Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wandering Thoughts Part 1

Wandering Thoughts (Part 1)

This one was just too good to pass up. Do you have "prayer time ADD?" Do you find yourself sitting down to pray and all of a sudden you are no longer praying because your mind has wandered into other areas?

If so, (and I think the club is bigger than we think ...) Than this one is for you. It is from THE SEEKING HEART by Fenelon:

How do you deal with wandering thoughts and lack of enthusiasm during prayer? Set aside a regular time to be alone with God. Just be content to yield yourself without reserve to God. Don't go out looking for the cross, but when the cross comes (and it will), do not let God's work pass without letting the trials become fruitful to you.

Accept, despite your natural reservations, all that God brings to you to exercise your faith. Don't worry about whether you will have the strength to do the right thing. Grace comes only in the moment that you need it. Just be willing to receive your trials with a cheerful heart.

When you see your thoughts wandering, call yourself back to the present moment, but do not struggle with your thoughts. Just stay in the present and you will soon notice your Lord by your side again. The more you turn back to Him just as you sense yourself wandering, the sooner you will have the blessing of knowing the indwelling presence of Christ in a more constant and familiar way.

When you are completely given to God, all that you do is profitable, even if you don't do much. Offer your future up to God, and don't try to figure out what will happen to you. It shows your faithfulness when you want to know the future that God has chosen to conceal from all of us.

Leave your future to God. The best preparation is to die to self-will and give yourself wholly to God. Your spirit will grow as you become less weighed down by your self-nature. You get used to a life full of stride and endless labor and think this is normal. You will be surprised to see how simple and straightforward your life in God is ..."

Practical insight from a man who had a deep walk with God over 400 years ago. I will share part 2 on Monday. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 31; Exodus 25-26; Matthew 20:17-34

Great Quote: The manna of one day was corrupt when the next day came. I must every day have fresh grace from heaven, and I obtain it only in direct waiting upon God Himself. Begin each day by tarrying before God, and letting Him touch you. Andrew Murray

Friday, January 30, 2009

Cultivating Silence

Cultivating Silence

One of our "senior" staff members, Miss Ingrid, has an wonderful love affair going on with her Savior. She is an amazing lady. Anyone who knows Miss Ingrid has heard her say, "Shhhhhh! You need to listen."

We've talked the last two days about our thought life and today I want to suggest to you that one of the ways to "bring every thought captive" is to learn to listen. Have you ever found yourself saying, "I wish I could turn my brain off?"

One of the disciplines that I need to work on in my life is asking God to control my random thoughts so that I can quiet my heart and mind and listen for His voice. That isn't easy in this world of noise that we find ourselves in.

Listen to the words on a godly man written over 400 years ago:

Simply bringing yourself quietly before God will do more than worrying or being too religious. Silence is important. Even when you cannot find total silence, you might try letting others take the lead in conversations. There is no better way to quench the natural strength of your old nature than by silencing it. Guard your tongue. As you become aware of the presence of God within, you will see how He is able to keep your words, thoughts, and desires in check.

This work all happens gradually, so be patient with yourself as well as with others. Try to practice silence as much as general courtesy permits. Silence encourages God's presence, prevents harsh words, and causes you to be less likely to say something you will regret. Silence also helps you put space between you and the world. Out of the silence that you cultivate, you will find strength to meet your needs.

No matter how much you cultivate silence, there will still be many disrupting situations in which you will find yourself against your will. God knows that you want to have much time to pray, but He still allows you to be surrounded by things that seem to prevent prayer.

Learn to love God's will more than sweetness of self-chosen prayer. You know very well that you do not need to pray in your closet to love God. When He give you time, take it to pray. When there is not time, be satisfied anyway. Lift up your spirit to Him without making any outward sign. Talk only when necessary. Bear the hardest things that cross your life.

You need to deny yourself more than you need more light. Be faithful in keeping silent, and God will keep you from evil when you talk. Accept what God chooses for you. This is more important than what you choose for yourself, for you are much too easy on yourself.

Day by day give yourself to God. He carries you in His arms like a mother carries her child. Believe, hope, and love like that child. Look with love and trust to your heavenly Father." -- Written by Fenelon THE SEEKING HEART

David wrote, "Be still and know that I am God ..." Sometimes we need to take the bull by the horns and cry out to God and ask Him to cease the inner turmoil caused my our thoughts. Maybe part of the taking every thought captive process is simply crying out "Be still!" And then allow the Spirit of God to begin to speak His thoughts into our souls.

I know that this is something I need to develop. How about you? I think I will put Miss Ingrid's picture on my desk. It will be a good reminder -- SHHHHH! LISTEN!!! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 30, Exodus 23-24; Matthew 20:1-16

Great Quote: The gospel, applied every day to our hearts, frees us to be brutally honest with ourselves and with God. The assurance of His total forgiveness through Christ’s blood means we don’t have to play defensive games anymore. We don’t have to rationalize and excuse our sins. We can say we told a lie instead of saying we exaggerated a bit. We can admit an unforgiving spirit instead of continuing to blame others for our emotional distress. We can call sin exactly what it is, however ugly and shameful it may be, because we know Jesus bore that sin in His body on the cross. We have no reason to hide from our sins anymore. – Jerry Bridges The Disciplines of Grace

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can I Have My Cake and Eat it Too?

Can I Have My Cake and Eat it Too?

I have a confession to make. I did have a very good gooey piece of the world's greatest chocolate cake at lunch yesterday. Mrs. Ruth Raws, Pastor Bill's wife, makes THE BEST chocolate cake. I thought it rather funny that on a day when I was trying to get you all not to think about cake -- that she shows up with chocolate cake.

God keeps hammering me about my thoughts. Right away people assume that when someone is open to talking about struggles in their thought life that are struggling with lust or sexual temptation.

First of all, I would be a big hypocrite if I said I never had those thoughts enter my mind! I am reminded of my dear pastor friend who was very transparent with me and a friend over breakfast. After his grilling us about our thought life, my friend said, "Must be nice to be in your 90's and not have to struggle with lustful thoughts." This saint, and I mean saint, replied, "Matthew, I may be old but I am not dead."

Have you allowed your mind to dwell on things like jealousy? Covetous thoughts -- "Your house is bigger than mine? How come he's go a new car and I am driving this beat up old one? How about thoughts of resentment? We may have been slighted, looked over for a promotion or a raise (what is that these days?), not included in a social event, and wrong thinking takes over.

Our thoughts do matter to God. I think that is why Paul's words are so strong when he writes: "Finally, brothers (and sisters), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or worthy of praise -- think about such things." (Philippians 4:8 NIV)

Yesterday I had two of my teams sit down to talk about perceptions that have crippled our ministry from moving forward for too many years. Perceptions become realities in our minds and before we know it, our thinking gets out of whack, and before we know it -- we are thinking very wrong and sinful thoughts. Yesterday was a day of laying down the gauntlet and saying, "We aren't going to think that way anymore.

Our negative thinking is so destructive that Paul very clearly reminds us of this truth: "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NIV) Paul is talking about some pretty decisive steps to bring our thoughts in line with the way God wants us to think.

When was the last time you thought about your thoughts? We may pride ourselves for not gossiping publically, or not committing adultery, or now being mean to our neighbor of co-worker. BUT have you thought about it in your mind? The grand connect is that HE KNOWS OUR THOUGHTS! HE WANTS US TO SUBMIT OUR THOUGHTS TO HIS CONTROL. Am I willing to take them captive or do I want to have my cake and eat it too. Well guess what -- that isn't possible. Think about it. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; Exodus 21-22; Matthew 19

Great Quote: “If sin comes into the life of the believer, he should immediately become concerned with it. It should cause him to rush to the Lord in confession and repentance, and it should cause him to build every bulwark possible against the recurrence of the sin.” - Donald Grey Barnhouse

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't think about that big piece of chocolate cake ...

