Sunday, April 17, 2005


"Prayer is the mightiest force in the world. The spiritual giants who have shaken the kingdom of darkness have been men and women of effectual prayer. They did not spend too much time studying prayer; THEY PRAYED! Across the pages of Scripture and of church history we trace the records of those who, in bold, holy faith, pleaded with God and were heard:

Abraham prayed long for a son: Isaac came.
Moses prayed: Heaven's wrath was subdued.
Joshua prayed: Achan was discovered and Ai destroyed.
Hannah prayed: Samuel was given to her.
Elijah prayed: The heavens were shut and opened.
Elisha prayed: Drought came and a dead child lived again.
David prayed: Ahitophel, the traitor, hanged himself.
Hezekiah prayed: 185,000 Assyrians were slain.
Daniel prayed: Archangels were set in motion.

Nor did documentation of the power of prayer disappear when the last
page of the inspired canon was filled.

Savonorala prayed: A city was won for God.
Martin Luther prayed: God broke the spell of ages.
John Knox prayed: Tyrants were terrified and Scotland was blessed.
George Whitfield prayed: A thousand souls were saved in one day.
George Mueller prayed: Hungry orphans were fed.
Hudson Taylor prayed: Inland China was evangelized.

On we could go, citing thousands of witnesses, all proving the lengths to which God will go when men and women are prepared to lay hold of Him and refuse to let Him go until he blesses. The consistent witness of Bible and church saints is that PRAYER IS THE HIGHEST RESOURCE OF THE SOUL."

from the pen of Dr. Herbert Lockyer from HOW GREAT THOU ARE published by Multnomah

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