Saturday, April 30, 2005


"The people all come together in rows in the church, and they face forward. So what? Well, it's the same physical setup as a stage play, and everybody knows about those. You plunk down in a seat. At H-hour the lights go up, the actors start performing, a prompter offstage whispers cues -- and the spectators lean back and evaluate how they do.
But church? NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!

Church is unique. Whether the people in the congregation ever discover it or not, they are the actors. The up-front people are the prompters, whispering cues as needed -- and God is the audience, looking to see how they do.

Many poor churches don't even know who's supposed to be doing it! What lousy, lousy plays they put on! The actors sit around lethargically while the prompters practically exhaust themselves trying to do all their lines for them so the play will still give a lively appearance.
It doesn't. Nobody is fooled. Pastor, minister of music, worship leader, what are you so self-conscious for? Do you think you are in the spotlight? You're not! Quit posturing! Pew sitter? Are you sitting there expecting to get rather than give?Just get down on your knees and ask God to stimulate you and start performing."

Anne Ortlund Broadman & Holman
Good words to ponder as you prepare for the Lord's Day.

Friday, April 29, 2005


"The faithfulness of God is like a gigantic archway spanning human history from its beginning to its ending," . . . so writes Bible teacher, Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter. "And that resplendent archway is supported on seven glorious, immovable pillars.
Pillar #1 -- Divine Righteousness. The faithfulness of God rests on God's absolute fidelity to every obligation He assumes.
Pillar #2 -- Divine Omnipotence. Because God is omnipotent, He is able to accomplish all that He sets out to do.
Pillar #3 -- Divine Truth. God is truth, the shadowless totality of truth, whose every word is truth, who therefore could never be false or faithless.
Pillar #4 -- Divine Immutability. His eternal unchangingness assures us that He never deviates from His perfect goodness, and never withdraws any promise He ever makes.
Pillar #5 -- Divine Holiness. Because God is ethically perfect, all that He ever thinks or says or plans or purposes or promises at any given instant is always faultless. He never has to correct or revise or improve it, which means He can always be fully faithful to it.
Pillar #6 -- Divine Wisdom. The omniscient wisdom of God guarantees that He not only fulfills His pledged word, but that He always does so in the wisest conceivable way.
Pillar #7 -- Divine Love. As soon as I know that 'God s love' and that He loves ME, I know that all His thoughts toward me emanate from pure love and for my everlasting well-being."

Great words to ponder on this Friday, April 29, 2005

WATCH FOR OUR NEW FIVE DAY DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT FOR WOMEN -- "VICTORY CALL" written by our Women's Ministry Team. Details will be available shortly -- another new ministry of America's KESWICK, where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Prayer of Pascal

"Blaise Pascal had a born again experience the night of November 23,1654. A brilliant scientist and intellectual, Pascal met God, as if itwere, face to face, and wrote what he saw and felt, as it was happeningto him. He recorded on a piece of parchment, 'From about half past tenin the evening until half past midnight.'

A scientist would want to remember the exact time. The piece ofparchment was sewn in his coat and found after his death. It seems hecarried it with him continually. The first word he used to describe theexperience was simply 'fire.' That alone set the personal God he metapart from the impersonal god of mere intellect and ideas. The nextsentence is more telling: 'God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,not of philosophers and scholars.' His experience is a model of what itmeans to pray to the personal God of the Bible. His prayer is notScripture, but it is scriptural in its fervor.

Certainty, certainty,
heartfelt, joy, peace.
God of Jesus Christ.
God of Jesus Christ.
My God and your God.
'Thy God shall be my God.'
The world forgotten,
and everything except God.
He can only be found by way
staught in the Gospels.
Greatness of the human soul.
'O righteous Father,
the world has not know Thee,
but I have known Thee.
'Joy, joy, joy, tears of joy.
I have cut myself off from him.
They have forsaken me,
the fountain of living waters.
My God, wilt thou forsake me?
Let me not be cut off from him forever!
'And this is life eternal,
that they may know thee,
the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
'Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ,
I have cut myself off from him,
shunned him, denied him, crucified Him.
Let me never be cut off from him!
He can only be kept
by the ways taught in the Gospel.
Sweet and total renunciation.
Total submission to Jesus Christ.
Everlasting joy
in return for one day's effort on earth.
I will not forget thy word. Amen.

from DEEPENING YOUR CONVERSATION WITH GOD by Dr. Ben Patterson, BethanyHouse Publishers

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


"We are constantly on a stretch, if not on a strain, to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man or sink the man into the plan of the organization. God's plan is to make much of the man, far more of him that of anything else. Men are God's method. The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men . . . What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use -- men of prayer, mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men -- men of prayer."
-- E. M. Bounds

Good words for us to ponder on this 27th day of April, 2005. Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


so wrote pioneer missionary to West Africa, Mary Slessor, in the early 19th century. Single and an activist, her days were long and lonely, but she had a remarkable work among the orphans. It is said that she did the work of ten "normal" people during her years of ministry. Her secret? PRAYER!

