Friday, April 15, 2005


It ought to break your heart to hear of God's love, and it ought to bring you right to Him. You may say you do not deserve it, and that is true. But because you do not deserve it, God offers it to you.
Some people say, 'You must turn away from sin and then Christ will love you.' But how can you get rid of it until you come to Him. He takes us into His own embrace, then He cleanses us from sin.
Many years ago a boy was kidnapped in London. Through the months and years his mother prayed and prayed for his safe return, but all her efforts failed. But while others gave up all hope, the mother did not quite give up her hope.
One day the boy was sent to a neighbor's house to sweep the chimney. By some mistake he went down the wrong chimney into what had been his own home. His memory began to travel back through the years, and he thought things looked strangely familiar; scenes of his early days of youth were drawing upon him. As he stood there surveying the place, his mother came into the room.
Did she wait until she had sent him to be washed before she rushed to take him in her arms? He stood there, covered with rags and soot. No, indeed, IT WAS HER OWN BOY! She took him to her arms, all black and sooty, hugged him to her breast, and shed tears of joy on his head.
You may have wandered very far from God, and there may not be a sound spot on you. But if you will come to God, He will forgive and receive you."

from the pen of D. L. Moody from HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah
"To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)

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