Wednesday, January 04, 2006



I have shared from this verse before, but it is worth reviewing over and
over again. For those of you who read a chapter in Proverbs daily, you
are going to read these verses every month, twelve times a year!

As men of God, we need to guard and protect our hearts! Solomon wrote:
"Keep vigilant watch (guard) over your heart; that's where life starts.
Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white
lies and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow
distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth
before you. Look neither right or left; leave evil in the dust." --
Proverbs 4:23-27

One of the ways we guard our hearts to lay a good foundation in our
lives. That is why spending time with God each day must be a
non-negotiable for us. Many of us use Daytimers or some other
time-management program. We diligently record meetings and appointments
that we don't want to miss or forget. How easy it is for us to miss our
time with the Father. We cannot afford to miss that time, my friends.
Reading the Word, meditating and praying help us build a firm foundation
in our lives -- it strengthens and fortifies our hearts.

I just read this morning that "Frederic-Aguste Bartholdi faced two
challenges when designing the Statue of Liberty: how to hold together
100 tons of copper plate and how to make a structure strong enough to
resist fiercest winds. The answer was a 94-foot high skeleton of wrought
iron at the core. It is so strong that Lady Liberty sways only three
inches in a 50-mile-per-hour wind!" (from 365 DAYS OF TOTAL HEART

Are you guarding your heart this morning? Did you miss your appointment
with the Father? Why not journal some of the ways that you would guard
your heart and strength the inner core of your life. It will be worth
the time today to do that!

Have a great day.

Join us for our first Men's Fellowship Night of the new year --
Thursday, January 12, 2006. Pastor Larry Green, Senior Pastor of Shawnee
Baptist Church will be our speaker. Call today for reservations:

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