"My life is one long, daily, hourly record of answered prayer. For physical health, for mental overstrain, for guidance given marvelously, for enmity to the gospel subdued, for food provided at the exact hour needed, for everything else that goes to make up life and my poor service . . . I can testify with a full and often wonder-stricken awe that I . . . know God answers prayer . . . Prayer is the greatest power that God has put into our hands for service. Praying is harder work than doing . . . but the dynamic lies that way to advance the kingdom. I have no idea how and why God has carried me over so many hard places, and made these hordes submit to me . . . except in answer to prayer at for me. It is all beyond my comprehension. The only way that I
can explain it is on the ground that I have been prayed for more than most. Pray on -- power lies that way! " from

DEEPENING YOUR CONVERSATION WITH GOD, by Dr. Ben Patterson -- Bethany Publishers

How's your prayer life this morning? We need to stop talking about it, and as the NIKE commercial says -- JUST DO IT! Have a great day.

Monday, April 25, 2005


Freedom Fighter is late today because my laptop crashed! It was a bummer. I was away this weekend working with my grown children at a camp in West Virginia and we had a great time. What was amazing is that we were all able to work in the same kitchen without killing each other. We are a bunch of strong-willed individuals and when you put all the same opinionated, bossy types in one room ... look out!

But the fun thing was that we all had our individual jobs to do, and did them. It reminded me that this is an important aspect of the body of Christ, and a neat illustration of fellowship. The church is comprised of men and women from all walks of life, each uniquely created in His image, and gifted in different ways. But when the body is functioning properly, there is something special that takes place and the church grows and matures.

Warren Wiersbe, one of my favorite 20th century commentators, says that "fellowship is two men in the same ship rowing in the same direction!" Imagine trying to reach your destination if you were both sitting in a row boat facing each other and going in attempting to go forward in a different direction. You wouldn't get where you wanted to go with much ease.

Fellowship is a cool thing in the body of Christ. Praying together helps to foster fellowship in the body. And that will also help in your relationships with your kids and spouse. Are there relationships where you are stuck and rowing in a different direction? Purpose in your heart today to pray for that special partner/relationship that God has placed you in, and get moving
in the right direction. Good words to ponder today.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


"I believe that we find the Bible difficult because we try to read it as we would read any other book, and it is not that same as any other book," so writes A. W. Tozer. Christianity today is man-centered, not God-centered. God is made to wait patiently, even respectfully on the whims of men. The image of God currently popular is that of a distracted Father, struggling in a heartbroken desperation to get people to accept a Savior of whom they feel no need, and in whom they have very little interest. To persuade these self-sufficient souls to respond to His generous offer of God will do almost anything, even using salesmanship methods and talking down to them in the chummiest way imaginable. This view of things is, of course, a kind religious romanticism which, while it often uses flattering and sometimes embarrassing terms in praise of God, manages nevertheless to make man the star of the show.

Shakespeare may be enjoyed without penitence; we may understand Plato without believing a word he says; but penitence and humility along with faith and obedience are necessary to a right understanding of the Scriptures.

In natural matters faith follows evidence and is impossible without it, but in the realm of the spirit faith precedes understanding; it does not follow it. The natural man must know in order to believe; the believer must believe in order to know. The faith that saves is not a conclusion drawn from evidence; it is a moral thing, a thing of the spirit, a supernatural infusion of confidence in Jesus Christ, a very gift of God.

The Bible is a supernatural book and can be understood only by supernatural aid." A.W. Tozer: Man: The Dwelling Place of GodHave a blessed Lord's Day.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


"Time is short, and eternity is long. The end of all things is at hand. Man has proved himself morally unfit to manage the world in which he has been placed by the kindness of the Almighty," so writes A.W. Tozer. "He has jockeyed himself to the edge of the crater and cannot go back, and in terrible fear he is holding his breath against the awful moment when he will be plunged into the inferno . . .

In the meantime, a company of people exist on the earth who claim to have the answer to all life's major questions. They claim to have found the way back to God, release from their sins, life everlasting and a sure guarantee of heaven in the world to come. These are Christians!"

As Christians we are in process to our final destination. How to we press on and grow in the Christian life? A.W. Tozer suggests five things:

1. Strive to get beyond mere pensive longing. Set your face like flint and begin to put your life in order. Every man is as holy as he really wants to be. But the want must be all-compelling.

2. Put away every un-Christian habit from you. If other Christians practice it without compunction, God may be calling you to come nearer to Him than these other Christians care to come. Remember the words, 'Others may, you cannot.' Do not condemn or criticize, but seek a better way. God will honor you.

3. Get Christ Himself in the focus of your heart and keep him there continually. Cultivate His knowledge above everything else on earth.

4. Throw your heart open to the Holy Spirit and invite Him to fill you. Make your heart a vacuum and the Spirit will rush in to fill it. Nowhere in the Scriptures nor in Christian biography was anyone ever filled with the Spirit who did not know that he had been, and nowhere was anyone filled who did not know when. And no one was ever filled gradually.

5. Be hard on yourself and easy on others. Carry your own cross but never lay one on the back of another. Begin to practice the presence of God. Cultivate the fellowship of the Triune God by prayer, humility, and obedience.

