Wednesday, April 06, 2005


"For this cause a man should leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh." (Ephesians 5:31
1. Think in terms of "we and us" not "me and you" or "my or me."
2. Are free to be themselves and exercise all their gifts.
3. Have marriages that are love-based, not rule or control-based.
4. Don't care which spouse earns the most. Love and respect thrive based on the essence of who the spouse is, not what the spouse earns.
5. Do everything possible to empower each other. One spouse never looks at the other and says, "Your role is to empower me." Or "You're supposed to pour yourself into ME while I pursue MY pursuits.
6. Aren't threatened by each other's gifts and talents, but freely applaud each other's accomplishments.
7. Are best friends.
8. Argue infrequently, because they are of one mind.
9. Live by Jesus Christ's Golden Rule: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12). This includes EVERYTHING, just as Jesus said - even the marriage concepts you embrace.
10. Don't believe one of them is spiritually superior to the other or has a deeper spiritual knowledge on all subjects at all times.
11. Have their needs met and enjoy a thriving relationship with God.
12. Make decisions by consensus, not by powerplays.
Romancing Your Wife ... A Little Effort Can Spice Up Your Marriage by Debra White Smith and Daniel W. Smith published by Harvest House
Good words to ponder on this Wednesday, April 6, 2005

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