Sunday, April 10, 2005


"There is nowhere in space, whether within or without creation, where God is not. The great God, the eternal, the almighty Spirit, is as limitless in His presence as in His existence and power.

In condescension to our limited understanding, He is said to dwell in heaven. But strictly speaking, the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him. He fills every of His dominion. The universal God dwells in universal space. What is the space occupied by a grain of sand, compared to that which is occupied by the starry heavens? Is it as a cipher; it is nothing; it vanished in comparison.

And what is this grain of sand compared to the whole expanse of space? The whole creation itself, when seen in proportion with the universe, is infinitely less than a grain of sand. And yet this expanse of space, to which the whole creation bears no proportion at all, is infinitely less,
in comparison to the great God, than a grain of sand, yes, even a millionth part of it!

This seems to be the plain meaning of those solemn words which God speaks of Himself: 'Do I not fill heaven and earth?' God acts everywhere and therefore IS everywhere. It is utterly impossible that any being, created or uncreated, should work where it is not. God acts in heaven, in earth, and under the earth -- throughout the whole compass of His creation -- by sustaining all things. Without Him, everything would in an instant sink into is primitive nothing."

"Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?" declares the Lord. "Do I not fill heaven and earth?" declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:24)

This morning's devotional was written by John Wesley and published in the devotional book, HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah.
Good words to ponder today.

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