darkness ahead. The train was carrying Queen

Suddenly the engineer saw a startling sight. Revealed in the beam of the
engine's headlights was a weird figure in a black cloak standing in the
middle of the tracks and waving its arms. The engineer grabbed for the
brakes and brought the train to a grinding halt.

He and his fellow trainmen climbed out to see what had stopped them. But
they could find no trace of the strange figure. On a hunch, he walked a
few yards further up the tracks. Suddenly he stopped and stared into the
fog in horror. The bridge had been washed out in the middle and had
toppled into a swollen stream. If he had not heeded the ghostly figure,
the train would have plunged into the stream.

While the bridge and the tracks were being repaired, the crew made a
more intensive search for the strange flagman. But not until they got to
London, did they solve the mystery.

At the base of the engine's lamp, the engineer discovered a huge dead
moth. He looked at it a moment, then on impulse wet its wings and pasted
it to the glass of the lamp/

Climbing back into his cab, he switched on the lamp and saw the
'flagman' in the beam. He knew the answer now: the moth had flown into
the beam, seconds before the train was due to reach the washed-out
bridge. In the fog, it appeared to be a phantom figure waving its arms.

When Queen Victoria was told of the strange happening she said, 'I'm
sure it was no accident. It was God's way of protecting us.'" from THE
ENCYCLOPEDIA of 15,000 Illustrations.

"The Lord, He is the one who goes BEFORE you. He will be with you, He
will not leave you nor forsake you." (Deut. 31:8)

As you gather together to worship HIM this Lord's day, let's thank Him
and praise Him for His protective hand in our lives.

Saturday, January 14, 2006



A hypothetical scene . . .

"It seems that Moses had led the children of Israel out of Egypt -- and
they now had Pharaoh and his armies in hot pursuit behind them and the
Red Sea in front of them. They were trapped. So Moses called his
generals and other tribal leaders together and reviewed with them the
desperate straits they were in. What to do? Did anyone have any

One of the engineering types suggested that it would be possible to
construct a pontoon bridge -- but it was quickly noted that they didn't
have time for that. All kinds of crazy ideas were suggest -- but none of
them had any merit.

Finally, Moses asked, 'What if I were to pray to Jehovah God and ask him
to send a mighty wind to sweep back the waters of the Red Sea so that
the dry land would appear beneath the sea? Then we could cross over on
dry land. And then when we're safely on the other side the wind would
subside and the waters would rush back and drown the Egyptian army who
would be in hot pursuit? What do you think of that idea?"

At this point Moses' publicity man jumped up enthusiastically and said,
'Moses Baby, if you can pull that one off -- I guarantee I can get you
two full pages in the Bible!'" (see Exodus 14)

Friend are you facing what seems to be insurmountable obstacles? Facing
a huge crisis and not sure what to do? Why not do what Jeremiah
suggests: "Call to ME, and I WILL answer you, and I will tell you great
and mighty things, which you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

"When a man is at his wit's end it is not a cowardly thing to pray -- it
is the ONLY way he can get in touch with REALITY! 'O that I knew where I
could get in touch with the Reality that explains things!' There is only
one way, and that is the way of prayer." Oswald Chambers

Good words for this Saturday, January 14, 2006

Friday, January 13, 2006



Listening to the 10 O'clock news is not always the most healthy thing to
do before going to bed. It is bad enough that we are seeing the moral
decay of our country, but add to that the threats that we see happening
on the global scale with Iran and the potential for an all out war that
has prophetic implications, one could easily become fearful and anxious.

This morning as I opened the Word -- the words from the Scriptures took
on new meaning. I share with you verses from THE DAILY LIGHT ON THE
DAILY PATH for your consideration this morning:

"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You,
because He trusts in You. Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall
sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. I will
trust and not be afraid; for YAH, the Lord, is my strength and my song;
He also has become my salvation. Why are you fearful, O you of little
faith? Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. In quietness and confidence shall
be your strength.

The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of
righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not
your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Peace from Him who is
and who was and who is to come." (Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 55:22; Isaiah
12:2; Matthew 8:26; Philippians 4:6-7; Isaiah 30:15; Isaiah 32:17; John
14:27; Rev. 1:4)

I could write many things this morning -- but THE WORD speaks for
itself. Aren't you glad this morning for HIS PEACE -- a peace that the
world doesn't understand or take away. He is the God of peace, Himself!
Thank Him this morning for HIS peace even in the midst of difficult
circumstances that you might be facing right now in your world.

Good words for today.

Thursday, January 12, 2006



This morning during my morning walk, I was listening to a CD by Dr. John
C. Maxwell. He shared this poem which was quite powerful:

"When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.