Let any Christian do these things and he will make rapid spiritual progress." Good words from A. W. Tozer as written in MAN: THE DWELLING PLACE OF GOD.

Friday, April 22, 2005


"The fallen heart is by nature idolatrous. There appears to be no limit to which some of us will go to save our idol, while at the same time telling ourselves eagerly that we are trusting in Christ alone. It takes a violent act of renunciation to deliver us from the hidden idol, and since very few modern Christians understand that such an act is necessary, and only a small number of those who know are willing to do, it follows that relatively few professors of the Christian faith these
days have ever experienced the painful act of renunciation that frees the heart from idolatry.

Grace will save a man but it will not save him from his idol. The blood of Christ will shield the penitent sinner alone, but never the sinner and his idol. Faith will justify they sinner, but it will never justify the sinner and his sin. A man may engage in a great deal of humble talk before God and get no response because unknown to himself he is using prayer to disguise disobedience. He may lie for hours in sackcloth and ashes with no higher motive than to try to persuade God to come over on his side so he can have his own way. He may grovel before God in a welter of self-accusation, refuse to give up his secret sin and be rejected for his pains. Christ can and will save a man who has been dishonest, but He cannot save him WHILE he is dishonest. Absolute candor is an indispensable requisite to salvation.

Mean what you say and never say what you do not mean, either to God or man. Think candid thoughts and act forthrightly always, whatever the consequence. To do this will bring the cross into your life and keep you dead to self and to public opinion. And it may get you into trouble
sometimes, too. But a guileless mind is a great treasure; it is worth any price.

from the pen of A.W. Tozer Man: Dwelling Place of God

Thursday, April 21, 2005


"The important thing about a man is not where he goes when he is compelled to go, but where he goes when he is free to go where he will. . . The choices of life, not the compulsions, reveal character.

The true character of a man is revealed in the uses he makes of his freedoms. The slave peoples do what they are told because they are not free to do what they will. It is the free nation that reveals its character by its voluntary choices. The man who 'bowed by the weight of centuries . . . leans upon his hoe and gazes on the ground' when the long day's work is over is glad to get home to supper and to bed; he has little time for anything else. But in those fortunate lands where modern machinery and labor unions have given men many free hours out of every day and at least two free days out of every week, they have time to do almost anything they will. They are free to destroy themselves by their choices, and many of them are doing just that.

Our choices reveal what kind of persons we are, but there is another side to the coin. We may by our choices also determine what kind of persons we will become. We humans are not only in a state of being, we are in a state of becoming; we are on a slow spiral moving gradually up or down. I think it might be well for us to check our spiritual condition occasionally by the simple test of compatibility. When we are free to go, where do we go? In what company do we feel most at home? Where do our thoughts turn when they are free to turn where they will? When the pressure of work or business or school has temporarily lifted and we are able to think of what we will instead of what we must, what do we think then?

The answer to these questions may tell us more about ourselves than we can comfortably accept. But we had better face up to things."

Good words to ponder from the pen of A. W. Tozer MAN: THE DWELLING PLACE
OF GOD published by Christian Publications.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


One more lesson from the Ripley's Aquarium . . . Walking through the magnificent tall tanks of fish with sharks and sting rays floating over our heads, one of our friends made the comment, "And to think most people would never see these creatures that fill the seas." She reminded us that they were created for HIS glory! Fish of every size, shape and color -- colors that are breathtaking. Seahorses. Anemones. Starfish. All created by the Master Designer.

And what's even more exciting is that He created YOU for His glory. If today, my friend, you are IN CHRIST, be reminded that THE PREDESTINED YOU TO ADOPTION AS HIS SON THROUGH CHRIST . . . to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:5-6) WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN AN INHERITANCE . . . to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:11-12) WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE HOLY SPIRIT AS A PLEDGE OF OUR INHERITANCE . . . to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:13-14)

Paul reminds us that it gets even better . . . "No one one's ever seen or heard anything like this! Never so much as imagined anything quite like this -- What God has arranged for those who love Him." (1 Corinthians 2:9)

One day we will join the angels in heaven in worshipping him. One of those songs will be FOR HIS GLORY -- "Thou are worthy, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and power and wisdom, and strength; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created . . . Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and GLORY and blessing!" (Revelation 4:11; 5:12)


Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Our son Zach was on our bus trip last week to Myrtle Beach. He was a brave young man to travel with 53 other senior citizens! We were getting ready to leave on a side-trip when Zach realized he had forgotten to put on his socks. Zach is a perfectionist (doesn't take after Dad . . . I
said it before some of you do!) and we knew this would bug him all day if he didn't put on his socks. He hopped on the elevator and went back up to our room which was on the sixth floor.

When he got back to the elevator there was a crowd of people waiting and he panicked. He knew that our bus driver had given the group a specific time to be on the road, and the thought struck him -- "will they leave without me?"

One of his senior friends saw the look of panic in his eyes and asked Zach what was wrong. He told her that he was afraid we might leave without him. This dear lady quickly replied, "Don't worry, Zach. Your father is the "king of Keswick". That makes you royalty. You are the son of the king -- Prince Zach. They won't leave without the prince!"

