Monday, April 04, 2005


"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need." Hebrews 4:16
My oldest son Josh, and his wife, Jenny, called this weekend from West Virginia. They were working at a Camp Sandy Cove for Boys and Girls getting the facility ready for the summer season. Josh and Jenny's boxer, Ruby, was along for the trip, along with her Dad's Jack Russell, Skeeter. The family were busy doing their thing and the two dogs decided to wander off into the mountains of West Virginia. Night came and no dogs. Morning came, no dogs. They searched and searched but they were no where to be found.
Josh called mid-afternoon and left a message on the answering machine asking us to please pray that they would find the dogs. They were scheduled to leave first thing in the morning and were not sure what to do. After checking the message, Zach wanted to pray for the dogs that they would come home. We have been trying to instill into his little heart the importance of prayer, even for little things.
Zach reminded me that he prayed and the dogs were going to be found -- the faith of a child! Two hours later, the Lord honored the faith of our son. Josh called to share that his mother-in-law had gone outside to look one more time. They heard Renee calling for Skeeter, and they all were choked up saying, "Why is she doing this to herself?" Little did they know that they were reliving a scene from the movie, HOMEWARD BOUND. Running towards here were Ruby and Skeeter!
God loves it when His kids come to Him with impossible situations. My friend, you have been given the privilege and authority to come boldly into the throne of grace. You can do so YOURSELF. You don't need someone else to pray for you. Are you facing a difficult situation today in your life? Have you been to the throne of grace? Take some time, get on your knees . . . you will find grace to help you in the time of need!

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