For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Whose judgment upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.

He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous. difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.

You make be like Jack Horner and 'chisel' a plum,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you cheated the guy in the glass.
-- Dale Wimbrow

Taken today from an INJOY LIFE CLUB lesson presented by Dr. John C.

Good words to consider on this Thursday, January 12, 2006



"A life devoted to THINGS [stuff] is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped
life is a flourishing tree." Proverbs 11:28 (The Message)

The older I am getting the more I have realized how much STUFF I have.
Living in this Seniors community we get to see what happens when a
person dies and the family has to handle the disposition of all the
stuff. We clean out our closets, desk drawers, garages and attics
periodically to get rid of STUFF to make room for more STUFF. In fact,
we will often visit the flea markets in our community and chuckle at the
seniors who are selling their STUFF and then walk around buying more

Some of us fall into the trap of being consumed by and being devoted to
STUFF -- we aren't content with what we have -- we need a better camera.
Someone else gets a new and better computer and we begin to drool and
covet and then map out a plan as to how we can get one that's even
better. Some of us end up working extra jobs and hours so that we can
live a better life and get more stuff. We end up exhausted, burned out,
mad at the kids, frustrated with our spouses -- and quite frankly being
miserable. We buy into the lie from the enemy that MORE STUFF =
Happiness and contentment.

The bottom line is that instead of desiring STUFF and being devoted to
it, we need to SEEK HIM! Oswald Chambers says: "As long as I have
something from God which I possess, I have not got God. God gives us
possessions in order to draw us to Himself, and when we get GOD we are
no longer conscious of our possessions, but conscious only of God. What
possesses me in a yielded life to God is God Himself."

Jesus said it this way -- "Seek first his kingdom and his righteous, and
all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:34 NIV).

Question? Are you seeking HIM today or are you trapped in the
STUFF-MODE? "But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the
sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to
the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake
I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ
and be found in him . . ." -- Philippians 3:7-8.

Good question to answer today!

Join us tomorrow evening for our first Men's Fellowship of the New Year!
Dinner is at 6:15 PM! Call today and make your reservation --
800-453-7942. Why not bring a friend!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006



We live in a world that bombards us with sound. Think about it -- where
can you go today and find quiet? The malls, supermarkets, elevators,
doctor's offices -- there is always something playing or someone
speaking. My daughter-in-law received an IPOD for Christmas -- it can
hold 70,000 songs. Now I love music -- but how in the world could you
ever listen to 70,000 songs! And think of the time it would take to
download all that.

As a leader, I am bombarded with stuff to listen to -- from donors to
staff to guests that want to chat and share what's on their hearts. I
have to weigh and listen to lots of words. Sometimes it is a bit
overwhelming even for someone like me who thrives on people.

My associate and friend, Jim Kennedy, often encourages me to be careful
what I listen to. People love to tell you STUFF. Some is necessary,
often it isn't. I find myself having to test what I hear and evaluate
what is profitable and what I need to simply ignore. If I acted on
everything everyone told me, I would really got nuts (no comments from
the peanut gallery!).

I have shared with you before that we are raising chickens. To have good
eggs you need a rooster. This morning at 4:00 AM I was ready to forget
the eggs and have roast rooster! He has been crowing for over and hour.
What we recently found out is that a rooster can hear sounds up to four
miles away -- our goofy rooster is most likely responding to another
rooster that he is hearing. I wonder if they sell ear plugs for

Some of us are like that -- we are so tuned into listening to junk that
we can hear it up to four miles away. We listen to music that is not
pleasing to the Father. We listen to gossip, false reports about our
co-workers, dirty stories -- well you name it.

We need to develop ears that will please the Father. We need to guard
what is coming into our ears. Do you have a plan for that? Take some
time and develop a listening plan. Start with reading through the book
of Proverbs. It's filled with godly wisdom for godly ears!

"Does not the ear test words, as the palate tastes food?" -- Job 12:10

Good words for today!

Our spring semester of the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies begins
in just a few weeks. Have you considered working on your Bible College
Education? We have partnered with Lancaster Bible College to make
affordable and time-friendly Bible college education available to people
of all ages. Our semester is an 8 week commitment of 2 hours on a
Tuesday or Thursday evening. For details and registration information,
visit our website -- www.americaskeswick.org.