Don't think about that big piece of chocolate cake -- the one that has the wonderful fudgey icing. It's got several gooey layers that are just oozing with delicious icing. Don't think about that chocolate cake.

Before you read today's Freedom Fighter, hear me -- it's not about chocolate cake, so don't even think about enjoying a piece with your favorite java. A really big piece of chocolate cake isn't a good way to start off your day. But maybe for a mid-morning snack? Oh yeah -- let's stop talking about the chocolate cake.

Now that I have your attention on, let's move to what the Lord has been showing me. What are you thinking about right now? My guess is that I have you duped into thinking about ... chocolate cake.

The mind is a powerful tool. Did you ever have one of those sleepless nights where you just couldn't turn your brain off? What occupies your mind? Throughout the day? When you have a free minute or two, what do you think about? What do you think about as you lay down at night to fall asleep?

Studies suggest that men do have one-track minds. I recently read a study that the average man thinks about sex at least 20 times a day. I read the response from a wife who was asked how many times a day her husband thought about sex. Her response? "Too often!"

Seriously, as men we need to think about what we think about. Our thoughts define who we really are. Solomon wrote, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he ..." (Proverbs 23:7) Listen to what A. W. Tozer wrote about our thoughts:

What we think about when we are free to think about what we will -- that is what we are or will soon become ... Anyone who wishes to check on his true spiritual condition may do so by noting what his voluntary thoughts have been over the last hour or days. What has he thought about when free to think of what he pleased?

Toward what has his inner heart turned when it was free to turn where it would? ... Such a test is easy to run, and if we are honest with ourselves we can discover not only what we are but what we are going to become. We'll soon be the sum of our voluntary thoughts ...

The best way to control our thoughts is to offer the mind to God in complete surrender. The Holy Spirit will accept it and take control of it immediately. Then it will be relatively easy to think on spiritual things, especially if we train our thoughts by long periods of daily prayer. Long practice in the art of mental prayer (that is, talking to God inwardly as we work or travel) will help to form the habit of holy thought."

So brothers -- what are you thinking about? What are the major themes that occupy your mind? Are you dwelling on areas that you need to surrender to him? The grand connect for us is that fearing God reminds us that HE knows and weighs not only our deeds, words, and actions, but our thoughts!

By the way, what about that chocolate cake? Remember the principle: what we think -- we become! That's why we want you to THINK VICTORY! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 28; Exodus 19-20; Matthew 18:21-35

Great Quote: What then are we to do about our problems? We must learn to live with them until such time as God delivers us from them...we must pray for grace to endure them without murmuring. Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting. They harm us only when we resist them or endure them unwillingly. A. W. Tozer

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Adequacy for Inadequacy


Today's devotional was written by my Dad-mentor-friend, Pastor Bill Raws. I still miss him so much. His ministry continues through the printed page. This is a keeper!

“God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work.” (1 Corinthians 9:8)

The more we learn about the Christian life, the more we sense our inadequacy for living it. If we were to cease our learning at that point, we would become gripped by hopelessness. But God never requires anything of us for which He has not made full provision. One of the Bible books which speaks to the issue of sufficiency or adequacy is 2 Corinthians. Our theme verse gives believers perspective on the resources available and the results anticipated.

Four elements are pointed out by Paul which provide hope. First, the author of our adequacy is God. In assessing the demands for Christian living and ministry we must begin with God (not with ourselves and our resources). Second, His ability to compensate for our inadequacy. One of the most blessed clauses in the scriptures is “He is able.” It is used in giving hope and confidence to God’s people under any type of situation. One of God’s Old Testament names is God Almighty – El Shaddai, the God who is enough. Third, the avenue through which adequacy is provided – “all grace abound.” The Bible presents a number of types of grace provided by God. Included are saving, serving and suffering grace. These are incorporated in the “all grace.” The words all and abound indicate the limitless supply available. Fourth, His aim in extending grace is that believers be fitted for every good work.

In order to emphasize the completeness of the adequacy provided, Paul uses terms of totality – always, all and every. God’s grace is made always available at all times, providing all sufficiency, in all things, so that the believer will have an abundance for every good work.

As reinforcement for our theme verse, we should be reminded of chapter 3, verse 5: “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.”

In the light of these passages the believer has no basis for claiming inadequacy for following the will of the Lord. In order to have God’s provision become a reality, appropriation by faith must be exercised on a continuing basis. -- Rev. William A. Raws

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 27; Exodus 16-18; Matthew 18:1-20

Great Quote: Prayer changes things--and people. I have found that out so many times but I often wonder how God puts up with me with all my faults and failures. Surely He must have INFINITE patience to put up with all of us who make such blunders as we try to represent Him in this hell-raising world, and to be perfectly frank, 'We ain't seen nuthin' yet'. --David Otis Fuller

Monday, January 26, 2009

1847 and My Heroes

1847 and My Heroes

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)

What does the year 1847 and my heroes have in common? Well yesterday we took a road trip to visit Calvary Baptist Church in New York City. The church was founded in 1847 and is located not in a traditional church building. The church is located in the Salisbury Hotel, which is located across the street from Carnegie Hall. The church has had a wonderfully rich heritage of pastors. The preaching of the Word of God has had major significance since 1847.

It has been my privilege to know the last four pastors on a personal level: Dr. Stephen F. Olford, Dr. Donald R. Hubbard, Dr. Jim Rose, and Dr. David Epstein. All four of these great expositors have preached from the pulpit of America's KESWICK, and are men of integrity and lovers of God and His Word. We attended the contemporary service at 9:30 AM and the traditional service at 11:00.

My new friend, Dr. David Epstein shared a powerful word on NEW BEGINNINGS from 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Isaiah 6. The worship was wonderful at both services, but the second service was my all-time favorite. Colin Fowler is the organist and choir director, and did an amazing job in leading worship from the organ. I have to tell you during the singing of "I Sing the Mighty Power of God," it was hard to even sing. It was one of those WOW moments.

There were many things that impressed me about our visit to Calvary, but here is one of the major things that I observed: the unity of the body. Every race was represented in the service today. One of the things that the Lord has enabled Calvary to do is break down the walls, and racial reconciliation has obviously been successful. To worship as "one body" this morning was just way too cool.

The other thing that impressed me was Pastor Dave and Sandy's love for their people and the love the people have for their pastor and his wife. Dave loves the Lord, the Word of God, and the people of his congregation. At times it seemed that he was going to burst. Staying the course is not always easy, especially when you are 162 years old. Today was a good example of Paul's admonition to the church at Corinth: "BE STEADFAST, IMMOVABLE -- ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF THE LORD -- KNOWING THAT IN THE LORD YOUR LABOR IS NOT IN VAIN."

To Pastor Dave and Sandy, and our many new friends at Calvary -- keep at it. Stay the course. It is worth it. To my brothers (and sisters) who read Freedom Fighters -- stay at it. IT IS WORTH IT! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

For more information about Calvary Church, check out their website:

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 26; Exodus 14-15; Matthew 17

Great Quote: But have we Holy Spirit power - power that restricts the devil's power, pulls down strongholds and obtains promises? Daring delinquents will be damned if they are not delivered from the devil's dominion. What has hell to fear other than a God-anointed, prayer-powered church? -- Leonard Ravenhill

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Disciple's Renewal

A Disciple's Renewal

I have been very fascinated with the prayers that are recorded for us by some of the Puritans. There is a depth to the prayers that are so missing today. If you've never seen it, there is a collection of prayers called "The Valley of Vision", which is available from or It is a worthwhile investment for a Freedom Fighter!!!

