Sunday, January 01, 2006


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Here is a great poem from one of our Freedom Fighter
members, Pastor George VanSandt. Enjoy your day!!!

Just Thinking!
When God made man His work was done
He never created another one.
Now of all the things that God has made
Man was the only one who disobeyed. (Romans 5:12)

Man, the king of God's creation, alone
Can sit upon his little throne
As he remembers the past with all that's done
And dreams of the future race he'll run.

And all the while he will understand
That time is like small grains of sand
That slips through fingers no matter how strong.
No one can hold sand for very long!

The past we can picture and the future we dream,
The present we have--but it is unseen.
Life moves swiftly, like a bird on the wing,
Its rhythm and beat are the songs we sing.

But sound fades and fire becomes a glowing ember
January begins but a year ends in December.
Could we catch time and hold it tight,
Or make the Sun shine in the night,

Then we would know as God does know.
(He gave Noah his promised rainbow.)
(Geneses 9:12-16)
If in the NOW we could always live and be
No future to fear and no past to grieve.

That is where our God lives-in the present.
He is coming again although He hasn't
One tick of the clock and the new became old
Nothing stays new (or so I am told).

We this New Year now must face,
For time moves in its steady pace,
As we the past year must review
Here's to Him who makes All Things New, (Rev. 21:5)

For our New Home and our New Name, (John 14:1-3;
Rev. 2:17)
Our New Relationship with Him who came
To take our robes all tattered and torn
And gives us the Robe that He has worn.
(Isaiah 61:10)

He gives us New Friends and a New Reason to live,
New Hope, New Joy He will give and give!
So, until your final breath when life is through
Look only to Him who makes all things new!

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