Monday, January 09, 2006



"You must let go of your restlessness, your excessive curiosity, your
longing for success and your habit of collecting things that stroke your
ego. The best way to let go of these things is to cultivate an inner
silence where you may come to experience your Lord's presence. If you do
this every day of your life, you will make real progress in denying

Sitting in your Lord's presence will calm you, soften your temper,
humble your know-it-all attitude, and restrain your impatience. You will
be made aware of your Lord, and the needs of your neighbor. God has
bless you in making you so sensitive. Things that would hardly bother
other people touch you to the core. You are troubled or pleased by
nothing halfway! But I warn you to guard yourself against your likes and
dislikes since they are so passionately expressed." -- from FENELON --

"What I am trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so
preoccupied with GETTING, so you can respond to God's giving. People who
don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know
both God and how we works. Steep your life in God-reality,
God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll
find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get
worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you
deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." The words
of JESUS from the SERMON ON THE MOUNT -- Matthew 6 (from The Message)

Join us this Thursday night for our monthly MEN'S FELLOWSHIP NIGHT at
America's KESWICK. Pastor Larry Green, Senior Pastor of Shawnee Baptist
Church, will be our speaker. Dinner is at 6:15 PM followed by an evening
of praise, testimony and God's Word. After the session, enjoy the
Activity Center for a swim, game of basketball, volleyball or the hot
tub! Call for reservations -- 732-350-1187. See you there!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006



"It started at the end of a Sunday morning in an Ontario Church. The
choir began the recessional, singing as they marched in perfect unison
up the center aisle to the back of the church. The first young lady in
the women's section was wearing a new pair of shoes with needle heels --
heels that are so slender they slip through any grating. And in the
aisle was grating that covered the hot air register.

Without a thought for her fancy heels, the young woman sang and marched.
And the heel of one shoe sank right through the holes in the register
grate. Instantly she realized her predicament. She knew she couldn't
hold up the whole recessional while she back-stepped to pull our her
heel. So she did the next best thing in this emergency. Without missing
a step she slipped her foot out of her shoe and continued up the aisle.
There wasn't a break in the recessional. Everything moved like

The first man following that young woman noted the situation and,
without loosing a beat, reached down and picked up her shoe. The entire
grate came with it. Startled but still singing, the man continued up the
aisle bearing in his hand one grate attached to one shoe.

Never a break in the recessional. Everybody singing. Everything moving
like clockwork. And then in tune and in time to the beat, the next man
stepped into the open register."

What a great illustration of our worship. Some of us wait until Sunday's
to worship and the hustle and bustle of life leave us empty or on
overload. We arrive at church frustrated and unprepared for our time in
HIS presence. In order for SUNDAY worship to be meaningful, worship
needs to be happening in our lives on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday -- then we will arrive on Sunday never
taking a break in our step -- Worship needs to be a part of the very
fabric of our lives.

Purpose in this new year to be a worshipper each day of the week! Have a
blessed Lord's Day!

Saturday, January 07, 2006



"Do not let your faults discourage you. Be patient with yourself as well
as with your neighbor. Thinking too much will exhaust you and cause you
to make a lot of mistakes. Learn to pray in ALL your daily situations.
Speak, act, and walk as if you were in prayer. This is how you should
live anyway.

Do everything without becoming too excited. As soon as you start to feel
yourself getting too eager, quiet yourself before the Lord. Listen to
HIM as He prompts you inwardly, then do only as He directs. If you do
this, your words will be fewer and more effective. You will be calm, and
good will be accomplished in greater measure.

I am not talking about continually trying to reason things out. Simply
ask the Lord what HE wants of you. The simple and short asking is better
than your long-winded debates.

Turn toward God and it will be much easier to turn away from your strong
natural feelings. Depend on the Lord within you. Your life will
eventually become a prayer. You may suffer, but it will be in peace."
from the writings of FENELON in THE SEEKING HEART (Available from the
Keswick Online Bookstore ... www.americaskeswick.org ).

In your heart God has excavated an immense space where he has placed a
precious treasure. From now on you have the twofold duty of receiving
and giving: sharing the treasure of the kingdom you bear within you and
stretching the area of your tent for those around you. Anonymous

Good words for this Saturday, January 7, 2006.

Friday, January 06, 2006



"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your
soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength . . ." Mark 12:30

"The soul is the 'heart' of personality. Loving God with all your soul
means centering thoughts on God, governing emotions by His character,
and setting the will on the Lord and His Kingdom interests," so writes
Pastor and author, Ed Young.

"A daily spiritual exercise helps me express love for God at the soul
level. I pray using the acronym SELF. It works like this:

S = Surrender -- I surrender myself to God in prayer, acknowledging His
Lordship over my whole personality.
E = Empty -- I ask the Lord to examine my heart and to help me empty
myself of anything that is out of line with His character or that would
block communion with Him.
L = Lift -- I 'lift' praise, worship, and thanksgiving to God.
F = Fill -- I ask the Lord to fill me with His Holy Spirit.

