Thursday, April 14, 2005

Twenty-five Things to Never Say to Your Spouse

1. I told you so.
2. You're just like your mother.
3. You always make me help around the house.
4. You never listen to me.
5. You're always in a bad mood.
6. You're always ____________.
7. You never ________________.
8. You just don't think.
9. It's all your fault.
10. You should have listened to me.
11. What's wrong with you?
12. I wish you were more like __________.
13. All you ever do is complain.
14. I can never please you.
15. What did you expect?
16. You got what you deserve.
17. You're lazy.
18. If you'd have more ambition, just think what you'd get done.
19. You're irresponsible.
20. You're impossible.
21. What were you thinking?
22. I don't know why I put up with you.
23. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
24. God help you, I sure can't
25. I can talk to you until I am blue in the face and it doesn't do any good.

Adapted from Becoming the Woman of His Dreams, published by Harvest House

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