What a great picture of our relationship with God. If you have trusted Christ as your PERSONAL Savior, you are a child of THE KING! That means, my friend, that you are PRINCE (or PRINCESS for you ladies that have joined Freedom Fighter). You are royalty in His forever family. I love how Eugene Peterson expresses Paul's words from Romans 8: 15-17 in THE
MESSAGE . . . "This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike 'What's next, Papa!' God's Spirit touches our spirit and confirms WHO WE REALLY ARE! We know who He is, and we know who we are: FATHER AND CHILDREN! And we know we are going to get what's coming to s -- and UNBELIEVABLE INHERITANCE!"

Are you downcast this morning? Frustrated? Lonely? Weary of the battle? Cheer up, my friend -- Rejoice . . . YOU"RE A CHILD OF THE KING!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2005


Last week 53 of our Keswick friends traveled to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We had a great week of fellowship, and despite the cold, rainy weather, it was a good trip. One of the highlights of the week was visiting the Ripley's Aquarium, which was one of the best we have ever visited. If you ever have an opportunity to visit South Carolina, be sure to visit Ripley's.

In addition to the big tanks of fish, there was a "hands-on" exhibit where you could touch a sting ray as well has pick up a live horseshoe crab. We have been to the Jersey shore hundreds of times over the years and have seen these interesting creatures laying on the beaches. But this was the first time I actually picked one up and had an "up-close-and-personal" look at one of these fascinating creatures.

The guide explained a number of interesting facts about the horseshoe crab, but in the tank were a pair that were mating. The guide shared that the male horseshoe crab attaches himself to the female and she drags him around for the next four months! Talk about a commitment,

I was thinking about this throughout the night and I was reminded of a spiritual truth that I learned from this pair of horseshoe crabs. When you and I make that amazing transaction of inviting Christ into our lives to be our Savior and Lord, we are instantly placed IN CHRIST! We
get the whole package: justification (being declared righteous, not on our own merits, but His!), sanctification (being set apart) and glorification (the ultimate aspect of our salvation where one day we will be complete in Him!). We are given the privilege of living victoriously in the ever-changing, crazy world. And we receive the gift of eternal life. But that is not all -- the Holy Spirit also comes to reside in us.

Year's ago, a friend of ours sent their daughter to Messiah College to major in art. We were talking one evening and asked her to share one thing that she learned that changed her life. I will never forget her answer. She learned that if you take rubber cement and put it two pieces
of paper, stick them together, it is almost impossible to pull them apart. I haven't tried it . . . I am trusting that she was correct -- but what an interesting concept (and if that was all she learned ... on my!)

The bottom line is that when you and I are placed in Christ, we are bonded to Him forever! NOTHING can separate us from His love (Romans 8:25-29)! He promises us that He "never leaves or forsakes us." (Hebrews 13:5) We are a part of His forever family.

Eventually the male and female horseshoe crab separate! They are temporarily attached for four months -- a short-term commitment! But praise God, if you have placed your faith in Christ -- that relationship is permanent! May this truth encourage you today!

Sunday, April 17, 2005


"Prayer is the mightiest force in the world. The spiritual giants who have shaken the kingdom of darkness have been men and women of effectual prayer. They did not spend too much time studying prayer; THEY PRAYED! Across the pages of Scripture and of church history we trace the records of those who, in bold, holy faith, pleaded with God and were heard:

Abraham prayed long for a son: Isaac came.
Moses prayed: Heaven's wrath was subdued.
Joshua prayed: Achan was discovered and Ai destroyed.
Hannah prayed: Samuel was given to her.
Elijah prayed: The heavens were shut and opened.
Elisha prayed: Drought came and a dead child lived again.
David prayed: Ahitophel, the traitor, hanged himself.
Hezekiah prayed: 185,000 Assyrians were slain.
Daniel prayed: Archangels were set in motion.

Nor did documentation of the power of prayer disappear when the last
page of the inspired canon was filled.

Savonorala prayed: A city was won for God.
Martin Luther prayed: God broke the spell of ages.
John Knox prayed: Tyrants were terrified and Scotland was blessed.
George Whitfield prayed: A thousand souls were saved in one day.
George Mueller prayed: Hungry orphans were fed.
Hudson Taylor prayed: Inland China was evangelized.

On we could go, citing thousands of witnesses, all proving the lengths to which God will go when men and women are prepared to lay hold of Him and refuse to let Him go until he blesses. The consistent witness of Bible and church saints is that PRAYER IS THE HIGHEST RESOURCE OF THE SOUL."

from the pen of Dr. Herbert Lockyer from HOW GREAT THOU ARE published by Multnomah

Saturday, April 16, 2005


"The Bible is filled with statements of what God is able to do for His people. Here are seven verses which cover almost all the fundamental doctrines of Christianity.

1. Hebrews 7:25 declares that Christ is 'able to save completely those who come to God through him.' Mel Trotter, and evangelist whom God called from a life of alcoholism, said this verse proclaimed God's ability to save a person 'from the guttermost to the uttermost.'

2. In 2 Timothy 1:12 Paul writes, 'I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.' God has the power to keep my spiritual deposits.

