Tuesday, January 10, 2006



We live in a world that bombards us with sound. Think about it -- where
can you go today and find quiet? The malls, supermarkets, elevators,
doctor's offices -- there is always something playing or someone
speaking. My daughter-in-law received an IPOD for Christmas -- it can
hold 70,000 songs. Now I love music -- but how in the world could you
ever listen to 70,000 songs! And think of the time it would take to
download all that.

As a leader, I am bombarded with stuff to listen to -- from donors to
staff to guests that want to chat and share what's on their hearts. I
have to weigh and listen to lots of words. Sometimes it is a bit
overwhelming even for someone like me who thrives on people.

My associate and friend, Jim Kennedy, often encourages me to be careful
what I listen to. People love to tell you STUFF. Some is necessary,
often it isn't. I find myself having to test what I hear and evaluate
what is profitable and what I need to simply ignore. If I acted on
everything everyone told me, I would really got nuts (no comments from
the peanut gallery!).

I have shared with you before that we are raising chickens. To have good
eggs you need a rooster. This morning at 4:00 AM I was ready to forget
the eggs and have roast rooster! He has been crowing for over and hour.
What we recently found out is that a rooster can hear sounds up to four
miles away -- our goofy rooster is most likely responding to another
rooster that he is hearing. I wonder if they sell ear plugs for

Some of us are like that -- we are so tuned into listening to junk that
we can hear it up to four miles away. We listen to music that is not
pleasing to the Father. We listen to gossip, false reports about our
co-workers, dirty stories -- well you name it.

We need to develop ears that will please the Father. We need to guard
what is coming into our ears. Do you have a plan for that? Take some
time and develop a listening plan. Start with reading through the book
of Proverbs. It's filled with godly wisdom for godly ears!

"Does not the ear test words, as the palate tastes food?" -- Job 12:10

Good words for today!

Our spring semester of the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies begins
in just a few weeks. Have you considered working on your Bible College
Education? We have partnered with Lancaster Bible College to make
affordable and time-friendly Bible college education available to people
of all ages. Our semester is an 8 week commitment of 2 hours on a
Tuesday or Thursday evening. For details and registration information,
visit our website -- www.americaskeswick.org.

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