Loving God will all your soul keeps you from falling into fundamental
idolatry: the worship of self or your own personality." from 365 Days of
Total Heart Health by Dr. Ed Young, published by our good friends at
Countryman. You can order this book at www.americaskeswick.org
<http://www.americaskeswick.org> .

Good words for today.

Thursday, January 05, 2006



Yesterday was one of those crazy days where I found myself saying to my
self, "Stop the world, I want to get off!" Ever have one of those days
that just seem out of control? Well in my quiet time this morning I read
this words from Dr. Mark Swenson, writer of the powerful devotional, A

"Life has a way of getting away from us, of cascading out of control.
Soon we are scrambling to keep our balance, desperately trying to keep
our head above water. At such moments, we are seldom guided by
transcendent principles but instead by survival pure and simple. When
the phone is ringing and the doorbell is ringing and the kids are
fighting and the baby is crying and we are trying to get ready for a
meeting that started ten minutes ago, it is hard to sustain lofty
thoughts. Priorities are lost in the din. And modernity, to be sure, has
lots of din.

Inherent in understanding about overload is the need to prioritize. If
our lives are besieged with excessive clutter, crowded schedules, and
continuous interruptions, then we have some choices to make. If we have
more to do than we can possibly do, then we have some decisions to make.
[And if we are too busy to spend time with the Lord -- WE ARE TOO BUSY!]
And such choices and decisions, if pursued wisely, will be guided by
eternal priorities and God-honoring criteria.

Many people often do not consciously realize what their priorities are.
A French anthropologist, Claude Levi-Strauss, once remarked, 'History is
something that happens to people; what happens is always different from
what people would rather have done.' Upon first reading that statement,
I realized it was both true and tragic. Priorities DO matter.

The following are principles to use in establishing and guarding our

1. Obtain priorities from God's Word.
2. Look through God's eyes, and then act on what is seen.
3. Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else later.
4. People are more important than things.

'Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that
matter last.' (Goethe) Listen to God's advice. Take control of each area
of your life where He has given explicit instructions. When you bring
your balancing problems to God, you will discover that He never assigns
you twice as much as you can possibly do. Instead the Father reveals the
appropriate priorities to use and then always provides whatever time and
resources are needed to accomplish His will."

These were good words that I needed to hear, especially after a crazy
day yesterday. Thank You, Lord, for speaking to my heart.

A MINUTE OF MARGIN (NavPress) can be ordered at the KESWICK ONLINE
BOOKSTORE -- www.americaskeswick.org.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006



I have shared from this verse before, but it is worth reviewing over and
over again. For those of you who read a chapter in Proverbs daily, you
are going to read these verses every month, twelve times a year!

As men of God, we need to guard and protect our hearts! Solomon wrote:
"Keep vigilant watch (guard) over your heart; that's where life starts.
Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white
lies and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow
distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth
before you. Look neither right or left; leave evil in the dust." --
Proverbs 4:23-27

One of the ways we guard our hearts to lay a good foundation in our
lives. That is why spending time with God each day must be a
non-negotiable for us. Many of us use Daytimers or some other
time-management program. We diligently record meetings and appointments
that we don't want to miss or forget. How easy it is for us to miss our
time with the Father. We cannot afford to miss that time, my friends.
Reading the Word, meditating and praying help us build a firm foundation
in our lives -- it strengthens and fortifies our hearts.

I just read this morning that "Frederic-Aguste Bartholdi faced two
challenges when designing the Statue of Liberty: how to hold together
100 tons of copper plate and how to make a structure strong enough to
resist fiercest winds. The answer was a 94-foot high skeleton of wrought
iron at the core. It is so strong that Lady Liberty sways only three
inches in a 50-mile-per-hour wind!" (from 365 DAYS OF TOTAL HEART

Are you guarding your heart this morning? Did you miss your appointment
with the Father? Why not journal some of the ways that you would guard
your heart and strength the inner core of your life. It will be worth
the time today to do that!

Have a great day.

Join us for our first Men's Fellowship Night of the new year --
Thursday, January 12, 2006. Pastor Larry Green, Senior Pastor of Shawnee
Baptist Church will be our speaker. Call today for reservations:

Tuesday, January 03, 2006



"The best place to be is where God puts you. Any other place is
undesirable because you chose it for yourself. Do not think too much
about the future. Worrying about things that haven't happened yet is
unhealthy for you. God Himself will help you, day by day. There is no
need to store things up for the future. Don't you believe God will take
care of you?

