Friday, April 29, 2005


"The faithfulness of God is like a gigantic archway spanning human history from its beginning to its ending," . . . so writes Bible teacher, Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter. "And that resplendent archway is supported on seven glorious, immovable pillars.
Pillar #1 -- Divine Righteousness. The faithfulness of God rests on God's absolute fidelity to every obligation He assumes.
Pillar #2 -- Divine Omnipotence. Because God is omnipotent, He is able to accomplish all that He sets out to do.
Pillar #3 -- Divine Truth. God is truth, the shadowless totality of truth, whose every word is truth, who therefore could never be false or faithless.
Pillar #4 -- Divine Immutability. His eternal unchangingness assures us that He never deviates from His perfect goodness, and never withdraws any promise He ever makes.
Pillar #5 -- Divine Holiness. Because God is ethically perfect, all that He ever thinks or says or plans or purposes or promises at any given instant is always faultless. He never has to correct or revise or improve it, which means He can always be fully faithful to it.
Pillar #6 -- Divine Wisdom. The omniscient wisdom of God guarantees that He not only fulfills His pledged word, but that He always does so in the wisest conceivable way.
Pillar #7 -- Divine Love. As soon as I know that 'God s love' and that He loves ME, I know that all His thoughts toward me emanate from pure love and for my everlasting well-being."

Great words to ponder on this Friday, April 29, 2005

WATCH FOR OUR NEW FIVE DAY DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT FOR WOMEN -- "VICTORY CALL" written by our Women's Ministry Team. Details will be available shortly -- another new ministry of America's KESWICK, where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives!

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