Sunday, January 08, 2006



"It started at the end of a Sunday morning in an Ontario Church. The
choir began the recessional, singing as they marched in perfect unison
up the center aisle to the back of the church. The first young lady in
the women's section was wearing a new pair of shoes with needle heels --
heels that are so slender they slip through any grating. And in the
aisle was grating that covered the hot air register.

Without a thought for her fancy heels, the young woman sang and marched.
And the heel of one shoe sank right through the holes in the register
grate. Instantly she realized her predicament. She knew she couldn't
hold up the whole recessional while she back-stepped to pull our her
heel. So she did the next best thing in this emergency. Without missing
a step she slipped her foot out of her shoe and continued up the aisle.
There wasn't a break in the recessional. Everything moved like

The first man following that young woman noted the situation and,
without loosing a beat, reached down and picked up her shoe. The entire
grate came with it. Startled but still singing, the man continued up the
aisle bearing in his hand one grate attached to one shoe.

Never a break in the recessional. Everybody singing. Everything moving
like clockwork. And then in tune and in time to the beat, the next man
stepped into the open register."

What a great illustration of our worship. Some of us wait until Sunday's
to worship and the hustle and bustle of life leave us empty or on
overload. We arrive at church frustrated and unprepared for our time in
HIS presence. In order for SUNDAY worship to be meaningful, worship
needs to be happening in our lives on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday -- then we will arrive on Sunday never
taking a break in our step -- Worship needs to be a part of the very
fabric of our lives.

Purpose in this new year to be a worshipper each day of the week! Have a
blessed Lord's Day!

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