Saturday, January 07, 2006



"Do not let your faults discourage you. Be patient with yourself as well
as with your neighbor. Thinking too much will exhaust you and cause you
to make a lot of mistakes. Learn to pray in ALL your daily situations.
Speak, act, and walk as if you were in prayer. This is how you should
live anyway.

Do everything without becoming too excited. As soon as you start to feel
yourself getting too eager, quiet yourself before the Lord. Listen to
HIM as He prompts you inwardly, then do only as He directs. If you do
this, your words will be fewer and more effective. You will be calm, and
good will be accomplished in greater measure.

I am not talking about continually trying to reason things out. Simply
ask the Lord what HE wants of you. The simple and short asking is better
than your long-winded debates.

Turn toward God and it will be much easier to turn away from your strong
natural feelings. Depend on the Lord within you. Your life will
eventually become a prayer. You may suffer, but it will be in peace."
from the writings of FENELON in THE SEEKING HEART (Available from the
Keswick Online Bookstore ... ).

In your heart God has excavated an immense space where he has placed a
precious treasure. From now on you have the twofold duty of receiving
and giving: sharing the treasure of the kingdom you bear within you and
stretching the area of your tent for those around you. Anonymous

Good words for this Saturday, January 7, 2006.

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