Saturday, January 03, 2009

What the IRS Has Taught Us

What the IRS Has Taught Us
(Psalm 90:12 "Teach us to number our days.")

Here are some thoughts about life and life’s lessons.

Have you ever considered how many ticks on the clock make up a year? In one day we have 86,400 seconds. In one year we have 31million, 536 thousand ticks on the clock.

So what is the lesson that the IRS teaches? Only one tick makes a difference. Only one in 31,536,000. But that one tick makes all of the difference. It, of course, happens every year at midnight, December 31st.

What ever gifts we want to give for that year must be made before that date. After that tick on the clock it is in a new year, everything you want to do in 2008 must be done before that tick, after that it is too late.

There are many times in a person’s life that one tick makes the difference. A driver’s license, for instance, one can not legally drive until that tick on the clock that marks his birth. The certificate issued at death ends the contractual relationship at the bank.

Even conception can be calculated when the one sperm and egg unite. There is only one egg but many sperm. Only one sperm survives to produce an offspring. Of the many ticks on the clock only one makes a difference.

If we only knew which tick of the clock will make the difference between heaven and hell. I heard a story of a young man who asked his Rabbi, “When should I get right with God?”
“Oh, about five minutes before you die.” was the reply. “Good,” said the young man as he cheerfully left the Rabbi to “paint the town”. He suddenly stopped and asked, “When will that be?” “We don’t know” was the reply.

The Psalmist said, “Teach us to number our days.” He did not say to count them. The number of the day depends on where the digit is placed between the first number and the last.

Do you know today’s number? Since you cannot know it, what can you do about it? Here is a hint. “Today is the first day of the rest of your life!”

If you have not come to our Lord Jesus Christ and completed the Wedding moment make this the day. Over 2000 years ago Jesus stretched out His arms upon a cross and said (in effect) I, Jesus, take you,________, to be my wedded wife now He is waiting to hear you say, “I take you Jesus to be my Savior, husband, and Lord. We call this salvation. Perhaps you have done
that already.

What is the number of today? If you know Jesus Christ as your savior, this can still be your first day. The first day of VICTORY. It can be the day that you rise up from the last fall and claim the Victory purchased for you after Satan’s final defeat. (1 Cor. 15:17) When Christ arose from the dead He gave death its fatal blow. “If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves,” wrote John (1John 1:9), “But if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and wash away all unrighteousness.”

Why did John claim the justice of God and not the mercy of God? Charles Wesley explained it in these words, “Payment He will not twice demand, first at my surety’s hand (Jesus) and then again at mine.” Rejoice in His faithfulness and not your failures!

Make this day number one on your Victory calendar. Walk in Victory! -- Dr. George VanSandt is a Christian counselor/Pastor and friend of America's KESWICK. He was Bill Welte's Pastor growing up.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 3; Genesis 7-9; Matthew 3

Great Quote: The Christian is the person who sees every time and every situation, however dreary and repetitive, as God sees it - a fresh creation from his hand, demanding its own response in perhaps a wholly new and creative way. Under God he is free over it. He has won through to a purchase over events; he has risen with Christ. Evelyn Underhill

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