Monday, April 18, 2005


Last week 53 of our Keswick friends traveled to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We had a great week of fellowship, and despite the cold, rainy weather, it was a good trip. One of the highlights of the week was visiting the Ripley's Aquarium, which was one of the best we have ever visited. If you ever have an opportunity to visit South Carolina, be sure to visit Ripley's.

In addition to the big tanks of fish, there was a "hands-on" exhibit where you could touch a sting ray as well has pick up a live horseshoe crab. We have been to the Jersey shore hundreds of times over the years and have seen these interesting creatures laying on the beaches. But this was the first time I actually picked one up and had an "up-close-and-personal" look at one of these fascinating creatures.

The guide explained a number of interesting facts about the horseshoe crab, but in the tank were a pair that were mating. The guide shared that the male horseshoe crab attaches himself to the female and she drags him around for the next four months! Talk about a commitment,

I was thinking about this throughout the night and I was reminded of a spiritual truth that I learned from this pair of horseshoe crabs. When you and I make that amazing transaction of inviting Christ into our lives to be our Savior and Lord, we are instantly placed IN CHRIST! We
get the whole package: justification (being declared righteous, not on our own merits, but His!), sanctification (being set apart) and glorification (the ultimate aspect of our salvation where one day we will be complete in Him!). We are given the privilege of living victoriously in the ever-changing, crazy world. And we receive the gift of eternal life. But that is not all -- the Holy Spirit also comes to reside in us.

Year's ago, a friend of ours sent their daughter to Messiah College to major in art. We were talking one evening and asked her to share one thing that she learned that changed her life. I will never forget her answer. She learned that if you take rubber cement and put it two pieces
of paper, stick them together, it is almost impossible to pull them apart. I haven't tried it . . . I am trusting that she was correct -- but what an interesting concept (and if that was all she learned ... on my!)

The bottom line is that when you and I are placed in Christ, we are bonded to Him forever! NOTHING can separate us from His love (Romans 8:25-29)! He promises us that He "never leaves or forsakes us." (Hebrews 13:5) We are a part of His forever family.

Eventually the male and female horseshoe crab separate! They are temporarily attached for four months -- a short-term commitment! But praise God, if you have placed your faith in Christ -- that relationship is permanent! May this truth encourage you today!

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