Tuesday, January 31, 2006



"And He shall be called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR . . . " Isaiah 9:6

"The Amplified Bible gives six names that could equally be translated
from the word 'counselor'. Each name, as defined by Webster's
dictionary, describes a different aspect of the Person of the Holy
Spirit. He is our:

Counselor: One Whose profession is to give advice and manage causes.

Comforter: One Who relieves another of mental distress.

Helper: One Who furnishes with relief or support. One Who is of use and
Who waits upon another.

Intercessor: One Who acts between parties to reconcile differences.

Advocate: One Who pleads the cause of another.

Strengthener: One Who causes another to grow, become stronger, endure,
and resist attacks.

Standby: One Who can be relied upon either for regular use or in

Can you image how wonderful it would be to have Someone with these
attributes in your life? Are you distressed today? Then you need the
Are you facing a major decision? Then you need the Counselor.
Do you need relief from, or support in, your responsibilities? Then you
need the Helper.
Do you have a broken relationship? Then you need the Intercessor.
Are you being criticized, falsely accused, misunderstood? Then you need
the Advocate.
Are you constantly defeated by habits of sin? Then you need the
Are you unprepared for an emergency? Then you need the Standby.
The Holy Spirit is EVERYTHING that Jesus is!"

"You will never know that Jesus is ALL you need until Jesus is ALL you
have. When Jesus is all you have, you'll know that Jesus is ALL you
need." -- Dr. Mark Corts

Powerful reminder today from the pen of Anne Graham Lotz in her new book
JESUS IS MY EVERYTHING (Countryman) -- available at the Keswick Online
Bookstore (www.americaskeswick.org).

The Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies begins on February 7th. Please
check out our website for details.

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