Here is a prayer to help focus our thinking on this Lord's Day:

O my Savior,
Help me.
I am slow to learn,
so prone to forget,
so weak to climb;
I am in the foothills when I should be on the heights;
I am pained by my graceless heart,
my prayerless days,
my poverty of love,
my sloth in the heavenly race,
my sullied conscience,
my wasted hours,
my unspent opportunities.
I am blind while light shines around me:
take the scales from my eyes,
grind to dust the evil heart of unbelief.
Make it my chiefest joy to study You,
meditate on You,
gaze on You,
sit like Mary at Your feet,
lean like John on Your breast,
appeal like Peter to Your love,
count like Paul all things dung.
Give me an increase and progress in grace
so that there may be
more decision in my character,
more vigour in my purposes,
more elevation in my life,
more fervour in my devotion,
more constancy in my zeal.
As I have a position in the world,
keep me from making the world my position;
May I never seek in the creature
what can only be found in the Creator.
Let not faith cease from seeking You
until it vanishes into sight.
Ride forth in my, thou King of kings
and Lord of lords,
that I may live victoriously,
and in victory attain my end.

Powerful prayer for you and I to pray today as we celebrate this wonderful Lord's day. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 25; Exodus 12-13; Matthew 16

Great Quote: “A Christian’s life is full of mysteries: poor and yet rich; base and yet exalted; shut out of the world and yet admitted into the company of saints and angels; slighted, and yet dear to God; the world’s dirt, and God’s jewels.”
- Thomas Manton

Saturday, January 24, 2009

God Answers Prayer

God Answers Prayer

"When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple." Jonah 2:7

I grew up in a home where I had parents who believed God answers prayer. My childhood was filled with people from our home church that prayed with great fervency and trusted that God would answer prayer.

We had a dear friend who was an amazing prayer warrior, well into her 90's. When she prayed, I am convinced she had God's ear. One time we were struggling with a co-worker who was being a nudge. I shared my desire to see things rectified and she committed to pray. That night, our co-worker ended up in the ER of the local hospital and almost died.

The next morning I called her and said, "Ma, I asked you to pray that the Lord would change the situation, not take the guy out." To which she replied, "If you don't like the way I pray, don't ask me to pray!"

Yesterday we had a day of prayer on behalf of a staff couple whose marriage is ready to end. We are not ready to give up, so we joined together to ask God to intervene in His way, in His time, for HIS glory. I don't know HOW or WHEN God will answer the prayers of His people, but I believe HE WILL BE FAITHFUL and answer our prayers.

This morning I was praying with a co-worker who shared a burden he was bearing with another staff member. He prayed for this man and asked that he would have the courage to come and speak with me. We opened our eyes, and guess what -- the man was standing outside my office ready to meet me! What an amazing answer to prayer.

Some of you know our dear friend, Calvin Hunt from the Brooklyn Tabernacle. His testimony is so amazing. I don't have the space to share his story, but the day he was saved, the church and his family were meeting in the church crying out to God for His salvation. Calvin was on the other side of town stealing things from his own home. He shares how we was walking from room to room hearing crying and wailing. It was horrible. It so ticked him off that went to the church.

Upon entering the sanctuary, he heard the same crying and wailing from the hundreds of people. They were crying out to God on behalf of Calvin Hunt. That day, Calvin Hunt came to Christ.

Now I have to tell you that when I hear those kinds of testimonies, they don't necessarily fit into my "theological box." Does that kind of stuff really happen? It sure does. Dare I trust in a God who can answer my prayers in dramatic ways as well little ways? Am I willing to take the risk and cry out to God on behalf of those who are lost and dying without Christ? Am I willing to believe that the God who answered prayer in the Scriptures is the same God who can answer prayer today?

I want to be that bold in my praying. Prayer does change things. And most often, it changes me! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 24; Exodus 9-11; Matthew 15:21-39

Great Quote: God can change our circumstances, but sometimes He waits for us to show
real desire for change as well as our faith in Him. Anne Graham Lotz

Friday, January 23, 2009



"Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?" (Psalm10:1)

Admit it -- sometimes life just doesn't make sense. I my years in ministry I have seen some of the most bizarre situations develop in the lives of people I love that just doesn't make any logical sense.

Seeing people go through sickness is hard enough, but when we see so many couples throwing in the towel -- it is really hard to understand.

Right now we have two friends whose marriage is on the brink of disaster. Without a miracle from God, the husband is done. I am really struggling with trying to understand this mess and have cried out to God with many of our friends to plead, "God, please show up!"

Today's reading from STREAMS IN THE DESERT, couldn't be more appropriate and timely:

"God is ... an ever present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1) But He allows trouble to pursue us, as though He were indifferent to its overwhelming pressure, so we may be brought to the end of ourselves. Through the trial, we are led to discover the treasure of darkness and immeasurable wealth of tribulation.

We may be sure that He who allows the suffering is with us throughout it. It may be that we will only see Him once the ordeal is nearly passed, but we must dare to believe that He never leaves our trial. Our eyes are blinded so that we cannot see the One our soul loves. The darkness and our bandages blind us so that we cannot see the form of our High Priest. Yet He is there and is deeply touched.

Let us not rely on our feelings but trust in His unswerving faithfulness. And though we cannot see Him, let us talk to Him. Although His presence is veiled, once we begin to speak to Jesus as if He were literally present, an answering voice comes to show us He is in the shadow, keeping watch over His own. Your Father is as close to you when you journey through the darkest tunnel as He is when you are under the open heaven!"

Wow! I needed that this morning. Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful reminder. Please, Lord! Help my friends for YOUR glory and their good. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 23; Exodus 7-8; Matthew 15:1-20

Great Quote: “Losses and disappointments are the trials of our faith, our patience, and our obedience. When we are in the midst of prosperity, it is difficult to know whether we have a love for the Benefactor or only for His benefits. It is in the midst of adversity that our piety is put to the trial.”
- John Fawcett


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Encourage One Another

Encourage One Another

"Finally, brothers, rejoice. Be restored, be encouraged, be of the same mind, be at peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11 CSB

I am writing from the Chesapeake Lodge at Sandy Cove in North East, MD. I am attending the Christian Camp and Conference Association Mid-Atlantic Conference where almost 200 camp and conference personnel have gathered together for three days of learning, fellowship and encouragement. I was asked to lead worship for the conference, which is cool because I lead worship at this conference for the first time 21 years ago.

Quite honestly I came to the conference expecting to be more involved with encouraging other brothers serving in ministry. While that is exactly what I have been privileged to do, I was not prepared for the outpouring of encouragement that I received personally, especially from so many guys who are reading Freedom Fighters each day. It was almost comical at one point that four guys almost five minutes apart came to me to let me know how much the daily ministry has been in their lives.

Each of the men shared specific FF that ministered to them on a specific day. The fifth man shared about how God has used the teaching on "The Camels Are Coming." I was blown away because recently I have found myself checking myself to see if this was a ministry that I should be doing or one that was being done in the flesh.

The Lord used the encouragement of my dear brothers to help me see that this was something I needed to continue to do. As I read 2 Corinthians 13:11, I was convicted yet again about the value of encouragement. Everyone of us needs to realize how important an encouraging word can be to our wives, kids, and fellow employees. Your Pastor may be starving from encouragement malnutrition.

As I reflected on what President Bush might be feeling today, I felt bad that he left office with so little encouragement. I was appalled to read the report that on the way to the Capital for President Obama's inauguration, 1000 people greeted President Bush with the finger! That is very sad.