3. 2 Corinthians 9:8 says, 'God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.'

4. The Bible says of Jesus, 'Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.' (Hebrews 2:18)

5. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God 'is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine.'

6. The Lord Jesus Christ, 'by the power than enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.' (Philippians 3:21)

7. Jude says the Lord, 'is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy.' (Jude 24)

Taken together, these verses declare that God is able to save us for this life and for eternity, to keep us from falling into sin and temptation, to lead us to the best in human experience, and to satisfy us completely."

from the pen of Dr. James Montgomery Boice HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah.

Friday, April 15, 2005


It ought to break your heart to hear of God's love, and it ought to bring you right to Him. You may say you do not deserve it, and that is true. But because you do not deserve it, God offers it to you.
Some people say, 'You must turn away from sin and then Christ will love you.' But how can you get rid of it until you come to Him. He takes us into His own embrace, then He cleanses us from sin.
Many years ago a boy was kidnapped in London. Through the months and years his mother prayed and prayed for his safe return, but all her efforts failed. But while others gave up all hope, the mother did not quite give up her hope.
One day the boy was sent to a neighbor's house to sweep the chimney. By some mistake he went down the wrong chimney into what had been his own home. His memory began to travel back through the years, and he thought things looked strangely familiar; scenes of his early days of youth were drawing upon him. As he stood there surveying the place, his mother came into the room.
Did she wait until she had sent him to be washed before she rushed to take him in her arms? He stood there, covered with rags and soot. No, indeed, IT WAS HER OWN BOY! She took him to her arms, all black and sooty, hugged him to her breast, and shed tears of joy on his head.
You may have wandered very far from God, and there may not be a sound spot on you. But if you will come to God, He will forgive and receive you."

from the pen of D. L. Moody from HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah
"To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Twenty-five Things to Never Say to Your Spouse

1. I told you so.
2. You're just like your mother.
3. You always make me help around the house.
4. You never listen to me.
5. You're always in a bad mood.
6. You're always ____________.
7. You never ________________.
8. You just don't think.
9. It's all your fault.
10. You should have listened to me.
11. What's wrong with you?
12. I wish you were more like __________.
13. All you ever do is complain.
14. I can never please you.
15. What did you expect?
16. You got what you deserve.
17. You're lazy.
18. If you'd have more ambition, just think what you'd get done.
19. You're irresponsible.
20. You're impossible.
21. What were you thinking?
22. I don't know why I put up with you.
23. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
24. God help you, I sure can't
25. I can talk to you until I am blue in the face and it doesn't do any good.

Adapted from Becoming the Woman of His Dreams, published by Harvest House

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


By Philip Atterbery

1. Listen to what is being said rather than planning the next statements you intend to make.

2. Eliminate distractions such as loud noises, the telephone, the TV, or computer.

3. Repeat what has been said. This helps your wife know you have truly understood what she said and meant.

4. Ask questions if you need something clarified.

5. Stay on the issue being discussed rather than making it personal. I Corinthians 13:5 declares that love keeps no record of wrongs. That means a loving spouse does not bring up old arguments or issues to use in an attack. Statements such as, "There you go again!" or "You always . . ." only create hostility and defensiveness.

6. Remember that love always hopes for the best (I Corinthians 13:7). It assumes the best. Assume that your wife is concerned about what is best for you and herself.

7. Use "I" centered messages. Make statements such as "I feel discouraged," rather than "You make me so mad!" Center upon you own emotions and feelings, but remain on the real issue. The use of "you" during an argument may cause the listener to be defensive and feel
personally attacked.

8. Remember that love is patient (1 Corinthians 13:4). Wait for the most appropriate time to bring up an important issue. Introducing a big issue when your spouse first comes in the door from a long day at work or after a hectic day of running errands is simply not a good idea.

Practical Tips on Listening and Speaking from Romancing Your Wife ... A Little Effort Can Spice Up Your Marriage by Debra White Smith and Daniel W. Smith published by Harvest House

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:10)

"No philosophy of history is true which does not take into account the sovereign hand of God controlling all permitted developments. God is still God. He has not abdicated. Neither has He changed. Nor has he slackened His control over the nations. He is yet just as truly God though millions of people are still self-blinded to His sovereign activity.

As the poet said, 'When statesmen have had their last parley,/And despots have made their last threat;/When prophets are dumb with misgiving,/And forces of conflict are set;/When factions misleading and treacherous/Bring chaos where order prevailed;/When freedom long-cherished is vanquished,/And leaders long trusted have failed,/ When God and His Word are derided,/And men call it useless to pray; Remember that God is still sovereign,/And HE has the last word to say.'

For the unbeliever and the wicked, the sovereignty of God may well be terrifying; but to the yielded, trusting Christian it is 'JOY UNSPEAKABLE!' Commit everything to God even though your world seems shaken to its foundations. Lie still on His bosom, and listen to the heartbeat of that boundless love from which all demons either inside of
Hades can never pluck you.

God is still on the throne,
And He will take care of His own;
Though trials distress us,
And burdens oppress us,
He never will leave us alone;
God is still on the throne,
And He will take care of His own;
His promise is true,
He will see us right through;
God is still on the throne.

