Saturday, January 21, 2006



"In 1787, an immigrant to American by the name of Thomas Paine had
leaped from poverty and obscurity to fame through his brilliant writing.
By his gifts of pamphlet writing, he had inspired the American colonists
to rise against England and achieve independence in the American

At this high point in his success story, Paine made a fatal mistake. He
began to write his 'masterpiece,' a book describing his religious
beliefs, which he expected would replace the Bible and other writings
about revealed religion.

He made the prediction that his book, "Age of Reason,' would destroy the
Bible by exposing it as a myth and legend. He believed that within 100
years after the publication of his book, Bibles would be found only in
museums or in the musty corners of secondhand bookstores.

Paine's book was published in London in 1794, but instead of bringing
him fame and glory which he expected, the book turned out to be a
scourge that haunted him until his death. His attack on God and sacred
things we so repugnant that many friends and admirers turned against

He sailed to America to renew old friendships and regain his lost
popularity. But it was too late. Former friends would have nothing to do
with him, and the public scorned him as a crank and blasphemer.

Saddened and discouraged by his failure, he was broken in health and
became a bedridden invalid until his death. He died friendless and alone
in 1809. Instead of his prediction concerning God's Word coming true,
the Bible advanced to the position of the world's best perennial
bestseller and the daily guide in the lives of millions of people."

King David wrote, "Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven. Thy
faithfulness continues throughout all generations. You established the
earth and it stands. They stand this day according to your ordinances .
. . I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have revived me .
. . I shall diligently consider Your testimonies. I have seen a limit
to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad." (Psalm
119:89-91; 93; 95-96)

Make no mistake -- the Bible stands forever. When did you read the Book
last? Make it a part of your daily walk.

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