Tuesday, January 06, 2009

If ... Then

If ... Then (Read Proverbs 2)

I guess I have spent so much time in this book of the Bible that I am amazed at how many insights I continue to glean.

As I read through Proverbs 2 in the ESV (http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?q=Proverbs+2), I was reminded of the many "If ... then" passages in Scripture.

Think about this from Proverbs 2 -- a text that preaches itself:

IF I ... receive His words
Treasure up His commands by making my ear attentive (notice that it is an action on
my part not His) to wisdom
Incline my heart to understanding (first the truth goes in my ear then into my heart)
Call out for insight and search for His hidden treasures ...

Then the LORD ... gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding from HIS mouth -- I will hear
from HIM.
Stores up wisdom for the upright
Is a shield for those who walk in integrity, guards the path of justice and
watches over the way of His saints.

Then I ... will understand righteousness, justice and equity and every good path
His wisdom will come from my heart
His knowledge will be pleasant to my soul.

And look what I receive from Him:
Deliverance from evil
Eyes that will discern men who will not be a godly influence in my life
Purity from the allurement and entanglements to sexual sin
Eyes that will be open to the real motive behind lust and the idols of my heart.

Conclusion: I will walk in the RIGHT way and live a holy life.

It doesn't get any plainer than that. my brothers. I would challenge you to think it through today. Are you willing to be a Freedom Fighter who will receive HIS word for you today? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6; Genesis 16-17; Matthew 5:27-48

Great Quote: God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves.
Dwight L Moody

Check out George's stewards insight for this week: http://www.americaskeswick.org/363836.ihtml#h_6034

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