Friday, January 23, 2009



"Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?" (Psalm10:1)

Admit it -- sometimes life just doesn't make sense. I my years in ministry I have seen some of the most bizarre situations develop in the lives of people I love that just doesn't make any logical sense.

Seeing people go through sickness is hard enough, but when we see so many couples throwing in the towel -- it is really hard to understand.

Right now we have two friends whose marriage is on the brink of disaster. Without a miracle from God, the husband is done. I am really struggling with trying to understand this mess and have cried out to God with many of our friends to plead, "God, please show up!"

Today's reading from STREAMS IN THE DESERT, couldn't be more appropriate and timely:

"God is ... an ever present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1) But He allows trouble to pursue us, as though He were indifferent to its overwhelming pressure, so we may be brought to the end of ourselves. Through the trial, we are led to discover the treasure of darkness and immeasurable wealth of tribulation.

We may be sure that He who allows the suffering is with us throughout it. It may be that we will only see Him once the ordeal is nearly passed, but we must dare to believe that He never leaves our trial. Our eyes are blinded so that we cannot see the One our soul loves. The darkness and our bandages blind us so that we cannot see the form of our High Priest. Yet He is there and is deeply touched.

Let us not rely on our feelings but trust in His unswerving faithfulness. And though we cannot see Him, let us talk to Him. Although His presence is veiled, once we begin to speak to Jesus as if He were literally present, an answering voice comes to show us He is in the shadow, keeping watch over His own. Your Father is as close to you when you journey through the darkest tunnel as He is when you are under the open heaven!"

Wow! I needed that this morning. Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful reminder. Please, Lord! Help my friends for YOUR glory and their good. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 23; Exodus 7-8; Matthew 15:1-20

Great Quote: “Losses and disappointments are the trials of our faith, our patience, and our obedience. When we are in the midst of prosperity, it is difficult to know whether we have a love for the Benefactor or only for His benefits. It is in the midst of adversity that our piety is put to the trial.”
- John Fawcett


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