Tuesday, April 12, 2005


"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the Lord, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:10)

"No philosophy of history is true which does not take into account the sovereign hand of God controlling all permitted developments. God is still God. He has not abdicated. Neither has He changed. Nor has he slackened His control over the nations. He is yet just as truly God though millions of people are still self-blinded to His sovereign activity.

As the poet said, 'When statesmen have had their last parley,/And despots have made their last threat;/When prophets are dumb with misgiving,/And forces of conflict are set;/When factions misleading and treacherous/Bring chaos where order prevailed;/When freedom long-cherished is vanquished,/And leaders long trusted have failed,/ When God and His Word are derided,/And men call it useless to pray; Remember that God is still sovereign,/And HE has the last word to say.'

For the unbeliever and the wicked, the sovereignty of God may well be terrifying; but to the yielded, trusting Christian it is 'JOY UNSPEAKABLE!' Commit everything to God even though your world seems shaken to its foundations. Lie still on His bosom, and listen to the heartbeat of that boundless love from which all demons either inside of
Hades can never pluck you.

God is still on the throne,
And He will take care of His own;
Though trials distress us,
And burdens oppress us,
He never will leave us alone;
God is still on the throne,
And He will take care of His own;
His promise is true,
He will see us right through;
God is still on the throne.

Good words this morning from the late Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter in the daily devotional HOW GREAT THOU ART, published by Multnomah.

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