Good words this morning from the late Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter in the daily devotional HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah.

Monday, April 11, 2005


"Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power . . . When He has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all." (1
Corinthians 15:24, 28)

"After Arturo Toscanini finished conducting a brilliant performance of Beethoven's Symphony, the audience rose to its feet and applauded, shouting its delight. But Toscanini waved his arms violently for it all to stop. He turned to the orchestra and shouted hoarsely, 'You are nothing!' He pointed to himself and shouted, 'I am nothing!' Then he shouted, 'Beethoven, is everything, everything, everything.'

Christian worship must say, 'God is everything, everything, everything.'What we do on Sunday mornings (or whenever we gather), the order of events and the manner in which we enact the drama, must always point to God, must reinforce again and again that God has taken the initiative and called us together, that God's grace is more important than our sin, that God's will is more important than our desires, and that God's glorification is more important that our edification.

All worship ought to be ordered toward God; service should be put together in a way that keeps our attention centered on God. As we look up to the One seated on the throne, we lose sight of everything else; the Holy God commands and consumes our attention. What we really need when we show up for worship is for our attention to be turned toward the glory of God . . . it is only then, before the Holy One that our deepest needs will be met, for only then will we enter into our full humanity as sons and daughters of God."

Written by Donald McCullough in the daily devotional HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


"There is nowhere in space, whether within or without creation, where God is not. The great God, the eternal, the almighty Spirit, is as limitless in His presence as in His existence and power.

In condescension to our limited understanding, He is said to dwell in heaven. But strictly speaking, the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. He fills every of His dominion. The universal God dwells in universal space. What is the space occupied by a grain of sand, compared to that which is occupied by the starry heavens? Is it as a cipher; it is nothing; it vanished in comparison.

And what is this grain of sand compared to the whole expanse of space? The whole creation itself, when seen in proportion with the universe, is infinitely less than a grain of sand. And yet this expanse of space, to which the whole creation bears no proportion at all, is infinitely less,
in comparison to the great God, than a grain of sand, yes, even a millionth part of it!

This seems to be the plain meaning of those solemn words which God speaks of Himself: 'Do I not fill heaven and earth?' God acts everywhere and therefore IS everywhere. It is utterly impossible that any being, created or uncreated, should work where it is not. God acts in heaven, in earth, and under the earth -- throughout the whole compass of His creation -- by sustaining all things. Without Him, everything would in an instant sink into is primitive nothing."

"Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?" declares the Lord. "Do I not fill heaven and earth?" declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:24)

This morning's devotional was written by John Wesley and published in the devotional book, HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah.
Good words to ponder today.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


>From Max Lucado's book, JUST LIKE JESUS, published by WORD.

Max writes, "Let me urge you to come to worship prepared to worship.
Pray before you come so you will be ready to pray when you arrive. Sleep before you come so you'll stay alert when you arrive. Read the Word before you come so your heart will be soft when you worship. Come hungry. Come willing. Come expecting God to speak. Come asking.
The purpose of worship -- to change the face of the worshipper. The connection between the face and worship is more than coincidental. Our face is the most public part of our bodies, covered less than any area.
It is also the most recognizable part of our bodies. We don't fill a school annual with photo's of people's feet but rather with photos of faces. God desires to take our faces, this exposed memorable part of our bodies, and use them to reflect His goodness. Paul writes, "Our faces, then, are not covered. We all show the Lord's glory, and we are being changed to be like him. This change brings ever greater glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit.' (2 Corinthians 3:18)
God loves to change the face of his children. By his fingers, wrinkles of worry are rubbed away. Shadows of shame and doubt become portraits of grace and trust. He relaxes clenched jaws and smoothes furrowed brows.
His touch can remove the bags of exhaustion from beneath the eyes and turn tears of despair into tears of peace!
Worship is the act of magnifying God. Enlarging our vision of him.
Stepping into the cockpit to see where he sits and observe how he works.
Of course, his size doesn't change, but our perception of him does. As we draw nearer, he seems larger. Isn't that what we need? A BIG view of God? Don't we have BIG problems, BIG worries, BIG questions? Of course we do. Hence we need a big view of God.
God is in the business of changing the face of the world! This change is HIS job, not ours! Our goal is not to make faces radiant. Remember that Moses didn't even know that his face was shining. Our goal is not to conjure up some fake, frozen expression. Our goal is simply to stand before God with a prepared and willing heart and then let God do his work.
And he does. He wipes away the tears. He mops away the perspiration. He softens our furrowed brows. He touches our cheeks. He changes our faces.
And the result? Not only does God change the face of those who worship, he will change those who watch us worship!
Good words to ponder as you prepare for the Lord's Day.

Friday, April 08, 2005


" . . . speaking to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:19)

As you prepare your heart for the Lord's Day, here are some thoughts on singing for you to ponder!

I. Learn these tunes before you learn any others; afterwards learn as many as you please.

II. Sing them exactly as they are printed here, without altering or mending them at all; and if you have learned to sing them otherwise,

unlearn it as soon as you can.

