Friday, April 22, 2005


"The fallen heart is by nature idolatrous. There appears to be no limit to which some of us will go to save our idol, while at the same time telling ourselves eagerly that we are trusting in Christ alone. It takes a violent act of renunciation to deliver us from the hidden idol, and since very few modern Christians understand that such an act is necessary, and only a small number of those who know are willing to do, it follows that relatively few professors of the Christian faith these
days have ever experienced the painful act of renunciation that frees the heart from idolatry.

Grace will save a man but it will not save him from his idol. The blood of Christ will shield the penitent sinner alone, but never the sinner and his idol. Faith will justify they sinner, but it will never justify the sinner and his sin. A man may engage in a great deal of humble talk before God and get no response because unknown to himself he is using prayer to disguise disobedience. He may lie for hours in sackcloth and ashes with no higher motive than to try to persuade God to come over on his side so he can have his own way. He may grovel before God in a welter of self-accusation, refuse to give up his secret sin and be rejected for his pains. Christ can and will save a man who has been dishonest, but He cannot save him WHILE he is dishonest. Absolute candor is an indispensable requisite to salvation.

Mean what you say and never say what you do not mean, either to God or man. Think candid thoughts and act forthrightly always, whatever the consequence. To do this will bring the cross into your life and keep you dead to self and to public opinion. And it may get you into trouble
sometimes, too. But a guileless mind is a great treasure; it is worth any price.

from the pen of A.W. Tozer Man: Dwelling Place of God

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