A life of faith does two things: Faith helps you see God behind
EVERYTHING that He uses. And faith also keeps you in a place where you
are not sure what will happen next. To have faith you cannot always want
to know what is happening or going to happen. God wants you to trust Him
ALONE from minute to minute. The strength He gives you in one minute is
not intended to carry you through the next. Let God take care of His
business. Just be faithful to what God asks of you.

To depend on God from moment to moment -- especially when all is dark
and uncertain -- is a true dying to your old self. This process is so
slow and inward that it is often hidden from you as well as others."
from THE SEEKING HEART by Fenelon

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out
everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in EVERYTHING you do,
EVERYWHERE you go; He's the one who will keep you on track." Proverbs
3:5-6 from THE MESSAGE

Good words for today. To order a copy of THE SEEKING HEART, visit our
KESWICK Online Bookstore -- www.americaskeswick.org.

Monday, January 02, 2006



"God is the creator and HIS WORD speaks to a lot more than just our
faith and practice. It speaks to EVERY essential discipline of society.
The statement, 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth'
(Genesis 1:1) speaks directly to matters of theology and philosophy.
God's prohibitions to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
(Genesis 2:9) is the starting point for ethics. The mention of animals
'according to their kind' (Genesis 1:21) recognizes the importance of
biology. The statement that 'man became a living being' (Genesis 2:7)
suggests our physical, psychological and spiritual nature. The command
to 'be fruitful and increase the number, fill the earth and subdue it'
(Genesis 1:28) speaks to matters of sociology and the relationship of
humans to the natural order. The statement, 'Whoever sheds the blood of
man by man shall his blood be shed' (Genesis 9:6) sets legal and
political precedents. God's gift of grain and fruit for food (Genesis
1:29) speaks to economic relationships. The statement, 'I will put
enmity between you and the woman (Genesis 3:15) foreshadows
misunderstandings that will occur between men and women through history.

God underlines the significance of all the above disciplines in the
ultimate revelation of Jesus Christ. In theology, Jesus is the fullness
of the Godhead (Colossians 2:9). In philosophy, Jesus is the Logos
(Word) of God (John 1:1). In ethics, Jesus is the true light (John 1:9).
In biology, Jesus took on the form of a man (Philippians 2:7), and
became our source for physical and spiritual life (see John 1:4). In
psychology, Jesus is the true and perfect man who saves and transforms
us (see Luke 1:46-47). In sociology, Jesus is our example for social
relationships (1 Peter 2:21). In law and politics, Jesus came to fulfill
the Law (Matthew 5:17) and is the Lord of lords and the King of kings
(Revelation 19:16). In economics, Jesus is the owner of all things (1
Corinthians 10:26). All things were created by Christ and for Christ
(Colossians 1:16). Finally, in history, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega --
the beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8).

All that from one book! What an amazing book -- but what an amazing GOD!
Celebrate and worship Him today.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Here is a great poem from one of our Freedom Fighter
members, Pastor George VanSandt. Enjoy your day!!!

Just Thinking!
When God made man His work was done
He never created another one.
Now of all the things that God has made
Man was the only one who disobeyed. (Romans 5:12)

Man, the king of God's creation, alone
Can sit upon his little throne
As he remembers the past with all that's done
And dreams of the future race he'll run.

And all the while he will understand
That time is like small grains of sand
That slips through fingers no matter how strong.
No one can hold sand for very long!

The past we can picture and the future we dream,
The present we have--but it is unseen.
Life moves swiftly, like a bird on the wing,
Its rhythm and beat are the songs we sing.

But sound fades and fire becomes a glowing ember
January begins but a year ends in December.
Could we catch time and hold it tight,
Or make the Sun shine in the night,

Then we would know as God does know.
(He gave Noah his promised rainbow.)
(Geneses 9:12-16)
If in the NOW we could always live and be
No future to fear and no past to grieve.

That is where our God lives-in the present.
He is coming again although He hasn't
One tick of the clock and the new became old
Nothing stays new (or so I am told).

We this New Year now must face,
For time moves in its steady pace,
As we the past year must review
Here's to Him who makes All Things New, (Rev. 21:5)

For our New Home and our New Name, (John 14:1-3;
Rev. 2:17)
Our New Relationship with Him who came
To take our robes all tattered and torn
And gives us the Robe that He has worn.
(Isaiah 61:10)

He gives us New Friends and a New Reason to live,
New Hope, New Joy He will give and give!
So, until your final breath when life is through
Look only to Him who makes all things new!