Monday, January 05, 2009

Ten Suggestions for Prayer

Ten Suggestions for Prayer

"The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." James 5:16 c (NASB)

During the Christmas holidays I read a brand new book by one of my favorite authors, Steve Brown, of KEY LIFE ministries. It's a refreshing look at the subject of prayer. In his book, APPROACHING GOD -- ACCEPTING THE INVITATION TO STAND IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD (Howard Books), he gives ten suggestion for prayer. They are worth our consideration:

1. In order to see great power in prayer, you and I must have faith. (See Mark 11; Mark 9:24; Luke 17:5)

2. Faith doesn't come quickly -- it is a process! "Most believers ask for a mountain to be moved when their faith is geared better for a molehill. Pray that God would make you a bit kinder than you have been, that you would be more faithful in little things, that you would be a better dad -- not perfect, just better. Then watch as God answers those prayers. The faith you receive from the answer will enable you to move to some bigger requests."

3. Effective prayer is always in the parameter of God's will. See 1 John 5:14-15

4. Effective prayers are specific. See James 4:2

5. Remember that God is God, and that He knows better than you do concerning what is needed. Be thankful that He has not answered all of your prayer YOUR way!

6. Know about the power of praise. Praise should always be a part of our praying.

7. Be obedient to what God tells you to do.

8. Keep on praying. See Luke 18:1-8 and Matthew 7:7-8

9. Don't make demands; only make requests. See Job 42:2-6

10. God will take your prayers as seriously as you take them.

Good list to work through as you think about your personal prayer life with the God. I needed to hear these today. Hope they will help you too. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 5; Genesis 13-15; Matthew 5:1-26

Great Quote: Faith asks us neither to destroy nor to exalt human desire but to gather it into an even greater desire: the thirst for God. Anonymous

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