III. Sing all. See that you join with the congregation as frequently as you can. Let not a single degree of weakness or weariness hinder you. If it is a cross to you, take it up, and you will find it a blessing.

IV. Sing lustily and with good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being heard, then when you sung the songs of Satan.

V. Sing modestly. Do not bawl, so as to be heard above or distinct from the rest of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony; but strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound.

VI. Sing in time. Whatever time is sung be sure to keep with it. Do not run before nor stay behind it; but attend close to the leading voices, and move therewith as exactly as you can; and take care not to sing to slow. This drawling way naturally steals on all who are lazy; and it is
high time to drive it out from us, and sing all our tunes just as quick as we did at first.

VII. Above all sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to do this attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve here, and reward you when he cometh in the clouds of heaven.

From John Wesley's Select Hymns, 1761

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Max Lucado in his book, JUST LIKE JESUS, gives four ways to practice the presence of God each day. I ask you to prayerfully ponder them today.

1. Give God your waking thoughts. "Before you step out of bed, step into His presence." C. S. Lewis says, "The moment you wake up each morning . . . all your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job of each morning consists in shoving them all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other, larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in." David said, "Every morning, I tell You what I need, and I wait for Your answer." Psalm 5:3

2. Give God your waiting thoughts. Rather that rush into His presence and start yakking, why not try sitting in silence and being still! "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10. Someone once asked Mother Teresa, "What do you say to God when you pray?" Mother Teresa answered, "I listen." The answer puzzled the person who asked the question, and they asked "What does God say?" Mother Teresa smile, "He listens!"

3. Give God your whispering thoughts. "Through the centuries Christians have learned the value of brief sentence prayers that can be whispered anywhere, in any setting One of the church historians would ask every three or four minutes, "Am I in your will, Lord?" "Am I pleasing you, Lord?" Max suggests several others -- "Thank You, Father." "Be sovereign in this hour, Lord." "You are my resting place, Jesus."

4. Give God your waning thoughts. "At the end of the day, let your mind settle on Him. Conclude the day as you began it: talking to God. Thank Him for the good parts. Question the bad parts. Seek His mercy. Seek His strength. And as you close your eyes, take assurance in the promise: 'He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.' (Psalm 121:4) If you fall asleep as you pray, don't worry. What a better place to doze off than in the arms of the Lord."

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


"For this cause a man should leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh." (Ephesians 5:31
1. Think in terms of "we and us" not "me and you" or "my or me."
2. Are free to be themselves and exercise all their gifts.
3. Have marriages that are love-based, not rule or control-based.
4. Don't care which spouse earns the most. Love and respect thrive based on the essence of who the spouse is, not what the spouse earns.
5. Do everything possible to empower each other. One spouse never looks at the other and says, "Your role is to empower me." Or "You're supposed to pour yourself into ME while I pursue MY pursuits.
6. Aren't threatened by each other's gifts and talents, but freely applaud each other's accomplishments.
7. Are best friends.
8. Argue infrequently, because they are of one mind.
9. Live by Jesus Christ's Golden Rule: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12). This includes EVERYTHING, just as Jesus said - even the marriage concepts you embrace.
10. Don't believe one of them is spiritually superior to the other or has a deeper spiritual knowledge on all subjects at all times.
11. Have their needs met and enjoy a thriving relationship with God.
12. Make decisions by consensus, not by powerplays.
Romancing Your Wife ... A Little Effort Can Spice Up Your Marriage by Debra White Smith and Daniel W. Smith published by Harvest House
Good words to ponder on this Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


"I will remember that faith, like muscle, must be exercised in order to grow strong. In other words, there must be the occasion, or provocation, of faith. Most of the time my natural inclination is to escape this provocation. But I must put on the right kind of glasses and see provocation, not as a disaster, but as an opportunity for God to work.
(prov·o·ca·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prv-kshn)n.
The act of provoking or inciting.
Something that provokes.)

Miracles occur when there is a tremendous voltage between need and supply. That is like the positive and negative particles that cause a thunderstorm. If I am to see God work dramatically, I must bring an acute need face to face with God's supercharged supply. The need is always there as long as sin and man exist, but the missing element is the intensified power of supply. That is where God seeks a conductor, a man of faith, like Moses, Elijah, or the Lord Jesus. Wherever they went they were natural 'lightning rods' that drew the power from God.

I also must remember that faith decays from lack of stimulus. Quite often I have 'little faith' simply because I have had little opportunity to exercise it. Faith grows by being challenged. If my life is so so average, I do not need to pray for more faith, but for more problems, difficulties, and challenges. That means courage to dare, to launch out, to expose myself to the pains, hurts, and heartaches of this world.

A person without faith is admitting he has no concern for others, for we cannot long spiritually for others without becoming aware of deep, sore, bleeding wounds. By means of our faith those wounds can be healed, and God is waiting for believers! How I long to be like Abraham, who was 'strong in faith, giving glory to God!' (Romans 4:20) That is it -- to be strong enough so that the result is always glory!"from DAILY WITH THE KING, published by MOODY PRESS

"By faith Moses . . . refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God, than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin." (Hebrews 11:24-25)

Good words to ponder today.