Are you a man who is known for being an encourager? I want to be known for being an encourager. With God's help, I can do that for HIS glory. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 22

Great Quote: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” - Clarence Thomas (C.T.) Studd

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Threefold Victory

...fashioned like unto his glorious body... (Philippians 3:21)

             The motto of America's KESWICK states that it is a place and a ministry "where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives."  Through the years thousands have come to KESWICK with such a desire, a need, and an expectation.  Many have heard the message of hope and have expressed hope in the message.  Some have asked, "What is the key to a transformed life?  Is there such a thing as a victorious life?"  Others have referred to "the formula" for such a changed and victorious life as "a secret."

             For some the "victorious life"appears to be a mystery solved by only a few.  Yet "victory" is the theme of our Bible and the provision of our Lord.  Examine our verses for the day as an illustration.

             "For our conversation [citizenship] is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself" (Phil. 3:20-21).

             Here is a threefold victory.  First, our Lord shall "change our vile body."  We may have difficulty in acknowledging that our body is vile, that it is humiliated to the degree of such serious need.  We may have the difficulty in understanding that our Lord can in fact change such a body.  We may call it a "key," but it is certainly no "secret," that acknowledging both our need and His provision are essential to victorious living.

             Secondly, our Lord shall "fashion" our new body "…like unto His glorified body…." The design of our life belongs to Him.  That must be our expectation and our willingness.  We must cooperate but not dictate.  When He begins to perfect the changes inherent in our redemption and along the lines of His design, we must give to Him our will but not our opinion.

             Thirdly, our Lord shall "subdue" our changed body – and "all things unto Himself."  If we are to have victory now we acknowledge our de-crowning in submission to His subduing.  That is grace on His part, yieldedness on ours, and victory in all.

 Dr. Robert L. Alderman – from the KESWICK devotional Real Victory for Real Life – 365 Devotional Thoughts in the Spirit of America’s KESWICK 

 Scripture Reading:  Exodus 1-3, Matthew 14:1-21, Proverbs 21

"Promotion, publicity, personality, politics, popularity and even prosperity we have in abundance. But there is a dearth of God-empowered men and women with a deep love for the Savior, unconditional commitment to Him and complete indifference to their own well-being."

James R. Graham

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Recipe of Motivation


“Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God…”
(1 Kings 18:37)

Throughout First Kings 17 and 18, we see Elijah quickly and courageously obeying the Lord. His obedience led him all the way to Mount Carmel to a showdown with the prophets of Baal. Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, “If the Lord is God, follow Him, if Baal, follow him” (18:21).
What motivated Elijah to stand so firmly on his convictions? What motivated him to go out on the limb and put God to the test? The answer is found in his prayer for God to send the fire to consume the sacrifice (18:36-37).

Elijah’s motive for ministry and service is revealed in his prayer. He was captivated by the majesty of God. Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let be known this day that you are God in Israel.” An accurate understanding of who God is will motivate us to serve Him obediently and courageously.

The prophet was genuinely excited about being on the Lord’s side. He declared, “…and that I am your servant.” Do you recognize what an awesome privilege it is to be a servant of God?

Elijah also was motivated by obedience to God, “…and that I have done all these things at Your word.” When you examine the life of Elijah you will find that when God spoke Elijah obeyed. Are you motivated by a desire to be an obedient Christian?

We also find in Elijah’s prayer that he was in communion with God, “Hear me O Lord, hear me…”. Courage and motivation to stand for God in the difficult times will be found in unbroken communion with Him. How is your communion with God?
Lastly, Elijah was motivated by a concern for others to know God, “…that this people may know that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.” A desire for others to know God should compel us to be faithful to our Lord.

What motivates you? Dr.Roger D. Willmore is a member of the Board of Reference of America's KESWICK and a popular speaker at our summer conferences. Today's devotional is from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 20; Genesis 49-50; Matthew 13:31-58

Great Quote:“Grace is totally alien to human psychology. We want to get our house in order and then let God love and accept us. The psychology of works-righteousness and self-certification is foundation to the human psyche and totally at odds with grace. The deep-seated way humans resist divine grace helps us understand something about the fear of love. While some people fear any love, what most of us resist in unconditional love—perfect love. The reason for this is that such love demands surrender…I am willing to accept measured doses of love as long as it doesn’t upset the basic framework of my world. That framework is built on the assumption that people get what they deserve…what humans want is to earn the love we seek. The Christian God comes to us as wholly other—so different from the gods of my imagination, so far beyond my control…God invites us to let him rid us for our fears and heal us by his love.” David Benner

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fighting the Good Fight of Faith


“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race , I have kept the faith.” 2 Tim 4:7

I accepted Christ as my Savior , Lord , and eternal “Commanding Officer” late in my
military career but as I began to read the Bible I was immediately struck by how familiar
I was from my military experience with much of the Biblical terminology and concepts.
It was almost as if God gave military personnel a running start to help them quickly ”get
up to speed “ on the Christian life. Bible terms like “duty”,” honor”, “sacrifice”
“responsibility” , “hardship” and “discipline” are also a major part of all military
training and heritage.

Now after having been a “Christian soldier” for almost twenty years I have continued to realize that even though the spiritual battle is against a different enemy, the mindset and approach to defeating Satan is similar to defeating a military foe. Just like no warrior would think of going into battle unarmed , barefoot dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, I have learned how I need to put on the armor of God every day for the spiritual battles that I will face (Ephesinas 6).

This means putting on the sturdy belt of truth , the body armor of God’s righteousness, the special shoes of peace that comes from the Good News ,a shield of faith , a helmet of salvation, and armed with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God . In short , I need to be dressed for battle in order to withstand the devil’s schemes.

Another similarity I have found between the spiritual life and the military is the
heritage of heroes and role models. Just like men and women who have distinguished
themselves militarily , the Bible has an honor roll celebrating heroes of the faith
(Hebrews 11) ... people like Noah , Abraham , Sarah , Moses and Rahab , and then there
are the hundreds of “unknown soldiers “ and unsung heroes .Men and women who
carried a message , spoke an encouraging word, or simply prayed .

Yes there are certainly lots of similarities but there is at least one very important
difference . That is on how one can qualify to be a Christian soldier . While not everyone
can qualify for the military due to testing , physical issues , past records , etc there are no such qualifications to becoming a Christian. Becoming a Christian soldier is open to anyone who is willing to accept the free gift of salvation , to put off the old man and to get in step with his plan for your life.. The Lord desires any man who will stand in the gap on His behalf (Ez 22:30). The question is : will you be that man? -- Tom Day is a minister in Memphis, TN and a friend and supporter of the men of the Colony of Mercy.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 19; Genesis 46-48; Matthew 17:1-30

Great Quote: I want the whole Christ for my Saviour, the whole Bible for my book, the whole Church for my fellowship, and the whole world for my mission field. John Wesley

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Does He Care?

"Try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord." Ephesians 5:10

One of my favorite authors, Dr. Jerry Bridges, is a champion of the gospel. Most of us only think about the gospel for salvation, but Jerry reminds us that the same gospel that saved us (justification) is the gospel that is keeping us (sanctification).

