Saturday, January 28, 2006



I love the writings of Fenelon, written over 400 years ago, but still as
fresh as if just written . . . In his writings, THE SEEKING HEART, he
says: "Avoid anything that drains or excites you. Your prayer life will
dry up if you don't. Don't expect to feed your inward life if you live
only for what is outward. You really must learn to renounce all that
makes you too outspoken in your conversations. How are you going to
cultivate an inner silence if you are always talking? You cannot want
God and the things of the world at the same time. Don't you realize that
your prayer will be affected by what you cultivate in your daily life?

Fear your excessive enthusiasm, your taste for things of the world, and
your hidden ambitions. Don't get so excited over politics and parties.
If you get too worked up, it will be harder to calm yourself before God.
Speak little and work steadily. Let actions take the place of your
flowery words.

After you learn to deal with your wandering thoughts, you must learn to
come to God to renew your strength. Learn to do this even amidst the
mundane tasks of the day. Keep looking to the Lord for His gentle
leading. But don't be so noisy that you can't hear Him.

You will lose your way the minute you decide to go your own way. When
you seek God's will alone, you find it everywhere, and you cannot go
astray. Wanting what GOD wants always put you on a straight path. The
future is not yet yours; it may never be. Live in the present moment.
Tomorrow's grace is not given to you today. The present moment is the
only place where you can touch the eternal realm."

Chambers said: "Jesus Christ knows YOUR circumstances better than we do,
and He says we must not think about these things to the point where they
become the primary concern of life. Whenever there are competing
concerns in your life, be sure you always put your relationship to God

How do we apply this truth -- do what David said: "Be still . . . " Stop
talking for once and allow Him to speak to your heart -- You know what?
He may transform your life in way you have never dreamed possible.

Good words for you today! THE SEEKING HEART is available from the

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