Saturday, January 14, 2006



A hypothetical scene . . .

"It seems that Moses had led the children of Israel out of Egypt -- and
they now had Pharaoh and his armies in hot pursuit behind them and the
Red Sea in front of them. They were trapped. So Moses called his
generals and other tribal leaders together and reviewed with them the
desperate straits they were in. What to do? Did anyone have any

One of the engineering types suggested that it would be possible to
construct a pontoon bridge -- but it was quickly noted that they didn't
have time for that. All kinds of crazy ideas were suggest -- but none of
them had any merit.

Finally, Moses asked, 'What if I were to pray to Jehovah God and ask him
to send a mighty wind to sweep back the waters of the Red Sea so that
the dry land would appear beneath the sea? Then we could cross over on
dry land. And then when we're safely on the other side the wind would
subside and the waters would rush back and drown the Egyptian army who
would be in hot pursuit? What do you think of that idea?"

At this point Moses' publicity man jumped up enthusiastically and said,
'Moses Baby, if you can pull that one off -- I guarantee I can get you
two full pages in the Bible!'" (see Exodus 14)

Friend are you facing what seems to be insurmountable obstacles? Facing
a huge crisis and not sure what to do? Why not do what Jeremiah
suggests: "Call to ME, and I WILL answer you, and I will tell you great
and mighty things, which you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

"When a man is at his wit's end it is not a cowardly thing to pray -- it
is the ONLY way he can get in touch with REALITY! 'O that I knew where I
could get in touch with the Reality that explains things!' There is only
one way, and that is the way of prayer." Oswald Chambers

Good words for this Saturday, January 14, 2006

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