Here are his words from his new devotional, HOLINESS -- DAY BY DAY. The reading I read for today is taken from his book THE DISCIPLINES OF GRACE:

The good news of the gospel is that God's grace is available on our worst days. That's true because Christ fully satisfied the claims of God's justice and fully paid the penalty of a broken law when He died on the cross in our place. Because of that, Paul could write, "He forgave ALL our sins." (Colossians 2:13 NIV)

Does this mean that God no longer cares whether we obey or disobey? Not at all. The Scripture speaks of our grieving the Holy Spirit through our sins (Ephesians 4:30). And Paul prayed that we "may please [God] in every way" (Colossians 1:10 NIV) Clearly, he cares about our conduct and will discipline us when we refuse to repent of conscious sin. But God is no longer our Judge. Through Christ He is now our heavenly Father who disciplines us only out of love and only for our good.

If God's blessing were dependent on our performance, they would be meager indeed. Even our best works are shot through with sin -- with varying degrees of impure motives and lots of imperfect performance.

We're always, to some degree, looking at ourselves, guarding our flanks, protecting our egos. It's because we don't realize the utter depravity of the principle of sin remaining in us and staining everything we do that we entertain any notion of earning God's blessings through our obedience. And because we don't fulling grasp that Jesus paid the penalty for ALL our sins, we despair of God's blessing when we failed to live up even to our own desires to please God.

Your worst days are never so bad that you're beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you're beyond the need of God's grace.

Isn't that a powerful word for this Lord's day! Wow! Thank You, Lord, for this precious truth. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 18; Genesis 43-45; Matthew 12:24-50

Great quote: “If you find yourself loving any pleasure better than your prayers, any book better than the Bible, any house better than the house of God, any table better than the Lord’s table, any person better than Christ, any indulgence better than the hope of heaven - take alarm!”
- Thomas Guthrie

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Provision for Victorious Living

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9)

The heart of the Victorious Christian life is a moment-by-moment walk with the Lord. God is glorified when I fulfill His will and purpose for my life (Heb. 13:21) as I “…walk in the Spirit…” (Gal.5:16a).

The Bible teaches that when I accept Christ as my Savior, the Holy Spirit permanently indwells me (I Cor.6:19). It is also true that I’m indwelt by the “old man” (Rom.6-7). He works to neutralize my “walk in the Spirit” by prodding me to disobey God.

While God’s high standard is “go and sin no more” (John 8:11b), He knows that I will (I John 1:8) and has made a wonderful provision for me to deal with personal sin which breaks fellowship. That provision is I John 1:9. I wish I had been taught this early in my Christian life. It would have resulted in more time logged in fellowship rather than a lot of carnal living.

God in His grace uses this simple truth of instantly confessing sin as soon as I am conscious that I have willfully disobeyed God. The basic idea for confess is to “agree” with God about your sin. The issue isn’t feeling sorry for sin – although you might, and that is all well and good. The point, however, is acknowledging or agreeing with God about your sin. The “if” gives me the freedom to confess or not confess. I choose, moment by moment, to agree with God or to be out of fellowship.

The verse closes with a promise that “if” I obey and “agree” with God, “He is faithful and just to forgive [me].” It always happens because Christ’s death made full payment for all my sins. There is the added blessing of “…and cleanses [me] from all sin and unrighteousness.” All the things I didn’t recognize as sin or forgot about, God forgives. The simple act of believing what God has promised in His word spells defeat for the “Old Man.” I learn from my disobedience and move on in Christian life. This is real victory! 

Dave Shoppy was the Director of Development for America's KESWICK for a number of years until the Lord called him home.

God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 16; Genesis 41-42; Matthew 12:1-23

Great Quote: “The Gospel is a fact, therefore tell it simply; it is a joyful fact, therefore tell it cheerfully; it is an entrusted fact, therefore tell it faithfully; it is a fact of infinite moment, therefore tell it earnestly; it is a fact about a Person, therefore preach Christ.”- Archibald G. Brown

Friday, January 16, 2009

Power of Influence 4

Power of Influence (Part 4)

I apologize that we had a glitch yesterday with you receiving the email version of Freedom Fighter. It was posted on the blog. I want to encourage your to check out yesterday's entry:

"Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled." Titus 2:9
We've been discussing the power of influence and how take situations in life and turn them into "moments of influence."
One of my heroes is Pastor Bob Alderman, Minister-at-large from Shenandoah Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA. He is one the godly men that God has brought into my life as a mentor and friend. I have learned so much from watching the example of his life since meeting him twelve years ago.
Pastor Bob is very unique. He is one of the most humble men I have ever met, yet with the humility, he is a strong and powerful leader. I have been in the prayer room before a service and seen him as a "wreck" from the emotions of having to get up and preach. Yet when he steps onto the platform, the Lord gives him a power that is just amazing to witness.
I tell him that you never have to guess on what he stands for. He is humble, yet he is bold. He is firm, yet he is gentle. I have seen him in confrontational situations where he states his case, yet never loses his cool.
His influence on my life is so powerful that I have repeatedly told him that I never want to let him down. He has so influenced my life that I have even had several dreams about him. Last week I dreamt that I was upset with two staff members (and in my dream I have no clue who they were --) for something that they had done, that I stood in front of them a really gave it to them. The one lady looked at me and said, "You're not going to speak to me like that! I am a friend of Pastor Bob's and he is going to hear about this! He'd never talk to me like that!"
Well I am sure glad it was a dream and not a real scenario. But even in the "watches of the night" the Lord used the influence of Pastor Bob's life to teach me that it does matter how I speak to people, even when I am upset with him. Watching him interact with people has been one of the "moments of influence" that has greatly impacted my life. Thanks, Pastor Bob! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 16; Genesis 39-40; Matthew 11
Great Quote: True patience is to suffer the wrongs done to us by others in an unruffled spirit and without feeling resentment. Patience bears with others because it loves them; to bear with them and yet to hate them is not the virtue of patience but a smokescreen for anger. Gregory the Great

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Power of Influence (Part 3)

The Power of Influence (Part 3)

"In your teaching, show integrity ..." Titus 2:7 b (NIV)

I am stuck on the principles that I shared the other day from Pat Williams' book "What Are You Living For?"

The fourth principle on the "power of influence" is "Take advantage of every "moment of influence." Let me give you a great personal illustration.

It was Sunday morning and the Deacon came out from the kitchen carrying the bread trays for the Communion service. Since he was running late for the Sunday School class he was teaching, he asked me to take the juice trays upstairs for him. I quickly grabbed the trays and set the table.

I was leading worship at the church and was seated on the front row facing the deacons and Pastor as they were serving the Lord's Supper. The bread was served and at the moment the Pastor put his hand on the juice tray cover, there was that moment that will forever be etched in my mind. It was at that moment that the deacon looked and me and I looked at him -- and we knew we were in trouble.

What he meant to tell me was that he hadn't even filled the juice cups with Welch's grape juice (the only sanctified juice for communion. They didn't tell me that and one Sunday I used store brand. I didn't know there were two unpardonable sins!!!) You should have seen the look on the Pastor's face when he lifted the lid and bingo -- no juice! He handled the situation so well, stating that someone was feeling really embarrassed.

That evening before I stood to lead the congregation in praise and worship, he asked me to sit down so he could speak to the congregation. He asked people to be honest in answering a question. "How many of you tried to figure out today whose fault it was that the juice tray was empty?" Hands went up all over the room. "Well, he said, "I am going to tell you so you can lay it to rest. It was my fault. As Senior Pastor of this church I failed to check the cups prior to the service. I am sorry that it happened, but it won't happen again." He then sat down.

I will never forget the humility of that moment. He took the blame for me and the deacon! He could have ratted us out -- but he took the blame. What a huge leadership lesson -- a moment of influence that I will never forget. By the way -- from then on, every deacon checked and double checked the communion trays before the service!

