Sunday, January 04, 2009

Fear is a Fearsome Thing

Fear is a Fearsome Thing

Man was not created to fear. When he was made God placed him in a garden and hedged him in so that nothing could hurt him. Each day, in the cool of the day, God visited him so that he need not fear even in the darkness that ended the day.

It was sin that caused Adam to fear. He confessed to having sinned when he told God he was afraid. (Gen 3:10) How could Adam fear a God who so lovingly cared for him? Each morning he awoke to Gods provision. It was God who loved and cared for man. How did God become someone to be feared?

Have we not found it so? When we want our own way and we know it is a better way then we feel that we are unworthy of His fellowship. Do you recall how Jesus told a story of the “workers in the vineyard? He said that at the beginning the owner was such a generous man that he contracted with the workers to pay them a good amount for their labor.

Each time he hired new workers he asked them to trust him to pay them well. Even the ones he hired just before sunset were asked to trust him to do right by them. When he instructed the paymaster to pay the workers he started with those hired last. Every one saw the master as a generous employer since he paid each the same amount.

When those who had worked all day for the generous pay that they were promised, he kept his word. He did not renege on his agreement. It was because he was generous that he became bad in the eyes of those who had worked all day. The others still saw him as generous. God’s great mercy is often seen as “unfair”.

Now Adam and Eve were not content to accept all of God’s blessings. Somehow they wanted what they were forbidden to have. How many trees did God plant in the garden? Maybe seven. Was one tree kept for God too much to give to one who has given man so much. Perhaps there were 10 trees, Is a tithe too much to give up to God?

Fear entered Adam and Eve’s hearts because of what they had done to God’s grace. Jesus said that in the last days, “Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken” (Luke 21: 26) We are left to our own fears when we try to look into the future.

We cannot know the future for we cannot control the future. Only God knows the future. If we can trust Him then we will have no fear for we know His heart. People today fear the future for the uncertainty that surrounds them. “The Market” is down and prices are up and employment is rising and riches are falling. Perhaps even Social Security will someday be unavailable. We may need to pray for our DAILY BREAD with no hope of tomorrow’s bread.

If we are a part of His flock then we need not fear. Jesus said, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” The Greek word little is micro. Such a tiny flock! Perhaps it will be so small as to be forgotten by God, or easily overcome by an enemy. Not so! Our Lord has said that we are the center of God’s great plan.

When you feel alone and insignificant remember, God is still on the throne. He can never be defeated. The resurrection is proof that He can never fail. We may fail Him but He will never fail us. When we struggle and fail and our own strength is almost gone remember His is not diminished at all.

The Poet’s Thoughts
It is not the size of you faith
Nor the strength of you puny hand
But the might of the One who holds you
And His own unchanging plan.

It is not the weariness of your struggle
In the battle against your addiction
But the faithfulness of His promise
To aid you in your affliction.

The one who walks beside you
So that you will never be alone
Will give you the bread of life
Instead of one made of stone.

Remember how He sought Adam
When he and Eve were in hiding
He will not ever let go of you
In His shadow you will be abiding

In the darkness that seems to surround us
So that fear is all we may feel
His mighty arm will hold us
For His Love is so very real.

Today's Freedom Fighter was written by Dr. George VanSandt

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 4; Genesis 10-12; Matthew 4

Great Quote: Grant me, O Lord, to know what I ought to know,to love what I ought to love, to praise what delights Thee most, to value what is precious in Thy sight, to hate what is offensive to Thee. Do not suffer me to judge according to the sight of my eyes, nor to pass sentence according to the hearing of the ears of ignorant men; but to discern with a true judgment between things visible and spiritual, and above all, always to inquire what is the good pleasure of Thy will. Thomas a Kempis

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