Saturday, January 24, 2009

God Answers Prayer

God Answers Prayer

"When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple." Jonah 2:7

I grew up in a home where I had parents who believed God answers prayer. My childhood was filled with people from our home church that prayed with great fervency and trusted that God would answer prayer.

We had a dear friend who was an amazing prayer warrior, well into her 90's. When she prayed, I am convinced she had God's ear. One time we were struggling with a co-worker who was being a nudge. I shared my desire to see things rectified and she committed to pray. That night, our co-worker ended up in the ER of the local hospital and almost died.

The next morning I called her and said, "Ma, I asked you to pray that the Lord would change the situation, not take the guy out." To which she replied, "If you don't like the way I pray, don't ask me to pray!"

Yesterday we had a day of prayer on behalf of a staff couple whose marriage is ready to end. We are not ready to give up, so we joined together to ask God to intervene in His way, in His time, for HIS glory. I don't know HOW or WHEN God will answer the prayers of His people, but I believe HE WILL BE FAITHFUL and answer our prayers.

This morning I was praying with a co-worker who shared a burden he was bearing with another staff member. He prayed for this man and asked that he would have the courage to come and speak with me. We opened our eyes, and guess what -- the man was standing outside my office ready to meet me! What an amazing answer to prayer.

Some of you know our dear friend, Calvin Hunt from the Brooklyn Tabernacle. His testimony is so amazing. I don't have the space to share his story, but the day he was saved, the church and his family were meeting in the church crying out to God for His salvation. Calvin was on the other side of town stealing things from his own home. He shares how we was walking from room to room hearing crying and wailing. It was horrible. It so ticked him off that went to the church.

Upon entering the sanctuary, he heard the same crying and wailing from the hundreds of people. They were crying out to God on behalf of Calvin Hunt. That day, Calvin Hunt came to Christ.

Now I have to tell you that when I hear those kinds of testimonies, they don't necessarily fit into my "theological box." Does that kind of stuff really happen? It sure does. Dare I trust in a God who can answer my prayers in dramatic ways as well little ways? Am I willing to take the risk and cry out to God on behalf of those who are lost and dying without Christ? Am I willing to believe that the God who answered prayer in the Scriptures is the same God who can answer prayer today?

I want to be that bold in my praying. Prayer does change things. And most often, it changes me! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 24; Exodus 9-11; Matthew 15:21-39

Great Quote: God can change our circumstances, but sometimes He waits for us to show
real desire for change as well as our faith in Him. Anne Graham Lotz

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