Think about the moments of influence that you can have on a daily basis with your kids, your staff, your friends. Then use them for His glory and their good. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 15; Genesis 36-38; Matthew 10:21-42

Great Quote: If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents - the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else's. But if their thoughts -i.e. of materialism and astronomy - are merely accidental by-products,why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all theother accidents. It's like expecting that the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milk jug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset.
(Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Power of Influence (Part 2)

"... encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them by example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned ..." Titus 2:6-8

Yesterday I shared with you seven principles from Pat Williams, Vice-President of the Orlando Magic, on the power of influence. I want to go back and share an illustration of the 4th point: "Take advantage of every 'moment of influence.'

" .... after [the lad] was born he was given over to the care of his nanny, a Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Everest, and it is hard to overestimate her influence on him. She was the traditional image of the British Nanny suggests: plump, jolly, full of stories, and unceasingly overprotective. While his parents neglected him in pursuit of their social and political dreams, Mrs. Everest was the center of [the lad's life].

Someone wrote that in the lad's solitary childhood and unhappy school days, Mrs. Everest was his comforter, his strength and stay, his one source of unfailing human understanding. She was the fireside at which he dried his tears and warmed his heart. She was the night light by his bed. She was security. She was also his first contact with Christianity ..."

" ... she was also a passionate woman of prayer and taught [the lad] well. She helped him memorize Scriptures, knelt with him daily as he recited his prayers, and explained the world to him in simple but distinctly Christian terms. He, in turn, adored her and regarded every word as on par with the law of God.

" ... the more important lessons she taught him were also deeply embedded in his life. Years later, when he was under fire on some remote battlefield or entangled in the most troubling difficulties, he found himself praying the prayers he had learned at Mrs. Everett's knee."

Years later when Mrs. Everett was on her death bed, [the lad]returned to stay by her bedside until she went home to be with the Lord. He never forgot the influence of her life on his. It is said that Sir Winston Churchill's "lasting devotion to her is evidenced by the picture of her that sat on his desk throughout his life and lay at his bedside when his own death came seventy years later." (Quoted from Never Give In -- The Extraordinary Life Character of Winston Churchill by Stephen Mansfield -- Cumberland House)

Brothers, that is a powerful testimony of the power of our influence on the life of someone else. What kind of influencer do YOU want to be? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 14; Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20

Great Quote: “We must remember that God will never drag us along the path of true-hearted discipleship. This would greatly lack the moral Excellency which characterizes all the ways of God. He does not drag, but draw, us along the path which leads to ineffable blessedness in Himself; and if we do see that it is for our real advantage to break through all the barriers of nature, in order to respond to Gods’ call, we forsake our own mercies. But alas! our hearts little enter into this. We begin to calculate about the sacrifices, the hindrances, and the difficulties, instead of bounding along the path, in eagerness of soul, as knowing and loving the One whose call as sounded in our ears”. C H Macintosh

Don't forget Men's Fellowship Night this Thursday. We'd love to have you join us! Call 732-350-1187.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pursue Influence

Pursue Influence

"Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh, and refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:7

Why is it that so many guys get to my age and seem to throw it all away? It's one of those plaguing questions that I have been asking myself now that I have reached "half-time."

There are certainly biblical illustrations of guys that made it to the finish line without dropping the ball -- But Scrripture sure has the sad reminders of men who did not finish well.

Almost always we blow it because we take our eyes of the Lord and allow our hearts to wrap around wrong pursuits.

Pat Williams recent book "WHAT ARE YOU LIVING FOR?" has inspired me to think through some pretty weighty issues. In one of the chapters, he suggests that we need to pursue being an influencer.

Listen to the seven ways that he suggests we do that:

1. Be careful what you say. "We easily forget that words have the power to cut to the core of the human soul. We need to wield that power for the purpose of healing others, using our words as a surgeon's scalpel, not a butcher's knife." I was recently brought up short because I didn't realize how my sarcasm can be so cutting. I've had to ask the Holy Spirit to help me in this area as it has been a huge blind spot.

2. Be aware that others are watching your example. "Make sure you so live your life as if you are under a microscope, even in your private moments. Make sure there is no conflict between your words and the way you live in your life. Practice total integrity and you will have an enduring influence.

3. Use your accomplishments and your influence to inspire the next generation. I am the product of a generation before me that spent significant time influence my generation. I need to focus my energies and remaining years doing that for the generation that will follow me.

4. Take advantage of every "moment of influence." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when those moments come. You can be creative in using those moments that will count for eternity.

5. When you make a mistake, admit it. Isn't it a shame that some of the hardest words in our vocabulary are the words, "I made a mistake," or "I was wrong."

6. Be generous with your time and resources.

7. Make all your decisions on the basics of ethics and integrity, not on personal advantage. Pat suggests that you ask these questions:

Is it legal? Will I be violating either civil law or company policy?
Is it balanced? Is it fair to all concerned?
How will it make me feel about myself? Would I feel good if my decision was published in the newspaper? Would I feel good if my family knew about it?

So what do you think? Are you willing to pursue influence and BE a person of influence in the lives of others? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 12; Genesis 31-32; Matthew 9:18-38

Great Quote: How thrilling to go through life sharing God's mercy and not having tojudge people to see if they are "worthy" of what we have to offer. Westop looking at the externals and begin to see people through themerciful eyes of Christ. Every Christian we meet is a person in whomJesus lives; every lost soul we meet is a person for whom Jesus died. Inboth cases, we have candidates for God's mercy. Warren W. Wiersbe

Check out this week's STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT by George:

Join us this Thursday for our Men's Fellowship Night. Pastor Willy Winborn is our guest speaker. Willy is the Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist in Woodbury, NJ and a member of the America's KESWICK Board of Trustees. Dinner starts at 6:15 PM followed by the evening program. Call 732-350-1187 for reservations.

Monday, January 12, 2009

An Encouraging Sunday

An Encouraging Sunday

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders ... They broke bread in their homes and ate together with GLAD and SINCERE hearts." Acts 2:42; 43a; 46b

Yesterday I wrote about praying for your Pastor. I trust that many of you will take up the challenge to pray for your shepherd in 2009. I believe with all of my heart that it can make a difference in his life, the life of his family, in the life of your church ... and most likely, in yours.

This weekend we spent some time with our kids in New Hampshire and attended their church. Every time I have visited Dover Baptist Church, I have come away blessed and encouraged at what I see God doing in this congregation.

Because of the snow storm, the attendance was down, the praise team wasn't all there, they had some tech challenges. Rather than get all flustered, they rolled with the flow and adjusted with some praise singing. Pastor Ken decided to put the message on hold until next week, and instead, encouraged the body to share some of the things God has been teaching them.

We came away so blessed to hear how God has been at work in this body. They have been praying that there would be five people leave DBC to serve the Lord in full-time missions. From what we heard today, at least three families are now on deputation to raise support. The Pastor's son just accepted the call to serve on the staff with his Dad for a ridiculously low amount of money, no housing and no medical insurance. He and his wife believe that God has called them to serve at DBC and are going to trust God to provide for their needs.

Several of the people who shared today have come from addiction or domestic violence backgrounds. The testified to the power of God in transforming their lives and how God is now using them to reach others with the same message of hope.

This body lovingly cared for Laura, Jon and Tanner during Lindsay's illness and home-going, and have continued to love on them.

One man spoke with me after church and said, "Our church is small, but growing. We are a 'poor' church financially, but we are so rich in how God has poured out His blessing on our lives."