Monday, April 04, 2005


"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need." Hebrews 4:16
My oldest son Josh, and his wife, Jenny, called this weekend from West Virginia. They were working at a Camp Sandy Cove for Boys and Girls getting the facility ready for the summer season. Josh and Jenny's boxer, Ruby, was along for the trip, along with her Dad's Jack Russell, Skeeter. The family were busy doing their thing and the two dogs decided to wander off into the mountains of West Virginia. Night came and no dogs. Morning came, no dogs. They searched and searched but they were no where to be found.
Josh called mid-afternoon and left a message on the answering machine asking us to please pray that they would find the dogs. They were scheduled to leave first thing in the morning and were not sure what to do. After checking the message, Zach wanted to pray for the dogs that they would come home. We have been trying to instill into his little heart the importance of prayer, even for little things.
Zach reminded me that he prayed and the dogs were going to be found -- the faith of a child! Two hours later, the Lord honored the faith of our son. Josh called to share that his mother-in-law had gone outside to look one more time. They heard Renee calling for Skeeter, and they all were choked up saying, "Why is she doing this to herself?" Little did they know that they were reliving a scene from the movie, HOMEWARD BOUND. Running towards here were Ruby and Skeeter!
God loves it when His kids come to Him with impossible situations. My friend, you have been given the privilege and authority to come boldly into the throne of grace. You can do so YOURSELF. You don't need someone else to pray for you. Are you facing a difficult situation today in your life? Have you been to the throne of grace? Take some time, get on your knees . . . you will find grace to help you in the time of need!

Sunday, April 03, 2005


The world's attention is riveted right now to Rome and the events that have led up to the death of the Pope. Hundreds of thousands of people are making their pilgrimage to the Holy City to have the opportunity to view the body of their beloved spiritual leader lying in repose at the Vatican. The media has rehearsed the life of this amazing spiritual leader who has impacted the world in an amazing way.
Today, however, is the LORD'S DAY -- a day in which we celebrate ONE who is above all! Last Sunday we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Unlike the Pope whose body will in just a few days be placed in a grave, JESUS stepped out of the tomb conquering sin and death once and for all.
I am reminded that one day there will be another who will come to the Holy City. The One who was crucified, buried, and ascended into heaven reminded us that HE WAS COMING AGAIN IN POWER AND GLORY. Many this week will bow in reverence and honor of Pope Paul. But on that day, the focus of ALL the world will not be the Pope. It will not be on Mohammad. It will not be on Billy Graham. Every eye shall see HIM -- and as Paul wrote, " . . . at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and that EVERY TONGUE SHOULD CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10-11)
He IS LORD! And that is what we celebrate on this Lord's Day! Exalt Him with every fiber of your being today. Rejoice in Him!

Saturday, April 02, 2005


"Webster's Unabridged Dictionary lists 550,000 words. And it is a solemn and beautiful thought that in our worship of God there sometimes rush up from the depths of our souls feelings that all this wealth of words is not sufficient to express. To be articulate at certain times we are compelled to fall back upon 'Oh!' or 'O!' -- a primitive exclamatory sound that is hardly a word at all and that scarcely admits of a definition.

Vocabularies are formed by many minds over long periods and are capable of expressing whatever the mind is capable of entertaining. But when the heart, on its knees, moves into the awesome Presence and hears with fear and wonder things not lawful to utter, then the mind falls flat, and words, previously its faithful servants, become weak and totally incapable of telling what the heart hears and sees. In that awful moment the worshiper can only cry, 'Oh!' And that simple exclamation becomes more eloquent than learned speech and, I have no doubt, is dearer to God than any oratory."

A. W. Tozer from TOZER ON THE ALMIGHTY GOD published by Christian Publications

Paul said this, "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how nsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!' (Romans 11:33)

As you prepare your heart for worshipping tomorrow with the body of believers that you fellowship with, think through some of the "OH!" moments in your spiritual journey. Write them in your journal.

Friday, April 01, 2005


>From the pen of OSWALD CHAMBERS on the subject of intercession . . .
"Do crises which affect us or others in our home, business, country, or elsewhere seem to be crushing in on us? Are we being pushed out of the presence of God and left with no time for worship? If so, we must put a stop to such distractions and get into such a living relationship with God that our relationship with others is maintained through the work of intercession, where God works His miracles.
Beware of getting ahead of God by your very desire to do His will. We run ahead of Him in a thousand and one activities, becoming so burdened with people and problems that we don't worship God, and we fail to intercede. If a burden and its resulting pressure come upon us while we are not in an attitude of worship, it will only produce a hardness toward God and despair in our own souls. God continually introduces us to people in whom we have no interest, and unless we are worshipping God, the natural tendency is to be heartless toward them. We give them a quick verse of Scripture, like jabbing them with a spear, or leave them with a hurried, uncaring word of counsel before we go. A heartless Christian must be a terrible grief to our Lord.
Are our lives in the proper place so that we may participate in the intercession of our Lord and the Holy Spirit?
Good words to ponder from the April 1 reading of MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, updated edition, published by our good friends at DISCOVERY HOUSE.