Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Our son Zach was on our bus trip last week to Myrtle Beach. He was a brave young man to travel with 53 other senior citizens! We were getting ready to leave on a side-trip when Zach realized he had forgotten to put on his socks. Zach is a perfectionist (doesn't take after Dad . . . I
said it before some of you do!) and we knew this would bug him all day if he didn't put on his socks. He hopped on the elevator and went back up to our room which was on the sixth floor.

When he got back to the elevator there was a crowd of people waiting and he panicked. He knew that our bus driver had given the group a specific time to be on the road, and the thought struck him -- "will they leave without me?"

One of his senior friends saw the look of panic in his eyes and asked Zach what was wrong. He told her that he was afraid we might leave without him. This dear lady quickly replied, "Don't worry, Zach. Your father is the "king of Keswick". That makes you royalty. You are the son of the king -- Prince Zach. They won't leave without the prince!"

What a great picture of our relationship with God. If you have trusted Christ as your PERSONAL Savior, you are a child of THE KING! That means, my friend, that you are PRINCE (or PRINCESS for you ladies that have joined Freedom Fighter). You are royalty in His forever family. I love how Eugene Peterson expresses Paul's words from Romans 8: 15-17 in THE
MESSAGE . . . "This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike 'What's next, Papa!' God's Spirit touches our spirit and confirms WHO WE REALLY ARE! We know who He is, and we know who we are: FATHER AND CHILDREN! And we know we are going to get what's coming to s -- and UNBELIEVABLE INHERITANCE!"

Are you downcast this morning? Frustrated? Lonely? Weary of the battle? Cheer up, my friend -- Rejoice . . . YOU"RE A CHILD OF THE KING!!!!

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