I think DBC is a small glimpse into the church in the book of Acts. Wouldn't it be great to see this happen in our churches today? It can happen. Revival can break out. And it might need to start with YOU! My prayer is "DO IT AGAIN LORD -- FOR YOUR GLORY! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 12; Genesis 29-30; Matthew 9:1-17

Great Quote: Every logical position will eventually lead you into trouble, and heresy, and chaos. Every logical position is consistent, but it is logic which is in the human mind, not God's logic. The human mind is finite and cannot grasp eternity, and therefore the finite mind sees the infinite as not graspable coherently. If we could grasp it all coherently, without contradiction, we would be God. The person who insists on being logical to the end winds up in a mess. I am not saying that we should not be rational. I am not anti-intellectual. I am saying that the intellect by itself is helpless to arrive at total truth. Kenneth L. Pike

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Praying for Your Pastor

Praying for Your Pastor

" ... and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

I am really ticked off! I am really ticked off at how I hear people talking about their pastors and complaining about their ministries. What really ticks me off is that I now know of at least a dozen pastors who would shed their blood for their people, but have been put through the mill in recent days. One pastor was told that he spends too much time studying the Word for his Sunday morning message. I can tell you this ... if I had even suggested that about my pastor growing up, my Dad would have taken me to the wood shed (and we didn't even have a wood shed).

When was the last time you prayed for your pastor? When I came to America's KESWICK 12 years ago, we were a very fragmented staff. We start praying together each morning, corporately, and many of our department heads pray with their teams. It has really changed the dynamic of our unity. Do we have issues ... we sure do! But it is hard to get ticked at someone you are praying with and for on a daily basis.

I want to ask you -- when was the last time you prayed for your pastor? If you are not happy with him -- can I boldly suggest you pray for him? Pastor Ligon Duncan shared this list of how to pray for your pastor on his recent blog. Try it and then be prepared to see God at work in his heart. WARNING!!! -- Most likely he will work in YOUR heart as well! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Pray -1. That [your pastor] would know and love the living God, would have a saving interest in Christ, being purchased by His blood, and thus would be bound to the Lord by the indissoluble bond of the Holy Spirit.

2. That [your pastor] would know, embrace and ever more deeply understand the Gospel and be shaped by it in life and ministry.

3. That [your pastor] would be a useful servant of the Lord, that he would know and love God's Word, God's people, and God's kingdom; that he would be used to build it up and so that it prevails even against Hell's gates.

4. That [your pastor] would study, practice and teach the Word of the Lord, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

5. That [your pastor] would love to pray, because he loves to commune with his God, and that he would be a man of prayer, characteristically.

6. That [your pastor] would be ever dependent upon and filled with the Spirit; and that he would possess true Spiritual wisdom.

7. That [your pastor] would be holy unto the Lord. That his tongue and heart would be wholly God's.

8. That [your pastor] would be kept from pride, and especially spiritual pride. That the Lord himself would be gracious to slay pride in him, and that your pastor would endeavor to always be putting pride to death, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

9. That God would give [your pastor] guidance as to where to focus his efforts in ministry.

10. That He would protect [your pastor] from himself, from the enemy of his soul, and from all earthly enemies.

11. That no decision which [your pastor] ever makes or desire that [your pastor] ever pursues would restrict his ability to pour his whole soul into the Gospel ministry.

12.That many would be converted and many built up under [your pastor]'s ministry, to God's glory alone.

13. That the Lord would bless [your pastor]'s wife, [. . . ], with holiness and happiness, Gospel assurance and Gospel rest.

14. That God would make [your pastor] a decent husband and father.

15. That [your pastor] would be a good friend to his wife, and love her self-sacrificially,

16. That [your pastor] would be a good daddy to his children. That they would love God, their parents and the church.

17. That [your pastor] would be a testimony in the home so that his wife might be able to respect him when he is in the pulpit, and so that [your pastor] will be able to feed her soul, along with the rest of the congregation.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 11

Great Quote: Let us beware of rebellion against the Lord. Circumstances are of his choosing, because He wants to bless us, to lead us (even through the wilderness) out of Egypt, that is, out of ourselves. Settle the complaint with God, and it will settle other things. Be offended with God, and you will be offended with everyone who crosses your path. Elisabeth Elliot

Saturday, January 10, 2009



“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39)

If we don’t drive into a storm, certainly a storm will eventually find us where we are. We never expect the storm even when the signs are there. Sometimes it’s our fault. Sometimes it’s not. Storms happen. At the time, it really doesn’t matter. We are scared and frightened. Perhaps we are even fearful—is this final? If we know the Answer, we certainly know where to turn. We shout in incomplete sentences, “Lord!” “Save!”

Jesus doesn’t speak to us. It’s not because He doesn’t care. He cares on levels we cannot comprehend. It’s just that He is disappointed, even sad. He’s been with us all the time. He’s shown us His power—time and time again. Why are we worried? Don’t we believe He will rescue us? Don’t we believe He can rescue us? Well, maybe. There is some doubt.

Perhaps there are no more comforting words ever written in response to an act of our Savior. Jesus calms the storm “and there was a great calm”. He’ll do it even if we don’t believe. He will do it in His time and in His way. Make no mistake He will do it. At the core of our being we know He will do it.

But Jesus does have expectations. He wants us to trust Him—even before He shows His power. He wants us to come beside Him and lay our head on His shoulder and whisper, “I trust you, Jesus, even though I don’t see a way.” We know He will save. He will eventually make everything work out—no more anguish, no more tears. We’re vaguely aware of the winds and the waves as we fall asleep beside Him. And there was a great calm. -- David Hodges
serves on the ministry team of Winning With Encouragement

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 10; Genesis 25-26; Matthew 8:1-17

Great Quote: The true order is: God makes a man holy by blood and fire and sharp discipline. Then he calls the man to some special work, and the man being holy makes that work holy in turn ... Every person should see to it that he is fully cleansed from all sin, entirely surrendered to the whole will of God and filled with the Holy Spirit. Then he will not be known as what he DOES, but as what he IS. He will be a man of God first and anything else second. -- A. W. Tozer

Friday, January 09, 2009



"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Yesterday I shared nine tips on parenting from Pat Williams' new book WHAT ARE YOU LIVING FOR? The first tip is GIVE KIDS THE GIFT OF YOUR TIME. (Regal Books)

Under this point Pat Shares an expanded list of ideas by Bryan Davis, director of All-Pro Dad. Here is the list:

1. Commit to a family mealtime each day.

2. Write your children's activities into your schedule book -- in ink!

3. Identify one thing on your weekly schedule that you can do without and replace it with "kid time."

4. Take one of your children along when you run errands.

5. Volunteer to participate in a regularly scheduled child activity, such as coaching a softball team or helping out with a school activity.

6. Identify one children's show on TV that you secretly like to watch and make it a point of watching it with your child.

7. Develop an interest in a hobby you and your child can enjoy together.

8. If you work requires that you travel, take one of your children with you when your business trip can be expended into a long weekend.

9. If your schedule is flexible, start your workday earlier so that you can get home earlier in the afternoon to be with your family.

10. Leave your work, cellular phone and pager at home when you go on family vacations and outings.

I think that is a very practical list for us Dads and Grandads! What do you think? Maybe you have some other items to share with us. Let me hear from you. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 9, Genesis 23-24; Matthew 7

Great Quote: Kids need to know that we mean what we say and say what we mean, whether its a promise to take them to Disney World or a promise to ground them if they break a curfew. -- Pat Williams

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Tips From a Parenting Veteran

Still having issues with receiving Freedom Fighters? Here is a tip -- go to the America's KESWICK website and UNSUBSCRIBE and the subscribe. Let me know if that works!!!

Tips From a Parenting Veteran

"Train up a child in the way that he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

If you haven't already figured out, parenting and grand-parenting are not for the faint of heart. Three of our kids are married and have kids of their own. Our son Zach is 12. At age 54, being a parent all over again should be easy -- but guess what -- we are still learning.

