Monday, April 25, 2005


Freedom Fighter is late today because my laptop crashed! It was a bummer. I was away this weekend working with my grown children at a camp in West Virginia and we had a great time. What was amazing is that we were all able to work in the same kitchen without killing each other. We are a bunch of strong-willed individuals and when you put all the same opinionated, bossy types in one room ... look out!

But the fun thing was that we all had our individual jobs to do, and did them. It reminded me that this is an important aspect of the body of Christ, and a neat illustration of fellowship. The church is comprised of men and women from all walks of life, each uniquely created in His image, and gifted in different ways. But when the body is functioning properly, there is something special that takes place and the church grows and matures.

Warren Wiersbe, one of my favorite 20th century commentators, says that "fellowship is two men in the same ship rowing in the same direction!" Imagine trying to reach your destination if you were both sitting in a row boat facing each other and going in attempting to go forward in a different direction. You wouldn't get where you wanted to go with much ease.

Fellowship is a cool thing in the body of Christ. Praying together helps to foster fellowship in the body. And that will also help in your relationships with your kids and spouse. Are there relationships where you are stuck and rowing in a different direction? Purpose in your heart today to pray for that special partner/relationship that God has placed you in, and get moving
in the right direction. Good words to ponder today.

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