Thursday, January 19, 2006



"It is difficult to live out our inheritance in Christ when we don't
fully believe the truth of our transformation. Imagine that you you'd be
living in poverty for twenty years, not realizing that your
great-grandmother had deposited a million dollars in a trust fund for
you seventy-five years ago. But once you realized this, what would you
do with the truth? You'd probably act on it!

If would be unbelievable if you never withdrew the money. But that's
often how we live as Christians. We live as paupers instead of princes!
We live defeated instead of victorious. Why? We haven't embraced our
inheritance. But how do we do that? Believe the truth! Simply knowing is
not believing. When we truly believe, it transforms our minds and
eventually our behavior.

The Spirit of God took residence in you when you believed, and he will
bear witness and animate the truth of God's Word when you read, study,
and meditate on is as if were all you needed to sustain your life . . .

To live a victorious life in all its dimensions, you must know who you
are and become consumed with a passion to pursue God and His truth. The
process of getting and keeping your 'spiritual balloon' fully inflated
is relatively simple. You need to nourish your spirit daily in five

1. Pray as if it is the air your breath.

2. Nourish your soul and spirit with God's Word daily.

3. Digest its truth through meditation.

4. Practice the presence of God.

5. Worship him in Spirit and in truth.

Good words today from Dana Demetre in her new book SCALE DOWN -- A
Realistic Guide to Balancing Body, Soul, Soul and Spirit -- published by
our good friends at REVELL and available at the KESWICK ONLINE BOOKSTORE

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