Pat Williams is certainly someone who understands parenting. He is the father of 19 children, including 14 adopted children from four different countries.

In his brand new book WHAT ARE YOU LIVING FOR -- INVESTING YOUR LIFE IN WHAT MATTER'S MOST, Pat shares "TIPS FROM A VETERAN PARENT. I will share all nine tips today, and then tomorrow, I will give you an expanded list under tip #1.


Tip #1 -- Give kids the gift of your time!
Tip #2 -- Affirm unstintingly
Tip #3 -- Listen to your kids (with your undivided attention ... no multi-tasking allowed)
Tip #4 -- Focus on YOU being real, not perfect.
Tip #5 -- Be consistent and dependable.
Tip #6 -- ALWAYS discipline in love, not anger.
Tip #7 -- Set a good example. Kids love modeled behavior!
Tip #8 -- Don't give up on your teens.
Tip #9 -- Encourage kids to invest their lives in what really matters (you set the example!)

Good list? I will give you Pat's expanded list on No. # tomorrow. Remember: your family is the ONLY thing you can take to heaven with you! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for You: Proverbs 8; Genesis 20-22; Matt. 6:19-34

Great Quote: I am tired of hearing the words "I can't". Jeremiah said, "I am a child"; but the Lord didn't pat him on the back and say, Jeremiah, that is very good, I like that in you; your humility is beautiful." Oh no! God didn't want any such mock humility. He reproved and rebuked it. I do not like the humility that is too humble to do as it is bid. When my children are too humble to do as they are bid, I pretty soon find a way to make them. I say, "Go and do it!" The Lord wants us to "go and do it". Catherine Booth

Lord willing, we will be webcasting the hymnsing today at 10:00 AM. Visit the website and join us:

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Four True Reasons for Living

Four True Reasons For Living

"For me to live is Christ ..." Philippians 1:21

In his new book, WHAT ARE YOU LIVING FOR -- INVESTING YOUR LIFE IN WHAT MATTERS MOST, Pat Williams, Senior Vice-President of the Orlando Magic, suggest four trust reasons for living. He suggests that they four reason will help us as men "to give purpose and value to our lives so that we can know that our life has eternal significance."

Here are the four TRUE reasons for living:

"1. Character. God wants to shape and make us like Him. He wants our character to be like HIS character. The more we seek to pattern our lives after God, and after His Son, Jesus, the more we achieve His goal and purpose for our lives.

2. Influence. Our influence is the impact we have on the lives of others. Instead of living only for ourselves, God wants us to live for others and to pass on to the next generation our best traits, values, beliefs, and dreams for the future. Through our influence, the very best part of us lives on even after we physically die.

3. Parenting. Parenting is the process raising another generation to carry on our faith, values and meaningful traditions. Pat's definition of "parenting" includes any form of guiding, discipling, training, leading, encouraging and affirming your people, whether we are biologically related to them or not. (Some of you are grandparents -- we aren't off the hook!)

4. Faith. What do we believe in? How are we investing in our lives? Are we using our time in ways that will count for all eternity -- or are we merely marking time until time runs out? Our faith is our most important reason of all for living."

Pat is one of my heroes and favorite authors. But I think he leaves out the most important reason -- "For me to live is Christ ..." Unless that is the burning passion of my life, there is no way that I can even come close to fulfilling the other 4. Living for Christ and allowing Him to live HIS life through me is the REAL reason for living. Are you living for HIM today? If not, today is the day to start that relationship with HIM. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 7; Genesis 18-19; Matthew 6:1-18

Great Quote: Grace remits sin and peace quiets the conscience. Sin and conscience torment us, but Christ has overcome these fiends now and forever. Only Christians possess this victorious knowledge given from above. These two terms, grace and peace, constitute Christianity. Grace involves the remission of sins, peace and a happy conscience. Sin is not canceled by lawful living, for no person is able to live up to the law…the fact is the more a person seeks credit for himself by his own efforts, the deeper he goes into debt. Nothing can take away sin except the grace of God. In actual living, however it is not so easy to persuade oneself that by grace alone, in opposition to every other means, we obtain the forgiveness of our sins and peace with God. --Martin Luther

THANKS FOR HANGING WITH US DURING THE TRANSITION TO THE NEW FORMAT. If all goes well, the date should be correct on today' Freedom Fighter. Let us know if you are having other issues. Thanks for you patience.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

If ... Then

If ... Then (Read Proverbs 2)

I guess I have spent so much time in this book of the Bible that I am amazed at how many insights I continue to glean.

As I read through Proverbs 2 in the ESV (, I was reminded of the many "If ... then" passages in Scripture.

Think about this from Proverbs 2 -- a text that preaches itself:

IF I ... receive His words
Treasure up His commands by making my ear attentive (notice that it is an action on
my part not His) to wisdom
Incline my heart to understanding (first the truth goes in my ear then into my heart)
Call out for insight and search for His hidden treasures ...

Then the LORD ... gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding from HIS mouth -- I will hear
from HIM.
Stores up wisdom for the upright
Is a shield for those who walk in integrity, guards the path of justice and
watches over the way of His saints.

Then I ... will understand righteousness, justice and equity and every good path
His wisdom will come from my heart
His knowledge will be pleasant to my soul.

And look what I receive from Him:
Deliverance from evil
Eyes that will discern men who will not be a godly influence in my life
Purity from the allurement and entanglements to sexual sin
Eyes that will be open to the real motive behind lust and the idols of my heart.

Conclusion: I will walk in the RIGHT way and live a holy life.

It doesn't get any plainer than that. my brothers. I would challenge you to think it through today. Are you willing to be a Freedom Fighter who will receive HIS word for you today? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6; Genesis 16-17; Matthew 5:27-48

Great Quote: God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves.
Dwight L Moody

Check out George's stewards insight for this week:

Monday, January 05, 2009

Ten Suggestions for Prayer

Ten Suggestions for Prayer

"The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." James 5:16 c (NASB)

During the Christmas holidays I read a brand new book by one of my favorite authors, Steve Brown, of KEY LIFE ministries. It's a refreshing look at the subject of prayer. In his book, APPROACHING GOD -- ACCEPTING THE INVITATION TO STAND IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD (Howard Books), he gives ten suggestion for prayer. They are worth our consideration:

1. In order to see great power in prayer, you and I must have faith. (See Mark 11; Mark 9:24; Luke 17:5)

2. Faith doesn't come quickly -- it is a process! "Most believers ask for a mountain to be moved when their faith is geared better for a molehill. Pray that God would make you a bit kinder than you have been, that you would be more faithful in little things, that you would be a better dad -- not perfect, just better. Then watch as God answers those prayers. The faith you receive from the answer will enable you to move to some bigger requests."

3. Effective prayer is always in the parameter of God's will. See 1 John 5:14-15

4. Effective prayers are specific. See James 4:2

5. Remember that God is God, and that He knows better than you do concerning what is needed. Be thankful that He has not answered all of your prayer YOUR way!

6. Know about the power of praise. Praise should always be a part of our praying.

7. Be obedient to what God tells you to do.

8. Keep on praying. See Luke 18:1-8 and Matthew 7:7-8

9. Don't make demands; only make requests. See Job 42:2-6

10. God will take your prayers as seriously as you take them.

Good list to work through as you think about your personal prayer life with the God. I needed to hear these today. Hope they will help you too. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 5; Genesis 13-15; Matthew 5:1-26

Great Quote: Faith asks us neither to destroy nor to exalt human desire but to gather it into an even greater desire: the thirst for God. Anonymous