Thursday, January 08, 2009

Tips From a Parenting Veteran

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Tips From a Parenting Veteran

"Train up a child in the way that he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

If you haven't already figured out, parenting and grand-parenting are not for the faint of heart. Three of our kids are married and have kids of their own. Our son Zach is 12. At age 54, being a parent all over again should be easy -- but guess what -- we are still learning.

Pat Williams is certainly someone who understands parenting. He is the father of 19 children, including 14 adopted children from four different countries.

In his brand new book WHAT ARE YOU LIVING FOR -- INVESTING YOUR LIFE IN WHAT MATTER'S MOST, Pat shares "TIPS FROM A VETERAN PARENT. I will share all nine tips today, and then tomorrow, I will give you an expanded list under tip #1.


Tip #1 -- Give kids the gift of your time!
Tip #2 -- Affirm unstintingly
Tip #3 -- Listen to your kids (with your undivided attention ... no multi-tasking allowed)
Tip #4 -- Focus on YOU being real, not perfect.
Tip #5 -- Be consistent and dependable.
Tip #6 -- ALWAYS discipline in love, not anger.
Tip #7 -- Set a good example. Kids love modeled behavior!
Tip #8 -- Don't give up on your teens.
Tip #9 -- Encourage kids to invest their lives in what really matters (you set the example!)

Good list? I will give you Pat's expanded list on No. # tomorrow. Remember: your family is the ONLY thing you can take to heaven with you! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for You: Proverbs 8; Genesis 20-22; Matt. 6:19-34

Great Quote: I am tired of hearing the words "I can't". Jeremiah said, "I am a child"; but the Lord didn't pat him on the back and say, Jeremiah, that is very good, I like that in you; your humility is beautiful." Oh no! God didn't want any such mock humility. He reproved and rebuked it. I do not like the humility that is too humble to do as it is bid. When my children are too humble to do as they are bid, I pretty soon find a way to make them. I say, "Go and do it!" The Lord wants us to "go and do it". Catherine Booth

Lord willing, we will be webcasting the hymnsing today at 10:00 AM. Visit the website and join us:

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