Friday, January 30, 2009

Cultivating Silence

Cultivating Silence

One of our "senior" staff members, Miss Ingrid, has an wonderful love affair going on with her Savior. She is an amazing lady. Anyone who knows Miss Ingrid has heard her say, "Shhhhhh! You need to listen."

We've talked the last two days about our thought life and today I want to suggest to you that one of the ways to "bring every thought captive" is to learn to listen. Have you ever found yourself saying, "I wish I could turn my brain off?"

One of the disciplines that I need to work on in my life is asking God to control my random thoughts so that I can quiet my heart and mind and listen for His voice. That isn't easy in this world of noise that we find ourselves in.

Listen to the words on a godly man written over 400 years ago:

Simply bringing yourself quietly before God will do more than worrying or being too religious. Silence is important. Even when you cannot find total silence, you might try letting others take the lead in conversations. There is no better way to quench the natural strength of your old nature than by silencing it. Guard your tongue. As you become aware of the presence of God within, you will see how He is able to keep your words, thoughts, and desires in check.

This work all happens gradually, so be patient with yourself as well as with others. Try to practice silence as much as general courtesy permits. Silence encourages God's presence, prevents harsh words, and causes you to be less likely to say something you will regret. Silence also helps you put space between you and the world. Out of the silence that you cultivate, you will find strength to meet your needs.

No matter how much you cultivate silence, there will still be many disrupting situations in which you will find yourself against your will. God knows that you want to have much time to pray, but He still allows you to be surrounded by things that seem to prevent prayer.

Learn to love God's will more than sweetness of self-chosen prayer. You know very well that you do not need to pray in your closet to love God. When He give you time, take it to pray. When there is not time, be satisfied anyway. Lift up your spirit to Him without making any outward sign. Talk only when necessary. Bear the hardest things that cross your life.

You need to deny yourself more than you need more light. Be faithful in keeping silent, and God will keep you from evil when you talk. Accept what God chooses for you. This is more important than what you choose for yourself, for you are much too easy on yourself.

Day by day give yourself to God. He carries you in His arms like a mother carries her child. Believe, hope, and love like that child. Look with love and trust to your heavenly Father." -- Written by Fenelon THE SEEKING HEART

David wrote, "Be still and know that I am God ..." Sometimes we need to take the bull by the horns and cry out to God and ask Him to cease the inner turmoil caused my our thoughts. Maybe part of the taking every thought captive process is simply crying out "Be still!" And then allow the Spirit of God to begin to speak His thoughts into our souls.

I know that this is something I need to develop. How about you? I think I will put Miss Ingrid's picture on my desk. It will be a good reminder -- SHHHHH! LISTEN!!! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 30, Exodus 23-24; Matthew 20:1-16

Great Quote: The gospel, applied every day to our hearts, frees us to be brutally honest with ourselves and with God. The assurance of His total forgiveness through Christ’s blood means we don’t have to play defensive games anymore. We don’t have to rationalize and excuse our sins. We can say we told a lie instead of saying we exaggerated a bit. We can admit an unforgiving spirit instead of continuing to blame others for our emotional distress. We can call sin exactly what it is, however ugly and shameful it may be, because we know Jesus bore that sin in His body on the cross. We have no reason to hide from our sins anymore. – Jerry Bridges The Disciplines of Grace

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