Wednesday, January 18, 2006



"There is a lie pervasive in our society that says that at some point
unclear, yet ever-present point . . . we've gone too far. We fear there
is a line crossed, a sin committed, a wrong done that cannot be
forgiven. So when is 'enough, enough'? Is it three strikes and you're
out? Is there one or more unforgivable sins? If you've run away from
God, I have great news for you -- you've not gone too far! Whatever your
sin, or series of sins, whatever lifestyle you're entrenched it . . .
you've not gone too far. YOU CAN COME HOME!

That is not to say you should love with reckless abandon. There are
consequences to poor choices . . . they can damage you and others. BUT
IT IS NEVER TOO LATE, you've never gone too far to reconcile with God.
God forgives even though we grieve His Holy Spirit with our defiant and
rebellious behavior. His love PREVAILS even though there is a time of
interrupted fellowship as His loving discipline guides us back home.

Let us learn from Him as we set healthy, yet loving boundaries for
ourselves and others. It's never about you being worthy. No one is
worthy. It's about the fact that you are God's child. If you are out
there on a limb and you feel there is no place to go and your heart is
breaking . . . that you've gone too far . . . you have not. You can
always come home." -- Dr. Tim Scott from COME HOME -- Purpose 5 (Scott
Memorial Community Church)

There was an old Billy Graham movie that had a song with this text:

Return to the One who loves you.

Return to the Savior who cares.

He gives perfect, your burdens He bares,

Return to the Savior who cares.

Are you running from God? Think you are beyond the point of no return?
Come home. We'd love to help you. Respond to this email and we will get
information on how you can come home.

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