Thursday, January 22, 2009

Encourage One Another

Encourage One Another

"Finally, brothers, rejoice. Be restored, be encouraged, be of the same mind, be at peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11 CSB

I am writing from the Chesapeake Lodge at Sandy Cove in North East, MD. I am attending the Christian Camp and Conference Association Mid-Atlantic Conference where almost 200 camp and conference personnel have gathered together for three days of learning, fellowship and encouragement. I was asked to lead worship for the conference, which is cool because I lead worship at this conference for the first time 21 years ago.

Quite honestly I came to the conference expecting to be more involved with encouraging other brothers serving in ministry. While that is exactly what I have been privileged to do, I was not prepared for the outpouring of encouragement that I received personally, especially from so many guys who are reading Freedom Fighters each day. It was almost comical at one point that four guys almost five minutes apart came to me to let me know how much the daily ministry has been in their lives.

Each of the men shared specific FF that ministered to them on a specific day. The fifth man shared about how God has used the teaching on "The Camels Are Coming." I was blown away because recently I have found myself checking myself to see if this was a ministry that I should be doing or one that was being done in the flesh.

The Lord used the encouragement of my dear brothers to help me see that this was something I needed to continue to do. As I read 2 Corinthians 13:11, I was convicted yet again about the value of encouragement. Everyone of us needs to realize how important an encouraging word can be to our wives, kids, and fellow employees. Your Pastor may be starving from encouragement malnutrition.

As I reflected on what President Bush might be feeling today, I felt bad that he left office with so little encouragement. I was appalled to read the report that on the way to the Capital for President Obama's inauguration, 1000 people greeted President Bush with the finger! That is very sad.

Are you a man who is known for being an encourager? I want to be known for being an encourager. With God's help, I can do that for HIS glory. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 22

Great Quote: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” - Clarence Thomas (C.T.) Studd

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